You could've killed me

999 35 4

mind control shenanigans


Once again, Robin had gone off by himself whilst on a mission with his team. He wasn't aware of it half of the time. He'd drift off from the group and then suddenly he'd been missing for an hour. That was the situation he found himself in now. He'd walked off from the group to investigate a hunch and had assumed at least one of them had followed yet as he stood there alone, he came to realise none of them had. This mission, in particular, was a rather bad time for him to do this as they were exploring dense woodland looking for a UFO that was putting out a distress signal. It was supposed to be one of those team-building missions with low stakes for them to get used to working together but he supposed he failed that side of things. It wasn't his fault he was so independent. Things were just so different with Batman and he could leave for five minutes without any trouble. Whenever he dipped on his teammates, they'd just get mad or freaked out. Maybe he should try harder but old habits died hard. Being silent didn't help with his disappearing acts, well it did help but it made the team even more unaware of his leaving which meant they wouldn't notice until he suddenly popped up again. Considering he hadn't heard anything through the Mindlink and he couldn't feel the presence in his head, he assumed that they'd walked on without him. Now he had to find his team and the UFO. Fun times. He hoped they were alright and he hoped they already found the damn thing. This place was giving him bad vibes and his vibe detecting was never far off bar a few times.

The rest of his team had walked on, not noticing their youngest member had slipped away. They couldn't remember how long they'd been walking as they'd passed the time with meaningless conversations but they knew it had to be a while as their feet began to hurt and it was significantly darker than before. The sun was still up though it would be setting very soon. None of them wanted to be out in the dark. These woods were hard to navigate, and poor visibility would only increase their chance of getting hopelessly lost. Their search continued however and they soon came across a hint of where the UFO was. Superboy stopped and pointed up to a gap in the trees. It wasn't anything of interest to catch their eyes but it had caught him because the branches were broken. The gap was made rather than naturally formed. "Nice spot SB," Kid Flash praised. "Looks like whatever caused it went West from here. Judging by the trajectory, we should find it soon." The group nodded and they changed their course in a new direction. They climbed over thick tree roots and through overgrown bushes, being careful to avoid the random thorned plants that looked to snag their clothes. Soon enough, they came across the UFO. It looked similar to a silver missile though much smaller than the ones they'd seen before. They approached with caution, keeping about a yard away from it just in case it was set to explode. The barrel was clear of any symbol indicating what country it could be from but they were sure it was from Earth. Whereabouts would be a little tricky to conclude. "What do you think Rob?" Kid Flash asked. It was then the group noticed they were missing someone. "Oh, he did the ninja thing again!"

"Great, now how the hell are we supposed to find him? He could've walked off at any point," Artemis grumbled. It would be so hard to find the teen. He was small and his suit helped him blend into the dark shadows the trees cast. Not only that but he was next to silent. The breeze could easily cover up his footsteps and he loved to keep high up off the ground so they couldn't guarantee hearing leaves or twigs crunch beneath his combat boots. 

"Can you feel him close Miss M?" Kid Flash asked. She shook her head with a deep frown.

"He must be far away for me not to feel even a little bit of his mind."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now