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Yes this isn't how canon is but fanfic and it's cuter this way

They sat at on top of the roof, Robin head leaning against Starfire's shoulder as he held her hand. They watched the moonlight dance on the water quietly. In the distance, they could hear the fair still going on. Starfire didn't mind that they left it. It was loud and as much fun as they had, she liked this quiet time now. They felt close when it was quiet. No big villain looming the destruction of the world over their heads. No threat to their lives. Just quiet. "Hey Star?" Robin called. 


"Do you ever miss your home?" She was quiet as she thought about it. 

"Sometimes. There are things that make me wish I was home. It can be hard to understand and be understood. There are moments I get so frustrated because I know if I was home then I would be perfectly understood," she explained. "But most of the time I don't miss it. Everything is so wonderful here. You and our friends make it that way. You keep me from missing it." He smiled up at her and she kissed him on the forehead. "Do you miss your home? Gotham may not be as far away as my planet but you must feel the same?" His smile slipped away as his gaze shifted to the water. He didn't know if he did miss Gotham the same way she missed her planet. There were memories there and he wanted to miss it. He wanted to say that he did miss it because in some way he did. He missed Barbara. He missed Alfred. On a rare occasion, he'd find himself missing Bruce. Then he'd remember that he missed a lot of things. He missed the circus. He always felt at home there. Everyone was family. As much as he knew that Bruce tried to make Gotham his home and as much as he had fun there, it simply didn't feel that way anymore. The city had left him to bleed too many times. It had become too accustomed to Batman solving everything that he simply wasn't given the credit. He'd just been there. He was the goofy sidekick. Not like when he was here. He was the leader of his own team before he was even old enough to vote. This city had goofy villains and that spark Gotham had before things went as dark as they did. They didn't have Batman so he didn't have to live up to some unobtainable standard. "Robin? Are you okay?" Starfire asked, moving so she could see his expression better. She put a hand on his cheek which finally drew his eyes off the water and onto her. 

"Sorry. Got caught up thinking." He squeezed her hand to reassure her he was alright even if he wasn't so sure himself. "It's just that things are complicated. I don't know if Gotham ever was home. I wasn't born there, I ended up there."

"You never told me that," she mumbled. 

"It's not something I like to tell." His frown deepened. "Or even remember."

"Oh." They sat quietly for a few moments. "Robin, will you ever tell me about who you were before you got here?" He looked at her curiously. "I only know Robin now. I really like you but...I wish you trusted me to know you were."

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't like to talk about it."

"But why?" He moved away from her and looked down at his feet. "I only asked-"

"I'm scared," he muttered, just loud enough for her to hear. He didn't want to admit it. He hated himself for it yet she had to know if she was to understand that it wasn't anything to do with her. It was all his fault.

"Scared? Of who?"

"Of you. What if you see me differently? What if I get upset and you think I'm weak? What if-"

"Robin," she interrupted. He turned to her only to have her lips press against his. He melted into the kiss and let her pull him closer. They parted but kept their foreheads pressed together. He stared at her as his skin flushed pink, a confused expression written across his features. "You worry too much. How could I think of you as weak after everything we've been through?" 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now