257: The One Where They Reconnect

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I go over to the bar. "One beer please!" The bar tender nods. I look over and see Cheryl. "Ch-Cheryl?" She looks at me. "Toni?" She smiles. "Hey! How- how have you been?" I ask going over to her. "I've been good! You?" She ask quietly. "I've been ok." I say honestly. "Life got crazy last year." I add. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "Oh, my mom died last year around June." I whisper. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "It's ok. She was ready." I say honestly. "She had Cancer and she was in pain." I tell her. "How has your life been since high school?" I ask changing the subject desperately. "Good! I got my degree in social work!" I smile. "I'm so happy for you! You always wanted that!" I whisper. "I've missed you." I say quietly. She smiles. "I've missed you too." She whispers. We step closer to each other. "I can't belive Betty and Jughead really made it." She says quietly. "Yeah! Kinda wonder what would have happened with us." I say quietly. I look at her. "Do you think if he hadn't broken up after graduation we would have been here in their position?" I ask her. She smiles. "Probably." She whispers. We talk for a while. Catch up, reignite our feelings. "Hey, I have a room upstairs if you want to go?" I ask her. She smiles. "Yeah." She whispers.

I roll over and look at Cheryl. "I've missed this." She says quietly. I smile. "Have you been with anyone since graduation?" She ask quietly. "Yeah. I had a boyfriend after college . We broke up a while ago after he found out I was pregnant with my son." I confess. "You have a son?" She ask smiling a bit. I nod. "Yeah." I smile. "He's 3. His name is Anthony, ironically he also likes being called Tony." I tell her. I grab my phone and show her a picture. "He looks like your dad." I smile. "How is he?" She ask quietly. "Good! Because of the divorce, he wasn't as sad about my mom dying. Like he still is sad because she was the mother of his child." I explain. "It's fine though, he's ok. He's with Tony right now and he's good at keeping my dad happy." I say quietly. "How long are you still in town?" I ask her. "Permanently. I've been giving the task to revamp the family business." I nod. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "It's ok, I just have to find new people who aren't looking for drugs." She says quietly. I smile. She looks at me. "Have you been with anyone?" I ask quietly. "No, not because I was waiting or anything. I just really didn't want to and honestly I'm still a little surprised we were together because I don't really like relationships." She explains. "This is gonna sound crazy but, if you're staying in town for a while do you want to try us again?" I ask her. She looks at me. "What about your kid?" She ask quietly. "He'll be ok. He keeps trying to get me a girlfriend all the time." I tell her. "I'd like that." She says quietly. I smile a little. "As long as we don't try to relive what we had in high school." I nod. "I can do that." I smile. "I'm just gonna warn you that if you come over to my house and Veronica is there, don't be surprised. We live with her. Because she needed a place to stay and never really left." I say quietly.

"So you're back with Cheryl?" Veronica ask quietly. "Yeah!" I smile. "Does she know about Anthony?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I say quietly. She smiles. "Does she know we live together?" She ask me. "Yeah! She doesn't care as long as you don't like come in if we're having sex or something." She smiles. "How was it?" She ask quietly. "Good." I smile. "Tony is gonna come out of his room in a few minutes so we shouldn't talk about it much longer." I say quietly. "Um... can you drop him off at preschool?" I ask as my mood drastically changes. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Y-yeah! i just realized I drank for the first time in 6 months. I just want to get to a meeting." I say quietly. "I'm fine though! It just happened honestly! I just don't want it to happen again." She nods. "Ok." She whispers.

"I don't usually drink." I say looking at Cheryl. She looks at me. "After my mom died, I just fell off the wagon more than I had before. I'm ok. I've been getting help, it's just at the wedding I completely forgot and you don't have to worry about me drinking." I explain. "Oh!" She says quietly. "Veronica has been really helpful. With Anthony." She looks at me. "Why does she live with you?" She ask quietly. "Her and Archie broke up, and I needed some help around the house so she moved in." I tell her. "My dad has been helpful too, his new wife is cool too." She smiles. "That's rare." I nod. "Yeah, my parents weren't made for each other but you know. They didn't hate each other." I whisper. She rubs my back.

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