224: The One With The Flashbacks

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This is kinda based on the Jules special for Euphoria.


"How are you doing today Cheryl?" My therapist ask quietly. "Better." She nods. "Do you think I'll ever forget her?" I ask quietly. "Do you want to?" I shake my head. "No. It was always the small stuff. Like how she would always forget to wipe her face after she brushed her teeth."

I walk into the bathroom. "Hurry up, we're gonna be late if you don't get in the shower now!" I say to Toni. She looks at me. "What?" I smile. "You have toothpaste," I say motioning to her mouth. I grab a towel and wipe it off. "Where are we going aways?" She ask quietly. "Veronica's birthday party." I say quietly. She smiles. "What do I need to wear?" She ask. "It's on the bed." I tell her before walking out.

"She never had her life together. I would tell her we were going one place and she would accidentally make plans with Fangs!" I smile. I look at the therapist. "She was almost late to prom, when we won prom queens she was in the bathroom." I explain. "Veronica who was in charge of prom was gonna kill her." I laugh a little. "She was such a dumb ass but she was my dumb ass."

Toni walks onto the stage. "What did we win?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "Prom Queen." Her eyes widen. "Oh cool." She smiles. I look over and see Veronica fuming. I smile a little. "Come on, let's dance."

"Toni would always come home from school and almost immediately go to sleep." I say quietly. "Like I would have cheer and when I came home from school she'd be sound asleep in bed with the tv on because she couldn't sleep without background noise. We had a bit of a mouse problem and you could hear them through the wall and it freaked her out so she would put a show on usually Friends to drown it out." I say quietly. My therapist looks at me. "It was stuff like that. The stuff that made her human." I whisper. "You didn't see her as human?" She ask quietly. "Like I did obviously, but it was like she was like she was untouchable." I explain. "She was perfect." I whisper. "She never sat still for more than 2 minutes. When she was asleep it was the only time she was truly chilled out." I say quietly.

I walk into the bedroom and see Toni sound asleep in bed. I find the remote and turn down the tv so she doesn't wake up with a headache. I kiss the top of her head, she moves a bit but doesn't wake up. I smile and go back downstairs. After an hour or two Toni finally comes downstairs. "How was practice?" She ask quietly. "Good! Veronica almost broke her knee a few times." I say. "How was your day?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "It was ok." She says awkwardly. "I got in trouble." I look at her. "I was being distracting." She explains. "What were you doing?" I ask. "I was messing around with my papers and kicking the chair in front of me." I look at her. "I couldn't focus." She whispers sadly.

"How's your son Jason taking all of this?" My therapist ask quietly. "He's ok." I say quietly. "He was the light of her life." I explain. "I really think he's going to take after Toni." She smiles. "He doesn't really get the whole photography thing but he definitely enjoys making little movies and stuff." I smile. "Toni was so happy to see him do stuff like that."

"Jason! Come downstairs and have dinner!" I yell. A few minutes later Jason comes downstairs with his computer. "No computer." Toni says quietly. "I'm editing." She sighs. "Save it and work on it after dinner." I say quietly. He nods and give me his computer. "It's for school, it's due in a few hours." I look at him. "How long have you had this project?" I ask quietly. "A few days. I've been working on it as much as I can! The stupid program kept crashing!" He explains. "Come on eat." I say. We all sit down and Toni immediately stands back up. "There's only one fork." I sigh. Toni walks back over with another fork. She looks at me.

"I think Jason still blames himself for Toni's death." I say quietly. "If it wasn't for her bipolar, she wouldn't have done it." I explain. "When Toni wasn't unable to get out of the bed and be happy! She was such a good person, she was happy sh-." I explain. "She was manic." She says for me. I nod.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now