Wire failure

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based off my artwork for goretober and a comment left on it

Equipment that could mean the difference between life and death needed to be checked frequently and Robin knew that. He also knew it needed to be replaced as soon as it was expected to be faulty. That's why he was rather surprised when Batman didn't double-check his work and didn't replace the ropes they used to fly through the Gotham skyline when he suggested it. 

"It's good to air on the side of caution but both of our ropes were replaced at the same time and mine is perfectly fine. You're not out as much as I am so they can't be that degraded."

Although Robin trusted the man with his life, he felt like it was the wrong call to make. There was a kink in it which he pointed out to Batman and insisted that this would make it faulty. He also reminded him that they'd fought in the winter with Clayface who threw grit at them. Combined with the extreme dampness the snow had caused, the lack of use since Robin didn't get out as much so it didn't dry well and the grit, he was sure that the rope would be weaker. Yet Batman continued to insist that if he was fine then so was Robin. Deciding he couldn't win this fight, Robin backed down. After all, Batman had been in the game for much longer and he could be overprotective at times so there was no way he'd let the young boy go out there with faulty equipment. Besides, when was Batman ever wrong?

The pair had separated halfway through the night to help build Robin's confidence in working alone. Robin felt like it was more so for Batman to quell his separation anxiety when they split up during work but he didn't complain. He enjoyed the freedom of throwing unnecessary flips and cartwheels without being chastised for how they wasted time. He didn't care if it wasn't efficient, he looked cool and part of being a hero was looking cool. It was also nice to remind criminals that he was capable to fight on his own. 

Batman didn't enjoy their separation in the slightest but it did give him time to work on intense cases. He tried to keep Robin out of them for the most part, always investigating when he was sure the boy wasn't there to look over his shoulder at the gruesome notes. Logically he knew that one day Robin would have to learn that the world of crime didn't stop at murders and the worst thing that can happen to a person isn't always dying tragically but if that could be pushed back then he would gladly push it back. He'd work to preserve that little bit of innocence for as long as he could. 

They'd been apart for a little more than an hour and Batman was about to swing off a building when his rope snapped. Luckily he hadn't jumped off yet and the tension of him pulling on it in preparation had been enough for the fibres to break. He stared in shock at the broken rope, narrowing his eyes at it like it was going to explain why it snapped or somehow apologise for it. There went his excellent form of transport for the night. He huffed and pulled on the rope to inspect the damage. It looked like it had been worn down over time but it had been working fine all night. Sure it had a small kink in it but usually, a kinked rope could last at least a week after being defective. Although he did try a new brand of rope so maybe there was a difference in it he'd failed to realize. He remembered back to the cave when Robin had mentioned a similar kink in his rope. Huh. The kid was right after all. He pulled out his communicator to give him a call. 

Robin hadn't found much excitement tonight. He guessed all the good crime was on Batman's side of the city or maybe people had grown a bit of a conscience so didn't want to fight an eleven-year-old in a traffic light outfit. Since he had no one to fight, he spent his time practising his flips and dives from buildings. It wasn't all that necessary but he loved the rush of jumping into action, the air rushing past his face and running through his hair and the pride of doing a trick just how he saw it in his mind. He loved it.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now