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storm-of-imagination requested this and if you request you shall eventually receive

Yes I went on WikiHow for how to shoot a gun - I've not shot one since I was like 12 

Also i keep thinking of the green day song 21 guns whilst writing this and then i remember the phineas cover someone did so enjoy that

"Y'know Goldie, when you called me up and asked for me to teach you gun skills, I thought this was going to be an intervention," Jason stated, taking off his bike helmet. When he rode into the Batcave, he expected more than just Dick and Tim. It was actually a nice surprise to just see the pair. "Guess I'll have to save this knock out gas for another time." He left the helmet on the seat and walked over to them. "Doesn't Batsy teach you these things?"

"He teaches us how to disarm and disassemble but sometimes we need to shoot. Non-lethally of course," Dick explained. 

"And Replacement is here because?"

"He needs to learn too," the acrobat answered. "B is off-world for today and Alfie is out so you can teach us without backhanded comments." Jason hummed to himself and threw each of them a gun, catching them off guard but not enough for them to miss it. They immediately checked for the safety and luckily it had been on. "C'mon, I'm not that irresponsible." They gave him a sceptical look which prompted him to think too. He then nodded to himself. Yeah, he would be that irresponsible. It would've been funny though. "So you only know how to disarm and disassemble? You can't fire these?" he clarified.

"It wasn't necessary," Tim replied. The older cocked his head at that.

"What's with the change of heart?"

"Gotham changed. Bludhaven has always been different. Sometimes, you need a little firepower to escape a bad situation," Dick told him. 

"Sounds fake but okay. Where we practicing?"

"Target room. I brought my targets from home so B doesn't find bullet holes in his. I'm not in the mood to get my ass beat because we got caught out over something so small."

"He wouldn't beat your ass," Tim stated. 

"Probably not beat me but he would slap me. Done it before. Anyhow, let's start."

They went to the target room that was usually used for practice with baterangs. There were some dints in the floor from where the sharp bat-shaped metal missed its target, some that had been there before Dick was Robin. There was no real point in fixing it since there'd just be more later on and it was fun to see the number of dents you made every time you practised become less and less. The targets were already up ready for them and Jason was surprised to find they looked pretty good quality. Last he heard, his fellow ex-Robin had terrible pay from whatever shitty job he was working. Usually, he jumped around jobs hoping for better pay or treatment but alas none of that happened. He kinda thought the older would become a stripper if push comes to shove. "Where'd you get these?" Jason asked.

"I just joined a police academy and they said I could take spares so I did," Dick answered.

"If you joined a police academy then why do you need me? You would learn how to shoot a gun there I presume." The acrobat shrugged off the question.

"What can I say? I like to get ahead." The anti-hero hummed, unconvinced, but he didn't put it past the older to get a few lessons so he could impress people. He was a showman after all. "I've got goggles too because losing an eye isn't that appealing. We're already used to the sound of explosions so I didn't think to get earplugs. Should I have gotten those?" he mumbled the last part to himself. 

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