Neko Dick pt 2

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I may add more to this if it is asked for

The family couldn't help but fall in love with the young Neko within the first ten minutes of meeting him. He was simply too adorable not to. In the car, he looked out the window curiously with wide eyes and his tail slowly swayed from side to side as he watched other cars and pedestrians go by. He especially liked the traffic lights. The colours were pretty. He wondered if he could get lights like those. The car ride wasn't that long which was good since he was already getting bored of sitting in one place despite the fun landscape that he'd only ever seen shrouded in darkness. He jumped a little at the sound of the gates to Wayne Manor opening, gaining a small "aww" from Tim. He flushed red in embarrassment and kept his eyes focused on his surroundings. He heard the crunch of gravel under the car which he couldn't decide if it was too loud or satisfying. 

Eventually, the car came to a halt and Alfred opened the door to the limo for him. He quickly got out, not wanting to hold up the others who wanted out and looked around excitedly. There was a massive garden and this was only the front. The trees were shaped like circles and some of them were even cut into animals. He liked those ones especially. The Manor itself was massive, bigger than any house he'd seen before. Granted, he was only used to his old trailer and Selina's apartment so he didn't have much reference. Ivy climbed up the walls but it looked well-maintained rather than invasive, giving the building a refined look. He heard a chuckle and turned to Jason with a confused look. Why was he laughing? 

"Have you never seen a mansion before?" the older inquired.

"Mhm. We stay in small places. Fields," he answered. 

"C'mon I'll show you your room before dinner," Jason offered. Dick followed him inside where he saw just how fancy everything was. In his short time with Selina, she would show him all the fancy places she'd stolen from. She told him anything is free under the cover of the night. Any other time there'd be a price tag. This place looked like one of the fancy places. He was pretty sure he'd seen one of the vases in Selina's home and she said it was worth millions. Maybe Bruce gifted it to her. He didn't get much time to look around before he was brought upstairs. "Your room is next to mine but the walls are kinda thick so you shouldn't hear anything unless I'm screaming or something. I doubt that will happen though. Unless I'm playing COD. Then you will hear screaming. Swearing too," he rambled. Dick simply listened to him with a blank look. He didn't want to ask what he meant by playing cod. Maybe Bruce let them play with food here. Odd.

Jason continued to talk but Dick couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. Why did he smell so familiar? Now that he could smell him without everyone else, he was just so sure he knew this guy but how? He'd never seen Jason before. He could've smelt him when he was running around on the streets. But why would he be so sure that he smelt him? If it had just been something like a five-second meeting why would it be familiar? No, he was sure he'd met and talked to him before. Let's see, who had he had conversations with? Selina, that one shop owner, that Neko that thought he was someone called Harry- 

"Hey, earth to Dick! You with me?" Jason called. He blinked a few times and looked at him. "You were a million miles away then."

"No, I was not. I was here," Dick replied. 

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