Happy Halloween

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i plan for this to get a little trippy at points and i'm looking forward to it

happy Halloween even though it's not Halloween yet


"Morning Dick," Bruce greeted as the teen rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He had no idea why he was so tired when he couldn't remember patrol being too late into the night but he put it down to burnout. Halloween was the busiest night of the year so they ranked up their efforts the week leading up to it to hopefully manage their workload to something sizeable since Bruce insisted on only Bats in Gotham. It would be a lot easier with the team of eager proteges who are desperate to prove themselves but Bruce was stubborn. 

"Morning B," he greeted back through a yawn. 

"Not sleep well?"

"Funnily enough, I don't know. I must've been tired last night because all I can remember right now is waking up," he replied. He took a seat at the table where Alfred served him his morning coffee without the usual grumble about teenagers drinking coffee. Odd. The butler always said something about it. He rubbed his eyes again and suddenly found a cereal bowl in front of him but no sign of the person who gave it to him. "Anything I should know about tonight?" he asked, shaking off the weirdness. He was just tired, he reasoned. 

"All quiet on the western front," Bruce answered. Then something switched on his features as he read the newspaper. It looked like someone had smudged his face or moved around his facial features until it looked not quite right. There was something uncanny valley about it and Dick felt a pit form in the bottom of his stomach. "He's not responding. We need to get him to..."

"What?" Suddenly, his mentor's face was back to normal. As soon as the oddity appeared it was gone so he assumed it was just his tired mind playing tricks on him. 

"I didn't say anything," the older said. Oh. Maybe he just misheard. He did feel truly exhausted after all. "Eat your breakfast." Dick hummed and brought a spoonful of cereal to his mouth only to spit it back out. It tasted like bile and that weird taste you get when you bite down on your tongue too hard. "Something wrong?"

"The milk might be off."

"Alfred will get some when he goes out later. Right now, you need to start responding."

Dick gasped as he woke up suddenly, never remembering falling asleep, and was immediately blinded by a bright white light. His whole body was shaking like he had the worst chill in existence but he felt like he was on fire. Sweat and grime coated his skin as though he'd been in this state for hours. He hadn't been though he was sure of it. He'd just been sat at the dinner table, hadn't he? There was beeping around him from various machines and overlapping panicked voices. He'd been in the hospital enough times to recognise that and he'd been in bad enough states to know shit had hit the fan but he didn't know what happened or how he got there. How spoiled was that milk? It was unlike him to not remember why he was in the hospital in the first place.

"He's awake! Dick, can you hear me?" a voice asked. He knew it was familiar but he couldn't put a face to it. It's not like he could call out a name anyway, his jaw was clenched tightly and he couldn't move it. "Just try to keep your eyes open, okay?" That wasn't going to happen. His eyes were already drooping dangerously and he was so tired. His whole body ached too and the prospect of falling asleep to escape it sounded divine. 

"He's fighting, that's a good sign." A strong shiver suddenly knocked him hard. 

"He's seizing!" What?

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