Twelfth day of Christmas

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Guess i should Robin_Kid because this is my request! well i guess that's just a regular story? idk

Also - in typical me fashion - i couldn't really decide what i wanted so i had to flip a coin

Maybe if I can be bothered I'll do the other eventually just bar the Christmas theme for a different holiday - looking at you Halloween drafts I never got out in time

I hope you all have a great holiday season even though some of you may not celebrate it!


Christmas always meant no sleep. Criminals decided that they all wanted to steal the newest iPhone and villains decided they could do with one big plot to destroy Gotham before the year's end. Dick, being the workaholic he was and needing to keep himself to keep busy to ignore the fact he wasn't taking the loss of his boyfriend well at all, was working around the clock to protect his city. Sleep was a distant concept he couldn't quite remember in full detail and he was sure that there was a myth that humans needed to sleep at all to keep going because he'd been going for at least a week without it. Well, he thought he did. Granted, he couldn't remember anything from that week even when he tried. He intended for things to remain this way and maybe he'd last till the buzz around the holidays died down before he himself died but life liked to fuck with him and there was no way he was going to get through the festive season without some sort of painful experience. Fortunately, there may be an upside to his suffering.

It was yet another chilly night in Bludhaven and Nightwing was filling up his time by catching any criminal that dared to run into him. Tonight was different from every other night because it was Christmas Eve and he had to head to Gotham in the next few hours. Tomorrow would be the only time of year there'd be a truce called and they'd join together but that was the lovey-dovey way of explaining it. The more realistic version of events was everyone liked Alfred's cooking than whatever the takeaway could muster up at the last minute so they decided to pretend to like each other for a while and play happy families until they had their fill and left like everyone else did- wow that was a red flag. Nightwing paused for just a moment to catch that spiralling thought before it could go much deeper. He took a deep breath then continued. So what if they only spent one day a year together? It was still one day! Sometimes there'd be presents too. Sometimes. There wouldn't be any this year. He'd be going on his own. That thought alone made him apprehensive to even set foot in the house. Yes, they were family but they got a little much sometimes so it was nice to escape to his room with his beloved ginger and enjoy the quiet one on one time. They'd play video games together and cuddle and it made him feel like he could deal with everything his siblings had to throw at him. Now he wasn't too sure. He'd still go though. There'd only be whining about how he insisted on their family time but then never showed up. Not to mention how that would worsen the headache that had kept him company for the last few days. It wasn't going away and he doubted that it would any time soon. He'd just have to take some extra strength ibuprofen or something. There was also some pain in his side that felt more akin to a dull and distant throbbing pain of something inside being completely wrong than a regular good old fashioned stitch he was used to but that absurdity was pushed to the back of his mind along with the whole grieving nonsense. He didn't need to deal with that. Well, he needed to but he didn't want to.

As patrol continued and he made his way over, Nightwing knew there was something wrong. Something really wrong. It started out with a few sudden pains here and there. It wasn't anything he hadn't felt before. After all, he was doing back to back patrols and he was sleeping in his suit most of the time. When he did have the effort to get changed out of them, he was much too sleepy to notice if there was anything there to make note of. He wouldn't be surprised if there was a big bruise there or maybe some swelling that had gotten more painful and therefore noticeable throughout his constant movement. He had to pause a few times on fire escapes before jumping back into action, stopping muggings and robberies every other alley. Nightwing had just finished with one mugger, typing him up and handcuffing him to a pipe, when he felt the overwhelming need to throw up. He tried to swallow the vile substance but he ended up doubling over and spewing vomit onto the street. His eyes watered as he felt as though the skin was pulling away from his skull at how violent the experience was. He coughed and spluttered once his stomach decided a sufficient amount left it, wiping his lips with the back of his glove. "Uh, are you alright?" the mugger asked, genuinely concerned. It looked as bad as it felt then. 

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