9th Day of Christmas

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"Talk about deja vu," Robin stated when he got to the meetup spot. Why was this deja vu? Well because in place of where the ship was supposed to be, there was nothing which left him stranded in the desert far from Gotham wearing an outfit that wasn't exactly desert heat friendly. He huffed to himself as he looked at the marks in the sand that suggested there had once been a heavy ship there. At least this time his memory had remained intact this time so he didn't need to struggle through scrambled thoughts as to how exactly he got into this mess in the first place. At first, he thought they couldn't have gotten very far without him on the ship. He was on time for the meet up so they had to have set off early which meant there had been an emergency. He debated back and forth about whether he should interrupt the flight but he decided to at least let them know they left him behind. Only when he went to call them, they were all out of range. He was in the desert without any way to call. If things couldn't possibly get worse, he wasn't the only one stranded in the desert because he'd been on a team with Connor. Two team members were stranded in the desert meant they were in for one hell of a lecture when they got back. "Well Supes, it's just you and I until they realize we're missing," he announced, putting on a smile. There was admittedly some humour in the situation given that both he and Connor had the habit of fading into the background. Himself because he was trained by Batman and Connor simply because he was so quiet. It was inevitable that at one point they'd be forgotten on a trip but he'd rather it be anywhere other than the desert. He already had a headache and he doubted it would get much better with the sun beating down on him. Right now though, he decided to concentrate on the very grumpy clone who took great offence in being left behind. "It's okay," he assured the taller.

"It's not okay. We got abandoned," Connor huffed. "You always tell me not to run ahead but they ran off!"

"And they'll have to deal with Bats whilst we get guilt presents from Canary. I see this as a win," he said, keeping to the positives. It wasn't greatly acknowledged but Connor wasn't going off the handle so he supposed it did something to calm him down. The heat wouldn't be very good for him either. Sure the Superman DNA would come in handy but he still had skin and could still overheat. They needed shade. "Can you see any sort of shade Supes?" Connor looked around before pointing at a mound in the distance. It looked like a cave which was basically Robin's territory. He would very much like a cave. He just wished it was a little closer. "I'll turn on my tracker so they can find us there."

"It's far." There was a silent question there that Robin heard loud and clear.

"I'll be fine. Hopefully, they won't take too long."

So they began their walk in silence. It was thankfully a comfortable silence. Neither really spoke much. Well, Robin tended to ramble when he was with Wally or Batman but he was quieter around those new heroes on the team. He guessed it was because he was still sussing everyone out and making sure they could definitely be trusted with knowing about him. He wanted to trust them, he really did, but training always held him back from plunging himself into fully trusting them. Preventing himself from rambling prevented anything too private from being let out. They still didn't know the significance of the circus mission they'd gone on with him. Connor on the other hand was quiet out of simply being unused to talking and being more comfortable with watching the ebbs and flows of a conversation. He didn't talk at the beginning of his life although he knew how to. It wasn't required then and the habit formed from there to only listen rather than put his two cents in. He had plenty to say but just preferred to remain quiet and watch, waiting for his moment to step in or an invitation. He'd gotten better at interaction and moving in on the conversation without the explicit invite but the comfort of silence would always be there. When put together, the pair basked in the silence and were content with the company rather than conversation. The sun beat down on them as they walked, sweat dripped down their foreheads and Robin had to take his cape off in favour of holding it. He was mindful of his neck though and kept pulling the back of his collar up to close the gap between his hair and the fabric. Upon pulling it up for the third time, he thought about Connor's neck. He narrowed his eyes at the taller and found he was taking the heat much better. He looked like he'd been on a light jog. Robin stopped, making him stop with a look of curiosity, and wrapped his cape around his neck. It didn't fit very well but it was better than getting burnt. "Thanks," Connor said. 

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