Neko! Dick (Rev Batfam)

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MythicalSkylarWitch and Alfred_Is_A_Badass wanted this so here we go

I've never written stuff about Nekos before - in fact, I had to do some research on the matter because I wasn't even sure what they were - so please be kind 


It was a rather slow night in Gotham which didn't happen often. Robin was sitting on a ledge beside his mentor as the older did something on his phone. He raised an eyebrow and leaned in to get a look at the contact. "Selina?" he mumbled. Batman grunted and put his phone away. They were on a break so he didn't have to. This made Robin curious. 

"It's rude to snoop," Batman scolded.  

"I promise I won't tell Demon Spawn," he bargained. Batman sighed. "C'mon. This will fill your bonding quota for the month."

"Selina was hurt a week back. She hasn't talked to me since. Can't seem to get a hold of her," he stated. "Not a word to anyone else. This stays  between us." Robin nodded and looked down to the alley. 

"We're not far from where she lives," Robin began. He looked to the older hoping he got the idea but he was just stared at blankly. No wonder his brothers were so socially inept. He sighed at him, wondering if Alfred has ever cared to tell him how to interact with the opposite sex. He was probably too busy trying to get him not to be a vigilante. "You could go visit?"

"Why would I visit her? She isn't talking to me." Robin facepalmed. How did he, a glorified street rat, know more about the ladies than the billionaire playboy? 

"Because it's the gesture that matters. Jeez, don't you know anything about women?"

Suddenly an alarm rang and a boy was running out of one of the shops with a bag of Doritos in his mouth. A shopkeeper ran out after him, waving a broom angrily, shouting, "Don't come back freak!" 

"You can get that one Mr Ladies Man," Batman told him with a ghost of a smile. Robin groaned and got up. They had a routine when they found kids stealing. They made them say sorry, give the thing back and if this was their second time, they got taken to the station. Gotham's poverty problem was growing so they didn't like to be too mean to those who stole from necessity. 

"Fine," he groaned. "See you around." He jumped down the fire escape and chased after the boy. "Hey, kid!" It almost never worked to call to them as they ran away but sometimes it did. He always tried it just in case he could avoid running about for long. The boy was quite far ahead of him and Robin assumed he hadn't heard. That was until he paused. The boy's eyes had a shine to them and his pointed ears were directed towards him- wait, pointy ears? Pointy cat ears if he was precise. A Neko? Odd. There weren't many in Gotham, mostly because it sucked to be a Neko here. The boy stared at him, the bag of Doritos still in his mouth and his tail slowly moving back in forth. It looked like he was sussing Robin out. Seeing if he was a threat or not. His eyes narrowed and he bolted off again. Robin didn't know if it was a compliment to be considered a threat. Either way, he continued the chase. They ran through alleys, past crowds, over bins, across roads. This Neko was trying everything in his bag of tricks to shake him off but Robin was much too curious about him to leave him be. A Neko. A small one nonetheless. He wondered if he had a family. He wondered how he ended up in Gotham. Was he born here? Was he on his way to Central City, a safe place for those of his kind, and got lost? 

After ten minutes of running around, the Neko climbed up onto a bin and leapt up onto the metal fire escape of an apartment building. He stayed there for a moment to watch Robin run into the alley only to realise he'd escaped to higher ground. When he was in the alley, instead of escaping to an apartment, he walked over to the ladder and released it. Robin stared at him in confusion and walked over to the ladder. Was he trying to lead him somewhere rather than escape? When he put his hand on the ladder, the Neko nodded. "You want me to follow you?" He nodded again. "Okay?" Robin climbed up the ladder and the Neko leapt up to another level. This continued until they got to one of the very last apartments. He opened the window and crawled inside. Once inside, he cautiously crawled over to the figure on the couch and put the Doritos on their chest before sitting cross-legged on the floor. "Why did you bring me here kid?" Robin inquired, following him in. The Neko didn't say anything, instead, he pressed his head against the hand of the figure that hung off the couch. The person groaned unhappily, making the Neko frown. 

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