343: The One With The Bet

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I walk into the living room and see Jason and his friend Kyle sitting in the couch watching tv. "What are you doing here?" I ask quietly. "Mom, Kyle stayed over since it was late." I nod. "Does mom know?" I ask him. "Yeah! She helped set up the air mattress that neither of us used." He tells me. I nod. "Ok! Do you guys want something to eat?" I ask quietly. "Can we to Pops?" Jason ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah! Grab your shoes." I tell them.

"You didn't tell me he was staying over." I tell Cheryl. She looks at me. "I'm sorry, you were asleep. Obviously you don't really mind." She says quietly. "Oh yeah no! I just was a little startled this morning when I saw an extra child in the house!" I say smiling. She kisses me. "Can you just warn me next time? I don't mind if you have to wake me up or something." She nods. "He's gonna be staying here for a few days." She tells me. "His parents are out of town and he just needs a warm meal." I nod. "Ok! We should probably let him have the guest room instead of an air mattress then." She nods. "It was in a pinch last night! It was easier." I nod. "Neither of them used it, I think Kyle just slept on the couch." I tell her. "No, they slept in his be-." She stops. "Is Jason gay?" She ask quietly. "Would it matter?" I ask quietly. "No!" I say quietly. "I think so." I shake my head. "No, he's bi! I've seen him look at girls but also look at guys." I say quietly. "He's gay. Toni, trust me! I know one when I see one." She whispers. I shake my head. "10 bucks." I say quietly. "We're really betting on our child's sexuality?" She ask quietly. "Yes."

I look at Jason. "Are you gay?" I ask him. "Ah!" I look at him. "Obviously your mother and I would support you and honestly we don't really care, but we just need to know." I tell him. "You and mom had a heated debate about my sexuality last night didn't you?" I look at him. "Kyle heard you." I nod. "Well, I think I'm Bi. Maybe Pan. I don't really like having sex so I also might be Asexual." He tells me. "I can't believe I'm gonna ask you this." I whisper. "Have you had sex?" I ask him. "Yeah." He nods. "With Kyle?" I ask. "No." He whispers. "Are you guys dating?" I ask him. "No! We're just friends, he's straight. No, I'm not interested in him. Yes we were in my bedroom. No, we weren't even on the bed together. He was sitting at my desk." He explains. "Are you dating anyone?" I ask him. "No. I'm happily single right now. I don't want to date anyone at the moment." He says quietly. I smile. "Do you want me to tell mom?" He shrugs. "I don't care. Don't scream it from the rooftops but if someone stops you on the street and ask you don't have to lie." We both smile. "How long is Kyle going to be here?" I ask quietly. "Like 4 more days. His parents are on a anniversary trip." I nod. "He's allowed to stay over whenever as long as he needs." I tell him. "Does he know?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! He doesn't care. Like he does but in the way where he doesn't." I nod. "That's good." He nods. "His brother is gay and his whole family is super supportive. To him gay people just kinda exist." He tells me. "Well, that's a lot better than what mom and I had growing up." I say quietly. "Shouldn't you be with him like hosting or whatever?" I ask quietly. "He's at his house right now, he needs to feed the cats." I smile. "Also he has a life outside of our friendship." I nod. "True." I whisper.

I walk into the bedroom. "You owe me ten bucks." I tell Cheryl. She looks at me. "Really? Damn." I smile.

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