Goodnight son

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luxuriousmisery wanted this so blame them for any sadness


Nightwing was fucked. He knew he was fucked. How could he not know he was fucked? He didn't think this would be how it went but then again, he never spent much time on how he would kick the bucket. It always was something a villain did. They wanted him dead so it seemed fitting that's how he'd go. This ending felt fitting in some way. He just wished his former mentor wasn't right there seeing it. 

The pair had been working on a case together. Nightwing was insistent this would be the last time he'd do something like this since he was getting too old to deal with such a stubborn man when he could handle things on his own. He'd only joined the case because it was bleeding into his city. They were dealing with a gang connected to Bane and both were well prepared to meet the brute. Batman made the plan and didn't listen to any suggestions his former protege made which wasn't anything unusual. He took the lead as he always did. He made the calls as he always did. He made the signals. Nightwing found him insufferable the entire time. 

They were fighting when it happened. They'd been so sucked into their disagreement that Bane took his chance to make his escape. He picked up a rock and whilst Nightwing had paused to say something, he threw it. The rock was massive and heavier than a car, more of a boulder than anything. It was half the size of Nightwing so when it hit him, it hit him hard. He was thrown off his feet and pinned against a wall. A scream left his lips as his whole torso was crushed under the weight. Bane watched Batman immediately stop what he was doing and laughed when he saw the desperate look on his face. The criminal knew what he did. He'd done it before. He knew the ending and he couldn't wait to tell the story to anyone who'd listen. After years of meddling in matters that didn't concern him, Nightwing was going to get his just deserts. At least, to the criminal underworld he was. As Batman ran to help, he made his escape. He wished to stick around and watch but he had places to be. His imagination would have to fill in the blanks. 

Nightwing wheezed as he tried to breathe through the pain. He couldn't move. That was his first sign this was bad. Still, it wasn't until his mind immediately flashed to a crime scene he was called to as police officer. A woman had been hit by a car. The driver hadn't meant to hit her and had swerved off the road thanks to the snow. The woman was conscious, speaking as though this wasn't happening and not complaining of any intense pain. He wondered why no one was rushing to get the car moved. He was told that the pressure of the car was pretty much the only thing keeping her alive. Once that pressure was relieved, she'd die. She was dying as they spoke. Someone was trying to get a hold of her family. He remembered sitting there, speaking with her. She knew what was coming, he could see it, but she still talked to him. She had two sons. One as old as himself, the other as old as Damian. They were good kids and she talked about how they were currently in Canada. They were visiting their dad. No one came because no one could. The most they could do was get them on the phone. She died before she could say much though. It was upon remembering this that Nightwing checked himself. The pain was there but he realised it wasn't as bad as it should be. The rock was just jabbing into his pecs but beyond that, it felt cold? Maybe numb. He shifted a little and saw the blood pooling. That was too much blood. A feeling swept through him. A chill of sorts. It was his body giving him the heads up. Sign number two. Then he looked up to see Batman running towards him. His final sign. The other had given up bagging a criminal. He'd become so bitter and stubborn over the years that it had to take something really bad for him to give up the fight. Nightwing teared up. He was fucked.

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