I'm sick of raising your kids asshat! Pt 2

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The Manor wasn't the same without Dick in it. Despite being so stressed, he always knew how to keep the mood light. He cracked jokes at the right time and always knew how to cheer them up. He was also the only person who could get Damian to stop crying when Ninjago failed to quieten him down. After his run-in with the Joker, Dick had to stay in the hospital until he was cleared. They'd found more injuries that hadn't been easy to see when Batman saved him so he was forced to stay there for much longer than previously thought. Jason was bored, soon growing antsy from the lost sleep thanks to the baby next door. Somehow the cries penetrated every part of the house no matter where you were in it. Bruce hadn't been home much but now he actually had a reason to. He spent most nights at the hospital, convincing Dick to sleep there despite his insistence that it would be a hassle if a nightmare decided to ruin his night. To cover up his absence at school, Bruce said that he was being homeschooled briefly to see if that learning style was better for him. That gave Dick plenty of time to heal and recover without school hovering over his head. 

"Whatcha doing Timmy?" Jason asked, walking in on the younger scribbling on a big piece of paper. Tim beckoned him over with a bright smile and held out a crayola marker for him. He took it and sat down on the floor. "I'm making a banner for Dick. Bruce said the surgery went well and if it stays that way then he'll be home by Thursday. Turns out his appendix needed to be removed," he answered. 

"Jesus, that guy is falling apart," the older muttered. He decided to colour in the K in Dick's name and tried his best to keep in the lines. He always struggled with that. It was just so easy to go outside of them. 

"He has been stressed lately. The brat doesn't help," Tim reminded him. Neither of them liked Damian that much. If someone was going to kill the kid, of course, they'd save him. That didn't stop them from wanting to strangle him when he decided that he only wanted his eldest brother and anyone else was trash. So much for terror twos, this kid was just a terror. 

"It's his own fault. No one told him to take on everything B does and not say shit until months later."

"Oh don't talk like that. He was just trying to keep the peace. Not everyone can be a loudmouth like you Jay," Tim defended. "Besides, we probably could've done something to help. It wouldn't have been that hard to take on his homework and you could've-"

"Yeah yeah I get the idea," he interrupted, waving his hand dismissively. They sat in silence for a few moments as they continued to colour.

"We should make it up to him. From what I've heard, he's not going to be back in school by the end of this term and I don't think B will let his friends over. Especially Wally," the smaller suggested. It wouldn't be that hard to make up for all the hard work Dick did. 

"Is our bet still going on those two?"

"Yep. Roy says it'll be a few more years yet. Anyway, what do you think? Fancy using up all your kindness for the year?" Jason thought for a moment. He supposed he could do that. Besides, Bruce was going to be doing overtime trying to suck up to get in his good books. 

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