A mask behind a mask

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flashbossXD again

my friend once hit me because i was drawing something without a reference... fun fact ig





Robin seemed to defy the odds. A rather frequent comment he got was how happy he was. When people thought of Robin, they thought of happiness. He was the happy little boy he'd been since day one no matter what happened. The torture sessions bounced off him. The trauma every other hero seemed to battle to grasp he took in his stride. Robin was hailed as the kid hero who was the living embodiment of a ray of sunshine and Robin made sure things stayed that way. You see, Dick Grayson didn't wear one mask. He wore two. One he always wore and another he wore at night. Both changed his personality and protected him for one reason or another. Robin was a mask yes but he was also wearing a mask. An act that was acting. But no act can last forever. Not with the thing that the actor has experienced. A person can and will break. It was just that nobody knew the person was an actor.  

It was training day and nearly everyone's mentors had been there. Only Superman was missing. Typical. Batman, considered to be the busiest hero out there, could show up for his protege but Superboy was left high and dry. It was sparring day and Black Canary had suggested that the team have their mentors watch them to see how their skills had improved. Out of the group, only Robin and Kid Flash seemed to patrol on a near-nightly basis with their mentors so most were unknowing to the amount of progress their protege's had made. Unfortunately, Robin was having one of those days where he didn't want to be around people and this was his worst nightmare. He knew at some point he'd have to go up and fight and usually that would be no problem. He was a performer after all. It was in his blood to put on a show. The only problem was it was today. The day he didn't want to be around people. Not even Batman knew about these days and he knew about everything. 

As his turn came closer and closer, the colour drained from his face. The dark theme of his suit did nothing to hide it. Kid Flash must've noticed as he gave him a little nudge to silently ask if he was feeling alright. He nodded all too quickly in an attempt to pretend he was fine. He wasn't fine. His heart was beating faster and faster. Robin knew full well what was going to happen but he tried to use some of his bat training to silence the effects. There was a break right before his turn where he could sneak away, recollect himself, and then return to being peppy. He decided to focus on the fight. Maybe he could fill the pit growing in his stomach by panning out how the display of skill would end in his head. This time he got an odd look from Miss Martian. He gave her a weary smile. That didn't make her look go away. He now noticed his breathing was picking up. Robin soon realized it was going too far. He wouldn't be able to wait for the break. His choices were to run now and get asked about it later or have one right then and there only to have questions later. It seemed fate decided for him. "Rob?" Kid Flash murmured but Robin couldn't hear him anymore. Everything was tuned out. Muffled. The fight he was once so focused on now blurred and became unrecognizable. Perhaps it had stopped. Perhaps it didn't.

"Rob?" The soft call for the young hero's name had caught everyone's attention. There was something very concerning about Kid Flash's tone of voice. They soon realized why. Robin was as white as a piece of paper. He had this thousand-yard stare on him whilst his breath got faster, hitching in some places. He seemed to shake though there was no draft to cause it. "Robin? Bud?" Flash asked. Nothing. Now that was worrying. Even if Robin wasn't interested, he reacted in some way. Whether it was a simple glance or a comment. He couldn't help but react because he'd been trained to. It had to be something bad if he wasn't reacting. Kid Flash didn't like the look on his mentor's face and lightly put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Robin, are you feeling okay?" The touch seemed to knock him out of it a little and he managed to snap his head towards the ginger. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now