Random scenerios I think of

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I'm busy right now so here is a kinda shit post - you're welcome to use these if you want just credit me if you take it word for word!! also if any of these spark requests I'll be happy to take them!! maybe I'll come back to these but meh


"We had fun, didn't we?" Dick said solemnly. His voice was wet with tears. The man in front of him wasn't the Bruce he'd once known but that didn't make this hurt any less. Seeing the man in the hospital bed, as pale as the white sheets, connected to a million different things. Everyone had said their goodbyes and situated themselves around the room. Dick was the last one to say something. "Cass will make a great Batman. Well, Batwoman. Not really sure what we'll do about that but I'm sure she'll do a damn good job of it. You should've gone gender-neutral as I did with Robin. It would've made things much easier." He put Bruce's limp hand in his own and squeezed. "I know we were a mess. You're hardly the most emotionally competent man and well I was me. Complete opposites huh? I just... as much as my childhood hurt me and as much as you hurt me, I need you to know I love you. It was the best being Robin and, for better or for worse, it got me here. Thanks for everything, Bruce." He felt Clark's hand on his shoulder and he forced himself to let go of Bruce's hand. He knew that when the time came, he wouldn't be able to resist checking for a pulse and that might just break him. He stood up and stood beside Damian, running a hand through his hair as the teen hugged him. Dick knew it was to hide the tears and felt guilty over actually enjoying the hug. He always needed physical affection. There was a knock at the door and a doctor followed by a small team of nurses walked in. 

"Mr Grayson, have you all said your goodbyes?" the doctor asked. The acrobat looked back to the group of mismatched friends and family who gave him the nod to continue. He let out a long sigh and wiped away the tears. 

"Yeah, we have." They nodded and went to take his father off the ventilator. The room was silent as the heart monitor slowed until it became a long drone. Bruce was dead for good this time. 


"I believe your trauma response is to take a caretaking role due to your lack of a stable figure and the multiple times you've felt alone when something traumatising has happened," the therapist explained.

"Okay, when I suggested family therapy I meant it for those emotionally stunted trolls, not me. I'm off the market," Dick huffed.

"Mhm and is diminishing your own traumas also a coping mechanism?" The acrobat narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, you're good."


"Ha, you can't make fun of me for dying anymore. You died too," Jason commented smugly. The younger smirked evilly and he was quickly regretting pointing it out. In a few seconds, Damian's eyes were welled up and his cheeks were red. 

"Richard!" he sobbed. Dick ran into the room in a panic and surveyed the scene. Seeing no immediate threat, he went to kneel beside his youngest brother only to have him latch his arms around his neck. "Todd made fun of my death."

"What the hell Jason?"

"I didn't do anything-"

"You're so mean, you know that? If you're gonna be a douchebag, you can do it downstairs. C'mon Dami, let's go get you some of your favourite ice cream."

"That's not fair-" Dick fixed Jason with a harsh glare and he snapped his mouth shut. Walking out of the room, Damian put his middle finger up behind his back. "Little shit."

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