Double D soon to be Triple D?

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Dick was training some new recruits when he heard the familiar beep on his radio. He motioned for another senior member to take over the session whilst he dealt with whatever this was. "Grayson here. Over."

"Robin is at the door and knocked out four people. Do we have permission to shoot? Over."

"Negative. Let him through. Over." 

"Grayson, I've taken out five of your gang members. I'm not leaving without seeing you," Robin stated. Dick chuckled to himself and began walking towards the entrance. 

"Alright Little D. I'm coming through, you know the code to get in anyways." He chuckled again when he heard how fast the line went dead. "Hey everyone, Robin has clearance to enter. Do not engage in combat. Over." That should put an end to any accidental fights. He didn't fancy half his members in the ER because his little brother was on a death march to see him. Though that was kind of adorable. He put his radio back on his belt and continued to walk through before waving to the teenager he could see coming through. Robin ran over to him and hugged him tightly, burying his face in his torso. "You alright?" Dick asked, running a hand through the younger's hair. 

"Father is a bastard," he answered quietly. 

"Tell me about it. C'mon, I'll get you some hot chocolate and we'll talk about it. Maybe I'll let you train with some of the newbies," Dick offered. Robin nodded and pulled away though he kept rather close to him whilst they walked to the kitchen. He didn't care about the looks he got from the passing people since he knew Dick was fixing them all with a glare. He missed that. 

They continued to walk through the halls of the base before coming to the more domestic area. All those who were in there immediately filtered out upon getting a glare from their boss. Dick offered his younger brother a seat and began making hot chocolate, offering him a sweet treat whilst he waited. "You wanna tell me why you're so far from home? And why Bruce is a bastard aside from the obvious reasons?" Dick asked. 

"He keeps saying I'm being too rough with people and that now I need to be extra careful because if you can turn then I'm more likely to. He's been suffocating since you turned into this," he answered. He watched as the older's expression hardened and he'd be lying if he said that didn't make him feel better. Dick had always felt like a protective figure in his life. He felt like a dad. He was what one was supposed to be. He embraced the faults, praised the strengths, made Robin feel...normal. That was a very rare feeling nowadays. He missed it so much. Most of all, he missed the older. He made Bruce so much easier to deal with. He was always there to shoot him down when he said the wrong thing and forced him to give breaks. "Look here, Damian. If you want to join me in whatever this weird mix of villainy and heroism is, you're welcome to. There's always a place for you here. But what I will not allow is you feeling like you can't be a hero. You can. No matter where you're from, no matter who you are, no matter what you are," Dick told him. His voice was earnest and there was so much care laced between every word. Just hearing that made a weight lift off of Robin's shoulders. "You-you'd let me join you?"

"I'd let anyone join me. You, Tim, Jay, Babs- hell even Wally could join me. Though David might have a small problem with that," he joked. "The Wings - my new gang name by the way we needed one - are all about being inclusive. That's why we're so strong. I'm sure we could find a job for a bright and strong kid like you." Robin tried to hide the smile he had but it was shining clear as day. All Bruce had for him nowadays were critics. A compliment could go a long way sometimes, today especially. "You know I'm proud of you and that's all that matters. Do you want whipped cream and marshmallows?"

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