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"This is boring," Nightwing complained to himself. He was watching the same boring door all night and there was nothing else to do. This was the worst part of being a vigilante. Sure, solving this case would be monumental for the city but did it have to be so dull to get information for? He could've left this part to some undercover cops at the station but he had this thing about finishing cases he started. It drove Wally mad but he couldn't help it. Right now he was wishing he'd kicked that habit long ago because he was going to die of boredom. He tapped his finger impatiently on the brick, beating out a song he got stuck in his head. He wondered what his family were doing tonight. They were all in the Batcave working on something but he hadn't really been listening. There'd been a dramatic fight on the TV behind Bruce as he was explaining what they were doing and by the time he fazed back in he had no idea what was going on. Bruce asked him if he was free on Saturday and in a panic, he said no. Damn his brain. He could be doing something fun right now or maybe not. He still wasn't sure what they were doing. Damian had said it would be infuriating to work with Tim but that was about it. He could always call them up and ask what they were doing but the thing they may be doing might be one of those time-sensitive issues that required radio silence. Plus they would know he didn't listen and they'd have way too much fun teasing him about his wandering thoughts. 

He was brought out of his head when he heard the familiar shrill beeps from his communicator. A distress signal. Finally some action! He took out the device and answered it immediately. "Nightwing free. Location and situation?" Instead of hearing a concise explanation and area to go to, he was met with silence. He raised an eyebrow and looked at the caller. Red Robin. He wouldn't send out a false distress call. "Hello? Anyone?" Still, there was silence. He hummed to himself unhappily. Maybe Tim accidentally set it off whilst he was roughhousing with Damian. That wasn't too out of the question. Still, he better check up on them just in case. He guessed if the pair were fighting that much then Bruce would be busy separating them and Jason would be busy cheering the pair on so Alfred was the best option for him. He hung up on the call and tried to get through to Alfred. Only, when he called, the older didn't pick up. He always picked up. Something was going on down there and he needed to know what. He decided to try his brothers and his mentor, just in case. Again he was met with the sound of a few rings then silence. He left a message but that wasn't enough for him. Nightwing wanted to go down there and check it out but he had this stupid stakeout. He'd need to get someone else. Someone who was fast. Someone who wouldn't mind. "KF, duh," he muttered. He called him next and was thankfully greeted by a voice and not a series of beeps. "Hey, can you do me a massive favour?"

"Depends what it is," Kid Flash replied.

"Can you go to the Batcave and make sure everyone is alright? I got a distress call but when I tried to answer no one was there," he explained. There was a long sigh.

"Can't you get someone else to do it? Your family hates me," the ginger complained. 

"C'mon, it's just a little check-up. I'll make it worth the effort," he said sweetly. 

"Fine but only because you're so cute. I'll let you know the situation as soon as I get there."

"Thank you Walls."

"No problem babe."

It should've ended there. Kid Flash should've called him and told him they were all there. He'd probably mention that Damian tried to kill him or a comment made by Jason about the Ginger Squad. He didn't get either of those. He was finishing up his work when he got a call from Kid Flash. "Let me guess, they fought and broke their communicators?" Nightwing replied. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now