234: The One Where Toni Get Revenge

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This is kinda how I feel what would have happened if Cheryl and Toni stayed together before the time jump but idk


I walk into the room. "You know, I was gonna start a family with her. Have a kid, maybe get a dog or a cat! Maybe a few fish! I can't do that anymore, because you killed my wife." I say quietly. "Who are you?" The man ask trying to sound tough. "Your worst nightmare!" That was cheesy. "You killed my wife." He looks up at me. "Oh! You're Toni." He says. "Nick St Clair." I punch him. "I know who you are." I tell him. "You killed the love of my life and you got away with it!" I yell between punches. "She was a fag she got what she deserved." He says spitting in my face. I stand up and stomp on his head. "Have fun in hell." I say grabbing one of his golf clubs. "What are you gonna do with that n-." Before he can finish his sentence I swing the club straight into his dick than face. He barely moves and all that is coming out of his mouth is some whimpering. "You tell the police about this and I will kill you and your entire family." I say giving him one more swing to the dick before leaving.

I walk into the bathroom and wash my hands. "Where were you?" Sweet Pea ask standing by the door. "I went to deal with some unfinished business." I say quietly. "Was this business called Nick St Clair?" He ask quietly. "I see the blood." I look at him. "He killed my wife." I say quietly. "I know, but you shouldn't be doing the same." He says. "I didn't kill him, but if he hurts my family again I will." I tell him. He looks at me. "It was just you and Cheryl." I look at him. "Not anymore." I say holding back tears. "The treatment worked, congratulations. You're now technically a father." I say before walking out of the bathroom. He turns around. "You're pregnant?" He ask. I take off my jacket and my shirt. "Yeah." I say sadly. "Found out this morning." I whisper. I go to the closet and grab one of Cheryl's old sweatshirts. I put it up to my face and smell it. It smells like vanilla and cherry cola. I quickly put it on. I put my arms in the sweatshirt and take my bra off. "What are you going to do?" He ask quietly. "Fulfill Cheryl's dying wish. Raise the kid. If it's a girl name her after Cheryl, if it's a boy name him after Jason." I say quietly. "Do you want help?" He ask. "I don't know yet." He nods. " i want you to be in this baby's life since Cheryl can't be." I tell him. "Ok." He smiles. "Just for next few months, I wouldn't keep your hopes up because there is a possibility that I can miscarriage. Especially if it's a boy." He nods. "Ok." I nod. "Can I stay here tonight? Veronica has some guy balls deep in her and I don't feel like listening to it." He ask quietly. I smile a little. "Well, I just figured. You're here not at home." I say quietly. "You know where everything is. Just stay in the guest room." He nods. He walks out and I collapse on the bed. I just wallow in my own pain for the rest of the night until inevitably cry myself to sleep. I wake up to the sun in my face and a cup of tea and some toast on the night stand. I sit up and see the back of Sweet Pea leaving the room. I take the toast and slowly eat it. "Thanks man!" I yell so he'll hear."

I walk downstairs. "Thanks for the toast and tea, even though I ended up throwing it up 10 minutes later." I tell Sweet Pea. He looks up from the newspaper. "I made more than I meant to, I didn't feel like waisting." I nod. "Hey, you need a place to stay right?" I ask quietly. "Soon yeah why?" He ask quietly. "Well, I'm gonna need an extra pair of hands around here once the baby is born. Why don't you just move in?" I ask quietly. He nods. "I'll think about it, probably gonna say yes but you know, need to talk to Veronica about it, like give her a warning." I nod. "I keep forgetting she's your sister." He nods. "Same." I look at him confused. "We're so different it's annoying!" I smile. "Now if you would excuse me, I have work." I say quietly. "Should you really be bar tending while pregnant?" He ask. "I'm not drinking so I'll be ok." He nods

A few months later

I sit down next to Archie with Sweet Pea, Fangs and Kevin. "This place is so different." Archie says quietly. I nod. "Yeah! A lot has changed since you joined the army Arch." I say quietly. "Obviously! You're very pregnant." I nod. "Hey, where's Cheryl?" He ask quietly. "Shouldn't she be here?" I take a deep breath. "You don't know do you?" He shakes his head. "A few months ago Nick St Clair decided it would be a good idea to come back to town and instead of just raping her, he decided to force her down and essentially choked her to death." I explain. "Before you say anything he paid for what he did." I say quietly. "Who else knows?" He ask quietly. "Like everyone else in your group?" He nods. "Betty and Veronica do! Jughead has no idea but honestly the only thing Jughead ever needed from Cheryl was her to make his father look innocent." He looks at me. "I thought you guys were close?" I nod. "Yeah until he betrayed my trust and threw me out of the Serpents and wouldn't even give me a chance!" I say pissed. "Also I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I know you cared about her. I just didn't know where to find you." I tell him. "It's ok. The serpents are doing good!" I nod. "Yeah since the Jones's are gone and I clearly revamped the serpents! No more drugs! We work more with supplies for people in need." I explain. He nods. "Cheryl must be proud." He says quietly. "Most of this was her idea and actually a thing before she died." I say quietly. "Oh." I nod. "Yeah." I sigh. "Who's the father?" He ask quietly. "The idiot over there." I say looking over at Sweet Pea. "I'm guessing as a donor?" I nod. "Yeah, just before Cheryl died we decided it was time to have a kid." I say quietly. "I don't really want to talk about this more. I'm gonna go home." I say standing up. "I'll talk to you guys later." I say before leaving. I get on my bike and drive the the cemetery Cheryl's at. I go over to her grave. I look down at Cheryl's grave the grass over her grave is still clearly fresh. I never got why people are put in fancy boxes and put in the ground. I know I could have had her cremated or something else but still, I don't know. She shouldn't be here. "I'm sorry baby." I whisper taking off the old flowers and replacing them. "This shouldn't be you." I say quietly. "I'll make you proud and turn this town around." I whisper. "I'll make sure our little guy knows who you were, good and bad." I smile looking down at my belly.

A few months later


I look up from the new stroller and see Toni breastfeeding. I immediately look away. "Ok, I'm totally cool with woman breastfeeding in public and stuff it's a natural thing! But um... can you at least warn me before? It's just a little awkward." She looks at me. "Oh! Yeah! I'm sorry I usually do. You were distracted I didn't want to interrupt you." She says quietly. "No! It's cool. It just took me off guard that's all. The stroller should be good now, I actually watched the video this time." She smiles. "How's he doing?" I ask quietly. "Sound asleep. He looks like you." She says quietly. I smile. "Well, yeah." She smiles. "Cheryl would have loved him." I say quietly. "Yeah." She whispers taking a deep breath. "Definitely."

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