You're still my Daddy

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If there is something that is inaccurate and is therefore offensive or simply unbelievable please tell me and I will change it for the better

Here are some helplines for my trans followers and I hope you're all doing well and staying safe

David didn't know what it was about Dick that made him want to spill his guts whenever given the opportunity. It could be his laid-back nature or that kind smile he flashed whenever he got the inkling that the other needed it. He was always there and always so open. David thought he had the right to know. Well, not the right, he didn't owe him anything but it might bring them closer in a way. Dick probably knew anyway. He was a detective after all. He'd been both a member of the force and Batman's right-hand man. It would be impossible for him not to know yet he hadn't said anything. Perhaps to give David the chance to tell the story how he liked or not to tell the story at all. They'd been "together" so many times Dick had to know that at least something was going on down there, it was basic biology. The scars would've been a little harder to discern since they were both scarred up from their work. His features had always been rather masculine and testosterone had deepened his voice quite a bit. All in all, you wouldn't think he'd ever been in the wrong body but then again, that was the point.

They were having chill time together, simply enjoying one another's company, when David felt like this was the right time. He didn't know why it was. It might've been because Dick was snuggled up close and occasionally planted kisses along his chest or just a feeling. A feeling that said hey you're finally safe. "Do you remember when you had your first nightmare around me?" he asked. Dick glanced up to him with a nod; his cheek squished against the other's chest making him just that bit more adorable. "And I started talking about my scar but you said it was okay to wait?" He nodded again. "I think I'm done waiting now." Dick sat up a little with a curious look. 

"Are you sure? I don't need to know," he replied. 

"I'd like you to know," he responded. He interweaved their fingers and guided Dick to lay back down again. He didn't want this to be formal. It didn't suit them to be. The acrobat kissed the back of his hand to put him at ease and moved closer. The small acts of affection meant so much and he seemed to recognise that. "You don't owe me anything okay? You stop if you need to."

"Thank you, baby."

"Anything for my Daddy," Dick giggled. Any reservations he had before were gone thanks to his boyfriend. God, he loved him. "Start whenever you're ready. I love you no matter what."

For a few moments, all the sound in the room was coming from the TV. Dick didn't mind. He waited patiently for the other to begin, giving him small signs that would reassure him everything was okay. He let the ginger play with his hair, something he often did when he was thinking or nervous. He didn't mind. Anything to make the other feel better. "I got the scar when I was fourteen. My dad gave it to me," David stated. He felt a pair of worried blue eyes settle on him. It was oddly comforting. "I...I wasn't David back then. I was Jenny." He hesitantly cast his eyes down to his boyfriend. He was completely unfazed by the new information. Of course, he probably already knew but there was something about him having the exact same caring look in his eyes that just made David's heart melt. Tears trickled down his freckled cheeks before being swiftly wiped away by the other. "My dear, what's wrong?"

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