Pew Pew

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outsidersandBTS4life here ya go

Artemis x Zatanna has recently become my jam so expect  a story or something about that later wink wonk

As a part of team bonding, Young Justice was brought to a laser tag place. The idea was that they'd get some teamwork practice whilst also allowing themselves to act their age. Afterwards, they'd go to the pizza place alongside with the laser tag. All of this would hopefully prevent them from blowing up another building. They were split into two groups, partners vs partners. On one team stood Robin, Zatanna, M'gann, and Kaldur. On the other stood Wally, Connor, Rocket, and Artemis. As soon as they were split up, there was contention about Robin. "This is so unfair!" Artemis whined. 

"What's unfair about it? You've got a speedster," Zatanna pointed out.

"But we're not allowed to use powers. Robin is practically a mythical being, we won't win," Wally concurred. He pouted unhappily at the prospect of being beat. 

"Aww, I'll take that as a compliment." The other team rolled their eyes and continued to pout. "How about this then? If we win and a significant amount of our points is from me, I'll buy you all pizza. If we win and a significant amount of our points isn't me, you'll just have to suck it up." They looked at one another, silently debating about it, then looked back to Robin. 

"Deal," Rocket stated. "May the best team win."

As they entered the play area, they immediately ran to their posts and talked plans before the alarm rang for the game to begin. It was decided near-instantly that Robin would be out to fight the other team. He was too good to leave as a last-minute defence. Zatanna would join him as well as M'gann whilst Kaldur stayed in the base. On the other team, Wally, Artemis, and Rocket were going to actively go out to fight whilst Connor stayed. Before the alarm went, Robin pulled in the two girls who'd be joining him. "Look, we want to win don't we?" They nodded with smiles. They liked that mischievous smirk he was wearing and they bet if they could see his eyes they'd have a devilish spark to them too. "So we've gotta play a little dirty."

"What're you thinking?" Zatanna asked. 

"Let's use our partners to our advantage. We're all being fawned over so we can distract them with what they love about us," he replied.

"You mean like seducing them?" M'gann asked, giggling a little. He nodded. 

"I bet you that Z's and mine's partners will be out to get the base so we can stop them. Connor will be defence so we can make sure M'gann gets there with minimal damage. Whilst she "distracts" Connor, she can shoot the base and when we join we'll be able to shoot it too."

"Triple attack with minimal push back," Zatanna muttered. "I like your thinking."

"I hope you have enough money to buy them all pizza," M'gann added. He shrugged with a grin.

"Trust me, money isn't an issue."

Wally was on edge as he crept through the maze towards the other team's base. He had to keep an ear out for his boyfriend. He knew he was a sneaky kid and even if he decided to tone it down for a simple game, he knew it would still be near superhuman. His finger remained on the trigger as he turned each corner, ready to shoot whoever he saw. Granted that got him in trouble not five minutes ago. "Wally it's me!" Artemis had yelled. "You're lucky we decided not to count friendly fire shots or you'd be so dead." He didn't doubt her. As he got closer to the base, he heard someone whistle. Wally whipped around to see Robin peaking out from behind a wall. He was immediately suspicious but this was lessened when he realised Robin just gave away his position. If he wanted to shoot him then he would've just done it. "Come here," Robin whispered. The ginger cautiously walked over to him with his finger still on the trigger and a questioning look on his face. "What is it?" he asked. 

"Well, whilst everyone is playing I'm sure they wouldn't miss us if we did a little truce," Robin replied. "I found a place without cameras if you catch my drift." Wally's face flushed red before he turned on his Top Energy

"Couldn't stay away from me, hm?" he asked, chuckling to himself. The smaller took his hand and pulled him through the maze to the spot he'd found. Wally was still a little suspicious but that completely disappeared when Robin took off his sunglasses. He would've never done that if he planned on making a quick getaway just in case someone spotted him. He tucked the sunglasses onto the collar of his hoodie and shot a smile at his boyfriend. "You look surprised," he said.

"I didn't know if you were planning something," Wally admitted. He put his hands on the other's hips, discarding his gun in favour of being affectionate. "Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes?"

"You tell me every chance you get," Dick giggled. He took the collar of his boyfriend's shirt and dragged him down to connect their lips. The world melted away as their lips danced together and Wally needily pulled in his boyfriend closer. He lightly squeezed Dick's thigh to get him to gasp then slid his tongue in to explore. He felt Dick melt into his touch as he deepened the kiss. A hand travelled to his hair and softly tugged on his ginger locks making him whine in pleasure. He hoped he hadn't been too loud and the kiss had muffled it. The last thing he needed was to be teased about it. They pulled away a little to catch their breath but Wally kept his eyes closed for a bit to savour the tingling feeling running through his body. He felt Dick move to whisper in his ear. "I owe you pizza." The younger kissed him on the cheek then ran off. Wally opened his eyes, not quite getting what he said until the world came back to him. There was a ringing sound and he looked down to the sensors on his body. They were flashing red. "Robin, you little shit!" he yelled but the teenager had disappeared. He'd shot him whilst they were kissing. 

"Z, you brat!" Artemis yelled from the other side of the maze.

Robin's team won and he was behind a significant amount of the points so he stayed true to his word. "You know Rob, you better not be seducing every criminal like that," Wally playfully warned. He tried to keep it playful at least but everyone knew how protective and jealous he could get. It was something both he and Artemis shared when it came to their partners. "Same to you Z," the blonde added.

"I don't know," Zatanna began. "It was rather effective."

"Indeed it was. Maybe we should use it more often," Robin agreed. They laughed at the faces their lover's made. "You guys are so easy to mess with!"

"I don't like you two working together, you're little menaces the both of you," Artemis complained. 

"Aww but you wuv me," Zatanna taunted. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now