Some abandoned works as a treat

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Sometimes things don't really work out or I lose interest in a particular story but then I feel bad because some of them are over a 1000 words long and as a uni student needing to get through 3000 word essays, I can't throw them away

I might continue some of these if people can give me some ideas on them or something.

So as a treat I'm going to lump them together and give you them before I go on my break. I'll be back in mid to late November, I'll still be somewhat active on here as a reader so I don't mind you sending requests. I plan to start the 12 days of Christmas in a new book to make sure they all stay together so look out for my announcements about that! I think I'll run it similar to last year where I just tell you guys to give me characters and I assign them prompts to keep it a fun lil surprise.


I just think this would be nice and I'm kinda pulling the traditions out of my ass because I thought it would make this cuter 

"I am sure you are wondering why I brought you here," Starfire began. The team, minus Robin, had woken up to a note slid under their door to meet up in the living room right after their leader went out for his patrol. It also said not to mention anything about it to Robin either. Starfire thought she was rather clever for that adage. "I need to ask you a question."

"If you're just asking a question, you could've done it rather than gather us for a secret meeting," Cyborg commented.

"I would like your permission for me to date Robin," she answered, breezing past the comment. There was a beat of silence as they stared at her. It was no secret she and Robin had feelings for one another. If the bouts of jealousy when either of them was thought to be going on a date - or in one case meant to be engaged - to another person weren't enough to prove it then Starfire being the only one to make him a fumbling blushing mess and him making her hang on every word was. "On my planet, it's customary to ask the parents for permission to date but I'm unsure of how to contact Batman. You are all the closest he has to family that I can contact."

"That's both touching and horrifically depressing," Raven muttered.

"Of course, you have our blessing to date him," Cyborg assured her. "Honestly, it'd be more helpful if you two were dating. Neither of you is very subtle about ogling each other on and off missions." She blushed at the comment, laughing nervously that it had been that obvious they liked each other. 

"So how are you gonna ask him out?" Beast Boy asked.

"I was going to say, will you be my boyfriend and then we would be together," she answered simply. He would appreciate something simple being so straightforward himself. 

"That's a bit boring," the younger complained. "You should do something big! Like a real date."

"I would prefer to keep things between us rather," she pouted. "But maybe there is a compromise."

"Oh, we could help? We could set up the tower and make your food like a restaurant but yknow, with privacy." Starfire hummed in acknowledgement but she doubted that Robin would be very excited for her to ask in front of everyone. He was a private person even with the team. "It's a tradition here to go on at least one date before you ask someone out." 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now