274: The One With The Stripping

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"I have a question?" Cheryl ask plopping herself on the bed. I look at her to show I'm listening. "Since I'm a stripper, would you be mad if I gave blow jobs?" She ask quietly. "Why?" I ask confused. "I'm just wondering." She says shrugging. "Probably, because you're gay and it's your job." I say quietly. "So if I became a porn-." I interrupt her. "No, I wouldn't care because male or female I know what you like and will always be better." She smiles. "Why? Are you thinking about becoming a porn star? Because the only problem I have with that is I want kids with you and they might see it and I want to scar them for life but not like that!" I explain. She smiles. "I wasn't planning on it though." She whispers.


I open the door. "Hey! V!" I say smiling. "Is this a bad time?" Veronica ask quietly. "No! I'm doing laundry and have no clothes because my ass and tits are to big for most of Toni's clothes!" I tell her. "Also I know wearing robes. They make me feel rich and it was this or my stripper shit!" I explain to her. She nods. "You have no other clothes?" I nod. "Yeah, I kept putting off doing laundry." I say quietly. "Damn." I nod. "Yeah." I smile. She looks at me. "Can I ask why you're here?" I ask her. "Oh! I came to drop some stuff off for Toni's bachelorette party." She tells me. "I thought you were coming to mine?" She nods. "Yeah! That's why I'm dropping them off!" I look at her. I smile. "Yeah, as I was saying it, I realized what you were doing." I whisper. She laughs quietly.


"How was work?" I ask as Cheryl walks into the kitchen. "It was ok." I nod and hand her some water and Advil. "Thanks babe." She smiles. "How's your ankle?" I ask her. "It'll be better once I take this!" I smile. "See the nice thing about being a stripper is, on a really good night, I make a weeks worth of money in one night." She says quietly. "You get to that meeting today?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah." I whisper. "How did it go?" She ask before taking the Advil. "It was ok! I almost got fired though." She looks at me confused. "I almost fell asleep." We both laugh quietly. "You still don't get jealous?" She ask quietly. "No, you work at a strip club meant for men and I know you aren't attracted to any of them." She nods. "Fair enough." She says quietly. I kiss her. "You heading to bed?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, I was waiting for you to get home." She looks at me. "You don't have to do that." She says quietly. "I know, but I like saying goodnight to you." I whisper.

Idk what else to do with this one anymore...

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