Surprisingly, I don't want you dead

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A reminder that I'm not taking requests for now and I'll announce when I can take them again - I really don't like saying no to your ideas but I have to prioritize my mental health and taking them just piles up and that makes me anxious

also happy valentines day here's more davick so it's out of my system


"Well well well what do we have here?" Dick asked, striding over to the dark lump in the alley. He was just going through the neighbourhood when he saw a van drive up and chuck something into the street. The view from the rooftops wasn't the best and his curiosity certainly wasn't going to let him shrug off seeing it. So here he was getting closer to the black blob until he heard a groan come from it. It's alive then. He kicked it a little and got another groan. There were flecks of red all over it. Red, groaning, kinda human-like blob. He rolled this presumable human over to get a look at their face and huffed. That cowl was staring back at him. Well, the white eyes were closed but he preferred it that way anyway. "A bat. Battered and bruised but a bat all the same. Missing quite a bit of your suit there Batsy and here I thought I was being revealing."


"Close enough. Looks like you've had a fun night but I suppose I should get you to Leslie or something before you die huh? They took you far from Gotham so you're kinda fucked on the survival front. Maybe Leslie isn't the best choice. Tell you what? I'll have Jenny treat ya," he rambled. He took out his radio and swiftly contacted his men, getting a team that was closest to him to come over. Jenny was also informed of her new patient but he conveniently left out it was Batman being treated. He also neglected to inform David of who he was bringing into their compound which he probably should do since the hitman was just waiting for the day he gave him the go-to on killing the caped crusader. "They're gonna be like five minutes but I'm sure you can wait. Let's get you on your side because I don't want you throwing up on me." He kicked him over to the side and squatted in front of him. He checked his pulse and found it was surprisingly strong for his condition. Though with the multitude of cuts and that really big stab wound that was endlessly pouring blood, he doubted it would stay that way for long. He decided he'd try to patch up what he could on scene before getting him to an actual doctor. "I guess your old age is getting to you. No MO's of the major guys. You got your ass handed to you by a bunch of no-names."

"-mian." Dick's eyes went wide for a moment at the thought of the younger being hurt. His dad could get hurt as much as he liked but if Damian so much as had a bruise he was going to make sure whoever did it was killed on sight.

"Damian? Where is he? They didn't drop you off with him, was he with you?" Batman shook his head.

"Home," he rasped. 

"Damian's at home?" the acrobat clarified. He nodded weakly. "Way to scare the shit outta me. What about him?"


"This is like a shitty game of charades. I'll let him know but unless you have something important to say I suggest you shut up to save me a heart attack," he grumbled. "I don't know how cognitive you are but here's how this is going to go. You're coming to the compound, being treated until you're stable and then you're being shipped to Leslie to do the rest of the work because I'm really not in the mood to be dealing with you." He didn't get a reply but he didn't expect nor want one. He was laying down the rules and there was no confirmation to follow them needed. They were to be followed or he was getting kicked to the curb. He was lucky to get the mercy of treatment in the first place. 

Eventually, the group Dick called in arrived and they were able to get the battered bat to their own med bay. It looked rather out of place since it looked like a usual hospital ward with the only differences being it was smaller and the walls were more in keeping with a warehouse. Some men were sent in to fetch a bed whilst Jenny finished up any last prep. She did one final check before turning around and seeing who exactly she would be treating. "What the fuck?" she asked, looking to Dick for an explanation. 

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