When is Grayson coming home pt 2

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"I know you wouldn't want this," Damian said quietly. He stared at the grave before him, the very sight of it feeling like some sort of horrid fear toxin-induced hallucination. Soon it would be nothing but a reminder of that dark day if he knew what he was doing, which he did. The Lazarus pit had brought himself and Jason back from the dead so why wouldn't it bring back his beloved brother? He cringed at the wording since it was carved into the stone. Dick wasn't in the Wayne plot. He was close to it but he wasn't in it. He was put to rest alongside his parents. Somehow it felt like a final illustration of how he didn't feel like a Wayne. That he'd always been a Grayson. Damian didn't intend to change him into a Wayne once he was back. He just wanted to connect back to the Waynes. Grayson-Wayne. "Your death was self-inflicted unlike the others that have weighed upon our family but that made it hurt the most. Even in your death, you tried to protect us and I know that in some way, what I'm doing is selfish." The teen brought out the small vial he'd gotten. Talia said it would be enough. He was rather surprised when his mother gave it to him so willingly without a fight. He'd called her the night after he'd come out of his self-induced amnesia asking to meet up without Bruce finding out. They swiftly agreed on a time and a place.

The night was cold and he quickly regretted the jumper he'd chosen to brunt the Gotham cold in. It didn't help that he'd decided the meeting spot would be near the harbour where there were fewer security cameras. He'd decided it best to go as Damian rather than Robin to keep Bruce off his back. People were much less likely to report someone lingering at the docks if they weren't wearing vigilante costumes. He noticed a small boat and immediately recognised it to be belonging to his mother. Correcting his posture and maintaining a steely stare, he let out a breath to prepare himself. Meetings with his mother went one of two ways. They'd either fight or have a rather touching heart-to-heart. He'd prefer if tonight was a new third option. Something that was closer to a business transaction than a meeting between mother and son. Eventually stepped out onto the hull of the ship before beckoning him to join her inside away from the cold. He refused. She sighed. "I'm sorry for your loss," Talia began, her voice genuine. 

"No you're not," he replied.

"I am. I'm to understand the two of you were close. You have to be if you're asking me to bring you this." He refused to rise to that and she seemed to understand. "The side effects of this are great. Are you prepared for the very likely case where he is not the same man you buried?"

"I'm aware and I will handle that. Did you bring what I wanted or not?"

"I did bring it because I know you would only follow me home if I didn't. All I want is to make you aware of the other possibilities. The ones you haven't idealised and therefore refuse to take into account." He gritted his teeth together at the comment and stepped forward, jutting his hand out expectantly. Talia shook her head and pulled out the small glass vial. It was just enough to bring one person back and she'd intended for that to be the case. She wanted to ensure he couldn't do anything else. After placing it in his hand, he brought it to his chest and marvelled at the green hue it cast. "You'll have to dig him up. You know that?" He shivered at the thought but nodded. "Open his coffin and pour it on him? You will see his dead body after-"

"I know what I'm to do Mother!" he snapped. "I have lived without him for far too long. The last time I lost him there was no body to find but there he is waiting in the ground. He is tangible and I'm going to make sure he wakes up." She gave him a sad look but he ignored it. "What do you want in return?"

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