214: The One Where Toni Moves Out

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Toni goes to her bike and drives off. I smile and turn around. I go into the kitchen. "Who was that girl?" Mom ask quietly. "Toni." I whisper. "Where is she from?" She ask quietly. "Riverdale?" I say confused. "No where is she from?" She ask again. "Oh! We're being those people! Her ancestors are from Puerto Rico, if that's what you were wondering." I explain. "Does she have a boyfriend?" She ask nervously. "No! She has a girlfriend." I say quietly. "She's a homosexual?" I shake my head. "No, she's bisexual." I say awkwardly. "Well, I don't want you hanging out with that fag." She says quietly. "You know how bad that lifestyle is!" She says. I take a deep breath. "Is it?" I ask quietly. "Because I'm happily in a relationship with her." I say smiling. "You're not a fag!" She says slightly pissed. "No, no! I am." I whisper. "You're choosing to live like this?" I nod knowing there's no talking her out of this. "Yeah!" I whisper. "Big old homo." I say quietly. "Get out of my house!" I nod. "Happily." I whisper. "You know, Jason would be do ashamed." I say before walking out and going to pack my bags.


I walk out of the bathroom and hear a knock on my door. I walk over to it and see who it is. "Cheryl?" I ask opening the door. "You're barely dressed." She says. "Sorry, I just got out of the shower." I say fixing my towel. "What- what are you doing here?" I ask quickly realizing she has her bags. "Your-your mom?" She nods. "Ah! Come-come in! Let me get dress-." She stops me. "Don't you look hot." She whispers. "Oh? Is this distracting you?" I ask smiling. "I was prepared to being thrown out." I nods. "I know. I wasn't expecting it to be right now." I say quietly. "Neither was I."she whispers. "Grab a condom and meet me in your room." She says grabbing my balls. "Oh! That feels good." I smile. She closes the door and we go to my room. I lie her on the bed and take off her pants. She kisses me. "I just need you inside me." She whispers. "Yeah!" I nod grabbing a condom. I pull my towel off. She smiles. "Already hard." I nod. She pulls me into a kiss. "It doesn't take much with your sexiness." I whisper. I slide the condom on slowly slide into her. She moans. I grab her hips and thrust. "Oh god!" She moans.

I walk into the bedroom. "You ok?" I ask quietly. Cheryl looks at me. "Did we have fuck enough pain and anger out of you?" I ask concerned. She nods. "I'm sorry about the scratching." She whispers. I shrug. "I didn't hate it." I say walking over to her. "My balls are a little sore." I say quietly. "And I don't think I have any cum left." I say. She looks at the marks on my chest. "I still feel bad." I nod. "You don't have to, but I can't stop you from feeling something." I say kissing her. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask quietly. "Not right now." She whispers. "Maybe later." I nod. "Do you want dinner?" I ask quietly. "Depends, what's for dinner?" She ask quietly. "Chinese?" I ask. "It messes with my stomach." I nod. "Ok, just want Pop's?" I ask quietly. "Yeah!" She smiles. "Anything specific or your usual?" She thinks. "Anything!" I smile. "Can I get onion rings?" I nod. "If that's what you want?!" I say slightly confused. "Nothing else?" She shakes her head. "Ok, because I thought you were gonna as for a whole cake or something!" I whisper. "No, dairy." I nod. "Now if you would excuse me, I'm gonna go ice my balls." I say quietly. "And I'll call Pop's."

I slowly sit down on the couch with a bag of ice on my ball. "More ice?" Cheryl ask quietly. I nod. "Did we go to hard?" She ask concerned. I shake my head. "No, it didn't help though." I whisper groaning a bit. "Fangs?" I nod. "Is there anything I can do?" I ask. "No." I whisper. She nods. I look at her. "Oh my god!" She looks at me. "What?" She ask concerned. "Tomorrow is your birthday." I look at her. "What to you want to do?" I ask quietly. "Can we go see Jason?" I nod. "Anything else?" I ask quietly. "I don't know." She whispers. "Whatever you want." I say moving some hair out of her face. "Can we go on a little road trip? I'll drive?" She ask quietly. "Are you going to murder me?" I ask. "No, that's a lot of effort." I laugh a little. "Where are we going?" I ask quietly. "My Nana has a cabin in Connecticut that I would like to get stuff from before my mom gets to it." I nod. "Ok." I smile. "If that's what you want to do on your 19th birthday, than that's what we'll do." She looks at me. "Maybe I shouldn't." She whispers. "What? No! I'm serious! It's your birthday!" I say quietly. "I'm not guilt tripping you or anything!" I add. "You sure?" I nod. "It's your birthday." I smile. "If you forgot does that mean you didn't get me anything?" She ask quietly. "No! Just the past day has been crazy." She nods. I kiss her.

I walk around the cemetery giving Cheryl sometime alone. I take a deep breath seeing my uncle's name. "You were such an asshole." I whisper. I unzip my pants and take a piss on his grave. "That's what you get for abusing my dad so much that he killed himself." I say quietly. I look at Cheryl. "3rd year in a row? Really?" She ask quietly. I nod putting my dick back in my pants. "Yearly tradition baby." I say walking over to her. "You done?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She whispers. "What it worth it?" She ask quietly. "Yeah. My balls still hurt though, thanks to your morning sex." I smile. "Do you want to do it on my uncle's grave to piss him off?" I ask. "You just took a piss on it." I nod. "Do you want to just drive up to the cabin?" I ask. She nods. I rap my arm around her and we go.

"You ready?" Cheryl ask quietly. I look around the cabin. "This place is nice, why don't we come here more often?" I ask quietly. "Because my mother is a psycho!" She says quietly. "We have to wait for Nana Rose to you know..." I nod. "Die?" She nods. "She left the place in my name, not moms and she's after it." She whispers. "Let's go." I say quietly. We go into the truck. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod. "What do you want to do this weekend?" I ask quietly. "Sleep." I nod. "I like that." I smile. I take a deep breath and drive off.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now