Designated Dick Day

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Im sorry i just find the title funny 

angst makes the heart grow fonder

small cw because the killing joke storyline is alluded to but i never go into detail

Another late night had Barbara worried for her lover and thinking about his well being. Since becoming Oracle, she'd thought about how hard she and Dick worked keeping everyone safe. They worked day and night, their conversations revolved around work, their arguments were often about work and they planned all their couple time around work to the point where they were considering talking on intercoms during missions as dates. It had infected every part of their lives and Dick seemed even more engrossed in it than he had been when he was younger. He was raised by Bruce of course so that wasn't too surprising. He was out fighting crime every night before he was even old enough to get behind the wheel of a car. Before it was morally acceptable to leave him alone all day too. On the few times she'd seen him not work, one of the reasons had been looking after her either after surgery or simply because she needed the break. She hummed to herself upon remembering that and how great she felt afterwards. It was like a brain reset and it did a world of good. God knows he needed one. He'd been on missions after missions, patrol after patrol and all without a break in between. Both of them could do with the time off and she'd love to spend her time spoiling him as he deserved. He didn't get spoiled enough and that simply wouldn't do.

Her confirmation that a designated Dick day was needed came in the form of Dick coming home one night and trying to get in through the bedroom window. Emphasis on trying. What happened was he opened the window and basically fell inside. Things crashed to the ground and he'd hit the floor with a loud thump, successfully waking up his dozing girlfriend. She jumped awake only to find he'd gotten comfy on the floor and fallen asleep. Rather he'd passed out but assured her it was completely out of choice the next day. She wasn't convinced and decided that they were having a break that Saturday whether Dick liked it or not. He couldn't go around passing out on the floor and expect her to believe he didn't need the day off.

At 6 am, Dick's alarm waking him to go work out rang and he fumbled to turn it off only to find his phone wasn't on his bedside. He turned only to find it was on Barbara's and the ginger had already seized it, turning off the annoying tone. He cocked his head to the side curiously since he knew for a fact he'd put it on his side that night. "You're resting today," she stated as she set it back down. He stared at her even more confused. They hadn't talked about this nor could he think of a valid reason for a day off.

"Why? I'm not hurt," he protested.

"You don't need to be hurt to rest. Lie back down and get in a few extra hours," she ordered. He didn't lie down though. He instead got up and started rooting through his drawers for his workout gear only to find they'd gone missing. He looked at his girlfriend who smirked and patted the bed, trying to beckon him back under the sheets. "C'mon you need it. You've hardly slept."

"I slept eight hours on Monday," he whined, continuing to root through the drawers. There had to be something he could use for now. It would only be for today anyway so the discomfort wouldn't be too bad. He picked out a t-shirt and began his search for bottoms. Maybe he'd have to do it in his underwear. Shame that his gear was near a window. He could put something on the window to cover it up. 

"Aside from the fact that was five days ago, you were knocked out by gas for four of those hours. Try as you might, you're resting today." He sighed and shook his head. Working out in jeans sounded like hell so he just went with his shirt and boxers. 

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