Do as I say, not as I do

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flashbossXD requested this and I could see the fun we could get from it so here we go

The habit that would confuse his teammates for a whole year began when Robin was little. In fact, it was before he was even Robin. He was Dick Grayson and he was eight, living in the circus with his parents as an acrobat in training. His debut performance wouldn't be for another few months. One day, he was left with one of the daughters of the strongmen he considered to be an uncle. He supposed that made the girl his cousin or at least a cousin figure. It was an often occurrence for him to be left with her since neither of them could really help in the circus set up due to being so young. The girl, Jen, was four years older than Dick but the pair got on fairly well and had bonded over their love of animals. They were talking about different languages when they got onto the topic of swearing somehow. "Mama says I can't swear because it's rude," Dick stated. He'd sworn once in his life when he messed up a backflip but his parents had grounded him for using such language. He didn't see why it was so bad. People who visited the circus sometimes swore and their friends would laugh. He thought it was a funny thing to say. Apparently not judging by their reaction. 

"That's coz you're sayin it in English. Your mam and da only knoe English swears. Ya need to say em in other languages," Jen explained. She had a rather thick Scottish accent as did her dad. They transferred to their circus from one that travelled around the UK. He supposed her accent never left and he liked it so he didn't mind its reluctance to fade. It suited her almost. 

"Oh? But it took me so long to learn English and I still struggle," he argued.

"Ya don't need to knoe the whole language idiot. Ya just need to knoe the swears. 'Alf the time people will jus assume you made a weird noise n not tell ya off." He hummed to himself. 

"Do you know any swears?" he asked innocently. She nodded proudly and moved closer to him. 

"Here are the few I know."

And from that day, Dick used other languages to swear without getting in trouble. There were very few times where he swore and someone knew what he was saying so he got away with it pretty often. He also widdled out what languages other people knew so he could avoid using those around them. Unfortunately, he confused the team pretty often.

Robin stomped into the main room of the Mountain with a thunderous look on his face which was quite the opposite to his usual smirk. He looked just about ready to kick someone's ass if they so much as looked at him the wrong way and they didn't doubt that he could. "Uhm, hey Rob. You feeling alright?" Wally asked. He was the least likely to get his head ripped off so naturally, he had to be the one to ask. That didn't stop him from being slightly - extremely - wary of his friend. The teen huffed at him and shook his head. "What's up?"

"Batman is a придурок," he snapped. "Everything I do he's like Robin not like that, Robin you need to concentrate, Robin take your meds. I don't wanna take my meds they don't work!"

"Okay, let's take a deep breath before you pop a blood vessel," Wally told him. "I'm not even gonna attempt to repeat what you called Batman so if you could say that in English that would be great." Robin groaned angrily and stormed off to train off his frustrations. Hopefully, he wouldn't slam his fist into the wall this time. 

"Welp that's him for the rest of the day. Anyone have google translate?"

"I think he was just using that dumbass Robin language," Artemis stated. A boot swiftly came hurtling towards her head and an angry Robin hopped over to collect it. "You brat, those are combat boots! You could've given me a concussion."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now