The Robin Myth

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ginger300 Reverse Batfam people y'all can't escape it

Damian = Nightwing

Jason = Red Hood

 Tim = Red Robin 

Dick = Robin 


It was believed throughout the world that Robin had been the same person from the day Robin began. Even when Robin was a girl, Batman managed to maintain the lie by changing how she looked to fit the mould. Dick was no different. He had to learn the history of Robin and they had to fit his boots with a slight platform so he was the same height as the very first Robin. There were very few people who weren't convinced by The Robin Myth and there were only a handful of people that were allowed to know it wasn't true. But one night in Gotham can change a lot of things.

Joker had the Young Justice team in his clutches and was sharpening his tools as they watched him apprehensively. They knew what he was planning, they just didn't know who he would do it to. Robin felt like he'd be the first to be tortured if not the only person to be tortured so he decided to nudge Kid Flash and glance at his glove. The ginger got the message and subtly took it off. 

"Only in emergencies," he whispered with a serious look.

"This is an emergency!" whisper-yelled Kid Flash.

"Not to me. If he moves onto one of you or you see me break, then it's an emergency." Reluctantly, his friend agreed and hid the glove behind his back. Robin felt some room after he pulled off his glove which gave him hope he could get out of the cuffs and free his friends. Joker was tough but they could have Miss Martian brain blast him or something. He shifted to try and move it out but was stopped when he heard footsteps coming towards him. 

"Aww, is Robbie uncomfortable?" Joker asked. Shit, he'd noticed the movement. Robin quickly took off his other glove to pretend that was his original plan and put on a brave face. 

"You know what, I am. Would it kill you to get nicer cuffs? Or maybe fancy this place up once in a while?" he remarked. The villain's gloved hand grabbed him by the collar and he was brought to his feet. "Did I piss off Jokester?" he asked with a smug grin. 

"I wouldn't look so triumphant so soon. Let's see how you feel when I'm done with you." He dragged Robin over to the chair and strapped him in. He grinned when he saw the teens squirm and fight against their restraints. He'd put on a good show for him. 

Twenty minutes in and Robin wasn't breaking. Every comment Joker made came with a smart-ass reply. Whenever his knife slid against the hero's pale skin, he didn't even whimper. Robin was held strong. He even cracked a smile most of the time. His teammates could tell that Joker was getting angry at his lacklustre reactions but Robin was stubborn and wouldn't give him the satisfaction. A knife was plunged into his thigh in frustration yet he didn't give more than a little yelp. 

"I have no idea how people have a kink for knifeplay. This sucks," Robin stated. The Clown Prince huffed at him and went to the table of instruments. He picked up a hammer and played with it in his hands for a few moments before sauntering back over to the hero. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now