Me trying to fix DC for how many fuckin years

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I'm just going to rewrite the whole Mirage thing - what was said was still said but I fixed how it should be dealt with after because oh my fucking god the amount of victim-blaming is just way too much  


Dick couldn't stay there anymore. He couldn't bear his team laying into him like this was all his fault. It wasn't. Well, maybe it was. Maybe he should've known it wasn't Starfire. The rest of the team seemed to think so including Starfire and he trusted their judgement. He had to when he trusted them with his life on a daily basis. Maybe it was really narcissism that drove him to get on his motorcycle and keep going with no real destination to head to. His ego might be trying to save itself from criticism. No matter what it was that forced him out, he was going. He let the sound of the passing cars and the roar of his engine pass over him as he drove through the streets. He needed to get as far away as possible to somewhere he could be completely alone. Just him and his thoughts. He glanced up at the road signs. There was a beach not far from here. If he drove far enough he could probably get to a secluded area. He nodded to himself before making the turn. Maybe sitting by the water would clear his mind. Playing with the sand could help too. It was nice to let it pass through his fingertips, watching it return to the ground. 

As he drove, he couldn't help but think about how fucked this all was. Mirage disguises herself as his girlfriend, unbeknownst to him, to anyone for that matter, and then- he didn't know what to call it. Sex was the coldest term he could think about it. Well, there was an even colder term he could add but he didn't want to face that reality. He shivered uncomfortably. Her fingertips were still haunting his skin. What would make that go away? He could feel it clear as day. He could remember it all clear as day and he hated that he could. Those eyes. God, how could he have not seen they weren't hers? There was no love in them. He doubted there'd be love in the original ones now though. Yet again, he ruined it all. Dick thought of the magazines, the posts, the articles. Man whore. Couldn't keep it in his pants. He was disgusted with himself. The team were right. He should've known. This was all his fault. 

Everyone was quiet. None really knew what to say or how to say it yet they all felt the same. They'd done something wrong. After an interview, they discovered Mirage's plan. They were so confident that they were right. That her sleeping with Nightwing was his fault too but as questions were answered and they got through the process, an officer came up to them. 

"Mirage is bragging about what she did to Nightwing. Poor guy," she said.

"Poor guy? He slept with her!" Starfire exclaimed, scowling at the woman. The officer raised an eyebrow as though she was confused by the reaction but surely it was obvious why she was upset. 

"But she said she was imitating you when it happened?"

"Yea," she responded. She wasn't backing down and her fellow heroes were right there supporting her. What did this civilian know? They saw Nightwing for what he was. He'd take it wherever he could get it so to speak. No wonder he had the reputation he had and they were stupid enough to think everyone else had it twisted.

"And he didn't know she wasn't you right?"

"He should've known," she snapped.

"Okay let me put it this way. Let's say Nightwing is a girl at a party and Mirage is a guy who spots her. This girl is having a great time, drinking and dancing, and then she decides to take it a step further by taking a party drug her friend bought her," the officer explained. The team decided to humour her and follow along. Obviously, she was some sort of fangirl of the hero and trying to protect him at all costs. "She takes the drugs but has a bad reaction and can't find her friend. She's lost and it gets too much but that guy comes over and offers help. Her perception of the world is different from his because she's taken drugs and is heavily intoxicated, yes?" They nodded. "He decides to be nice and help her home but then he thinks to himself that he needs to be repaid for doing such a good deed. He brings her upstairs and has sex with her. Is that okay?"

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