At least I have you

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Official_Peter_Stark here you go hope you like it!!


Dick always thought one day he'd be replaced. It was one of those thoughts that plagued a person and made him check himself every time he made a mistake. Bruce had shown no interest in bringing in another kid so he thought it was just paranoia. That was until the day they found Jason trying to take the wheels off the Batmobile. He'd found it hilarious and admired the kid's confidence to try such a thing. "Where you from kid?" he'd asked. 


"Nowhere?" The boy nodded as his eyes flickered for all the exit routes. He seemed to accept after a brief moment that there was no way he was getting out of this situation. "Never heard of that neighbourhood." After looking the boy up and down, Dick knew he'd been living on the streets for some time and he knew that Bruce would've noticed it too. "Got a name?"

"Jason. Jason Todd."

"Alright Jaybird, let's get you something warm to eat." Now it was a few months later and Jason knew who they were. He didn't mind him at first. He actually liked having a little brother to annoy Bruce with and it was nice to have someone around the house who was half decent at playing games. Only, he noticed how Bruce looked at him. He knew that look because he used to get it when he was younger. He hadn't seen it in years but it had suddenly come out of retirement when Jason came into the picture. He didn't think much of it at first until he kept noticing it and compared it to the memories that he had. They were almost equal numbers but that couldn't be right. Jason had only been here for a few months, he'd been here for years! That was the start of the signs that he didn't realise were signs until they were. 

Then the calendar changed. Bruce had it filled out with all the events of the weeks and when he glanced at it, he noticed how many more of them included Jason and how few of them included him. He shook his head. Look at you Grayson, getting jealous over this. It's silly. It's cocooning obviously and Bruce just wanted the younger to feel comfortable at home. He was being so selfish making it about him when Jason hadn't had a father figure all his life. Yet the calendar played on his mind for the next few days. "Alfred, can I ask you a question?" he began, his eyes still focused on the calendar. He'd been in the kitchen to get a bottle of water and he'd noticed that a slot for him had been crossed out and replaced with a slot for Jason. Apparently, his school play was more important than his driving lessons. 

"You already have but do go on, sir." He went to ask if he did something wrong but the words died in his throat. What was he thinking asking a question like that? He knew why his things were getting cancelled and he shouldn't be so selfish as to make a fuss over it. He couldn't be causing this sort of trouble when he could be legally kicked out. Well kicked out was a harsh term. Bruce wouldn't want the media storm from that so he'd move him out into some flat far from home that he'd have to pay when he was 18. Old enough to be out of the older's hair. Old enough to be abandoned without any second-guessing. People would be happy to hear it, he was sure. Jason was the charity case after all so they'd be more focused on him and how he was actually from Gotham. Was that why Bruce was doing more with him? Gradually showing him off to the world whilst Dick was pushed out of the picture. "Master Dick? Are you quite alright?" He jumped at the call of his name but played it off.

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