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Robin knew he was right but his team weren't so sure. Things had been so awkward after the whole Red X thing and sure he was wrong about that but he wasn't wrong about this. An island near the coast was having some suspicious activity. He was picking up energy spikes at all hours of the night that he couldn't attribute to an innocent source and he swore he'd seen better equipment being supplied faster to the criminal underworld. He was trying to convince the team to check it out but they weren't hearing any of it. "You're being paranoid. The energy spikes aren't even conclusively coming from there. They could be from some new build or something," Cyborg argued. "And the turn around doesn't mean anything. There are plenty of places they can get this stuff especially with Slade focusing here."

"You're not listening," Robin complained. It almost felt like he was back in Gotham trying to convince Batman that he had a case worthy enough for them to investigate. Only now he was standing in front of four smaller Batmans. Batmen? Grammar, his old nemesis, coming to test him again.

"No Robin, you're not listening. We have no good reason to go out there," Raven told him sternly. "You're being paranoid and connecting dots that aren't meant to be connected."

"I am not paranoid," he snapped. "You guys have to trust me on this, I know something is going on."

"The last time we trusted you, you were going behind our backs on a plan that blew up in your face. We're not going," Cyborg concluded. The rest of the team nodded in agreement. Robin just shook his head with a defeated sigh. They didn't trust him but that wasn't his problem. If bad things were going down then he was going to stop them with or without his friends. It was his job to do no matter the social drama. That Red X business was nothing compared to the things Batman did to his teammates and they still worked with him so why couldn't his team do the same? They'd have to forgive him eventually or there was no point in him being there as their leader. Maybe they didn't- no he wasn't going to think about that. Things will be fine and he was going to go to that damn island and prove them wrong. 

"Correction: you guys aren't going. I am." He stormed off to get prepared for his journey there.

Hours went by and Robin had been awfully quiet. A bit too quiet. He was pretty much silent most of the time but they would occasionally hear him yell because a case was annoying him or the sound of him tinkering away with some new project. Yet tonight he'd been quiet ever since they talked about that stupid island. "He went out didn't he?" Raven commented as they all walked to their bedrooms.

"Probably," Cyborg replied. "But there's nothing there."

"Should one of us check to be sure?" Starfire suggested. The eldest shook his head.

"As I said, there's nothing there. He'll get there, realize he's wrong and come back in the early hours of the morning." She gave him an uncertain look but she didn't make any move to go against him.

"He'd just lie if there's nothing anyhow. He'll be fine, Star," Beast Boy assured her.

"He will be fine," she repeated to herself. "Goodest of nights everyone!"

Robin was not fine as he docked the Teen Titan's boat. He stumbled off, hacking up more of the water he'd gulped down in a panic. Not his best move but he was having his head pushed underwater so he let himself off on that. He was soaking wet through and he was praying that the water trickling into his open wounds wasn't full of bacteria because he didn't want to deal with a cranky team plus an infection. He trudged over to the entrance to the tower, using his staff to help him walk along, before leaning against the walls of the elevator. He let his head fall back against it and stared up at the white light to keep himself awake. He never could sleep with bright lights. It's one of the reasons he didn't like hospitals. He'd have to either be really tired or on a lot of drugs to actually get some sleep in there. That and the hospital beds were always so hard to get comfortable on. He really hoped this wouldn't make him go to the hospital. Maybe he could get away with a nice shower. Boil the bacteria off of him. Alfred would cringe if he heard that thought and then put him on bed rest for the next week. He'd get to about three days and then the butler would give up taking him back to bed. Where did that energy come from? He certainly wasn't finding any of it now. He shivered as his drenched clothes clung to his skin uncomfortably and heightened the biting wind's chill. It was so gross. Top ten worst feelings: number five would be this. Number three would be having to walk past his teammates who were still extremely pissed at him for the whole Red X situation. He couldn't blame them though. Whilst he beat the man who tried to drown him within an inch of his life, he saw how he was coming off to his friends. That plan was very Batman of him and that was certainly not a good thing. At least he didn't make a contingency plan against them but undermining them and insinuating that he didn't trust them was probably not that much better. He supposed there was a silver lining. He was right about the island. If that was worth pissing his friends off more, he wasn't quite sure yet.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now