260: The One Where The Car Breaks Down

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I hear the front door open. "I'm in the kitchen!" I yell. Cheryl walks into the kitchen. "Hey! You ok?" She ask immediately. "Yeah!" I nod. "How's the car?" She ask concerned. "I just needed a new battery! It'll be ready tomorrow." I say quietly. "I'm sorry I couldn't pick you guys up. I was in a meeting that's why I told you to call Veronica." I smile. "It's ok!" I whisper. "We're ok." I tell her. "Is Cody sleeping?" I nod. "Yeah! He wad tired so I put him down for a nap." I say quietly. "Did you have trouble with his car seat?" She ask. "No, I just took out of the car and put it in Veronica's car! It's not as confusing as I remember it being!" I tell her. She smiles and pulls me into a kiss. "The car seat is in the living room." I whisper. "I'll put it back in the car when I get it back." She nods. I kiss her. "Go check on him!" I say moving hair out of her face. "I know you want to." I say quietly. She kisses me. "Do you want Coffee?" I ask her. "Not really, but if you're making it, I'll have some." She says quietly. "Go check on Cody. I'll make some coffee." I tell her. "Ok!" She kisses me before going upstairs.

I walk into the living room, pick Cody up and sit on the couch. He giggles. I kiss the side of his head. "You ok?" I ask him. He nods. "Today was weird." He says quietly. "Yeah, I can't promise it won't happen again, because it's life. You were really good and you were calm." I tell him. He smiles. "Can we get ice cream?" He ask quietly. "No, because it's bedtime but, tomorrow we can after we pick up my car." I smile. He looks at me. "The car won't break down like that for a while, give it another a few years." I tell him. "By that time I'll have a new car or have it checked on." I whisper. "We'll be ok." I say quietly. He nods. "Let's get you ready for bed." I say standing up. "Do you want to take a bath or a shower tonight?" I ask quietly. "Shower!" I nod. "Ok." I smile. "Down!" He says quietly. I put him down and we go upstairs.

I sit down next to Cheryl. "I think you're more shaken up then me or Cody." I tell her. "I know, I'm just worried about Cody." I take a deep breath. "I don't want something to happen." She says quietly. "Because of what happened to Jason?" She nods. "Ok. Neither of us want to kill our son!" She smiles a little. "It's a lot of effort, we have to hide the body and shit. God! So annoying." She jokes. "You don't need to worry about it, like you still need to worry about something else killing him because if he takes after me then he's gonna get himself into deep shit." I whisper. "Yeah, that was before we realized you were Bipolar and anytime you did anything that you got yourself into stuff you weren't supposed to was when you were manic and about to crash." She says quietly. "Speaking of, did you take your-." I stop me. "Yes." I whisper. She kisses me. I smile. "That's good." She whispers. "I just hope he doesn't end up like me." I whisper. "What? Being Bipolar?" I nod. "Well, we know the signs of it and we can do something about it before he tries to drive off a cliff." She says quietly.

12 years later

I walk into Cody's room and sit down on his bed. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah, I'm just tired." He whispers. I take a deep breath. "You've been like this for a few days now." I whisper. He doesn't say anything. I get up and go to the window. I lock it without him noticing and close the blinds. "I'm giving you a few more days and if you're not out of bed you're seeing a therapist!" He groans. I walk out of his room. I look at Cheryl. "Is it Bipolar?" She ask quietly. I shrug. "We give it another sometime see what his next moves are." I whisper. I take a deep breath. "Um... I have to get to a meeting. I would like to stay sober for this." She nods.

I sit down in front of Cody. He doesn't look at me. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "I get it." I say quietly. He looks at me. "You felt really good and you feel like you can do anything for a week then all of a sudden you can't even get out of bed!" I tell him. He nods. "Then you feel really fucking good again and end up in the hospital because you tried to do something stupid." I whisper. "This is what happens when mom finds out she can't have kids and leaves it to me. You end up like me in high school." I say quietly. "I'm sorry I crashed the bike. I'll pay you back and get it fixed." He says frantically. "I'm not worried about that right now! I just want you to get better." I whisper. "What's wrong with me?" He ask quietly. "Well, it hasn't been confirmed they're still going over everything but from the what you did and experience from, well, me, you're probably Bipolar." I watch him freak out a bit. "Hey, it's ok! Just when you go on your medication don't think you feel ok so you go off them. Please! I did that and mom didn't talk to me for a year." He looks at me. "When?" He ask quietly. "It was before you were born." I say quietly. "What did you do?" He ask sitting up. "A few things." I tell him. "You don't need to know." There's a knock on the door and his doctor walks in. He tells him what I just told him, he just makes it official.

I walk into the kitchen. "He ok?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Yeah." I whisper. "Bipolar 1, anxiety, OCD, Paranoia and Psychosis." I tell her. "And a caffeine addiction but we already knew that because we accidentally did that to him." I say quietly. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." She whispers. "It's ok." I whisper putting my hands on her shoulders gently. "He barely wanted me there." She nods. "What are they gonna do with him?" She ask quietly. "Well, once his leg heals up a bit more they're going to move him to the psych ward. Luckily he's not in enough danger that they're afraid he's gonna kill himself but they are keeping a close eye on him. They're going to keep him there for 30 days while he gets his meds straightened out and let him talk through some shit. They're going to do what they did with me essentially." I say quietly. She nods. "Damn." I nod. "How are we gonna afford this?" She ask quietly. I sigh. "I set money aside for when I had a kid or something like this happened to me, so it didn't have to come out of pocket!" I tell her. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was kinda hoping it wouldn't happen and we could use it to by a house in Italy like we always talked about in high school." I whisper. She smiles a little. "I'm not mad. Just kinda hope the money hasn't been-." I stop her. "No, most of the money was put into it before we got married and had joint bank accounts to worry about." She nods. "Wait most?" She ask. I nod. "The rest was from odd jobs." I say quietly. "Weren't we gonna try to catch this before something like this happens?" She ask quietly. I nod. "He's ok! That's all I care about right now." I whisper. "What about your bike? That was your baby?" She ask quietly. "I'm not worried about it right now. I'll deal with it later." I tell her. She nods.

I kiss the top of Cody's head. "Hey, you're gonna be ok." I whisper. He looks at me scared. "You need this you know that." I say cupping his cheeks. He nods. I step away and let Cheryl talk to him for a minute. I take a deep breath and try to hold back tears. Cheryl walks over to me and we watch a nurse bring Cody into the Psych ward. I pull Cheryl close. "He'll be ok." I whisper. She nods. "Let's head home." She nods again.

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