6th Day of Christmas

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Aw11041 wanted a pt 2 to the asexual damian story

Now i know I said no requests but I'm getting overwhelmed SO i'm catching up with some stuff i already started before the Christmas stuff started

Today was the day. He'd decided it. Marked it on the calendar and everything. Damian was going to come out to his brothers. He told them to meet him in the library and they agreed, Dick being concerned whilst the rest were indifferent or aggravated. Good, they acted as he'd planned. So he sat himself down in the library at the agreed-upon time and pretended like he wasn't ripping holes in the furniture with his fingernails out of nervousness. It shouldn't be so nerve-wracking. It wasn't like they could kick him out of the family after all he was the only blood son and Bruce supported him. They couldn't take Robin away as he'd just forge a path of his own. Admittedly though, aside from the facade, he did care for their opinion. Chiefly Dick's opinion. The man had shown him love and support when he didn't have to and it would be painful to have that go away because he'd always perceived it as unconditional. If it was retracted now then he'd know it was always conditional and the one thing he could count on had fallen through. Jason and Tim also mattered in the equation as much as he didn't like to admit it. Jason was skilled and a nice go-to when he didn't have the eldest. He didn't ask too many questions and usually just let him punch something. That something was Tim most of the time. Now Tim and himself had an...interesting relationship. They got along in their own unique way and by that I mean they didn't get along unless someone was going to die or was dying. It wasn't hatred, at least not anymore, they just had a mutual frustration with the existence of the other that could be temporarily stopped. Yet Damian still found himself hoping that Tim was okay with it. He'd rather hold onto the small moments of peace between them than swear them off completely. It was fun as it was but if he knew the hatred was seeded in something he could never hope to change then that would make everything different.  

His thoughts were broken by voices in the hallway, more specifically Dick's lecturing voice he used specifically for his brothers and a few comments being made by Tim and Jason. "Whatever he has to tell us, we need to be open about it. No major villain is dead so it can't be as bad as that time I killed Joker," the older insisted to the others. 

"But it's so much effort to hide a body from Bruce. Do you know how hard it is to erase social security numbers?" Tim complained. Damian raised an eyebrow upon overhearing the conversation and found himself wondering how many times they'd covered something up. No doubt it was Jason racking up the body count but they did all have the capability to kill. It wouldn't be too surprising if they didn't pull their punch at the wrong moment. He shook his head, determined to focus on coming out rather than the prospect of secret body counts. In all honesty, his rehearsals of the admission never felt quite right. He thought about going in defensive, using metaphors or using a compliment sandwich structure but he was left feeling disingenuous. They didn't have a right to know he was asexual but he had a right to come out how he wanted. 

"I think it would be funny if he killed someone. It's been forever since someone else was the problem child of the week," Jason complained.

"That's what happens when you forget Steph in Mexico," Tim pointed out.

"She's an independent woman! She could've gotten home on her own."

"You took her wallet too," Dick added. The footsteps paused and there was a sigh. "Point is, whatever happens, we stick by him. Enough of us have run away from this place and I'd prefer if there's not another."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now