He flew

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So Starfire's powers in TT are powered by her positive emotions and when she's sad she can't get them to work - both are explained in different episodes of the show which I can't name off the top of my head but I know their plots- but like surely anger isn't a positive emotion yet when she's mad she can use her powers? 

I read one theory that it takes time for her to use her powers without the need for a positive emotion to fuel it then I have my own theory that she needs a passionate/motivating emotion, not a positive one so you can be passionate with anger/ motivated by anger but not really with sadness that's why she can be angry and use her powers

Let me know if I'm just unable to find the comic run where this is explained better or something this is just my theory to explain things but, in the words of our Lord and saviour that's just a theory A G̶A̶M̶E̶  DC THEORY


Every relationship had tense times and that's completely normal. Starfire and Robin were currently going through one of these tense times. There had been a few times where Robin hadn't sided with his girlfriend and had missed a couple of dates because of work. Robin argued that she wasn't always right and the safety of the civilians they protected came before a dinner date. Starfire argued that he shouldn't have said anything if he wasn't going to side with her and there were three other people perfectly capable of doing the job whilst they spent time together. They had been going back and forth, making jabs here and there. Even during missions, the fighting wasn't paused. The consequences of which would put everything into perspective.

They were fighting robots because apparently there was a discount on them at the villain store and everyone was using them and had been pushed back a few paces. This wouldn't be all too worrying for four of the heroes but Robin, unlike his counterparts, couldn't fly so they needed to move forward before someone had to carry him around for the entire fight. "Keep your robots on your side! I have enough to deal with," Robin shouted to Starfire. He'd only barely dodged the hunk of torn apart metal flying towards his head. Surprisingly, he didn't fancy a concussion. Or decapitation.

"Oh poor you! Hey everyone, fight around Robin!" Starfire snapped. 

"No need to get pissy about it," Robin snapped back. 

"I'm being pissy? When I figure out what that means you're so done for," she argued. She stormed over to him and their teammates decided that the battle was too loud for them to hear the rest of the argument. They didn't want to get in either party's bad books. 

"You always get mad at me for no reason! We have jobs and sometimes that means that we can't do coupley things, you know that," Robin reminded her. She rolled her eyes and punched a robot coming up on their right. 

"I do know that but you're such a control freak! We have other teammates. Friends Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg are able to deal with matters whilst we go on dates," she pointed out.

"Sometimes I'm needed or I'm closer to the problem. Would you rather me just let loads of people get hurt? Why don't I just join the villains whilst I'm at it so I can give you more of my time?" Granted that was very dramatic of him and if he hadn't been so worked up already from losing their upper hand he wouldn't have said that. Yet he was also a teenager so of course, he thought it was best to take it too far. Starfire, also being a teenager who was worked up from the battle, took it much further. "I'm starting to think you don't love me. A real boyfriend would spend his time with me and a real boyfriend would say he loves me!" To all of you who are out of the loop, Robin had explained when they began dating that due to past experiences he couldn't say I love you. He said that he did care for her and when she asked do you love me he said yes. It was just extremely difficult for him to say I love you without thinking of all the other people he said that to only to be betrayed or to lose them. He couldn't take that and Starfire had accepted that. That's why right now, she'd taken it too far. She stared at him for a few moments as he looked away in shame. This wasn't what she wanted. They'd taken this so far and now they didn't quite know how to get back to what they'd been before. She stepped closer to him, hesitantly reaching out. "Robin, I didn't-" Suddenly his head snapped up and he yelled, 

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