286: The One With a Decent Ending

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I look at the woman in front of me. "Why did you take me in?" I ask her. "Usually people want like babies or like really little kids." I say quietly. "Well, I know kids like you, who are about to age out and just need a house and some support for the next few months or years." She explains. I nod. "That's cool." I say quietly. She nods. "Do you mind just refreshing my mind, when do you turn 18?" She ask quietly. "March 3rd. So next year." I tell her. She nods. "Ok!" She says smiling. "Where am I sleeping?" I ask her. "Oh! I'll show you come on." She says standing up. I stand up and follow her. "There is a bathroom and a small closet for towels and stuff right next to your room, it's all yours." She tells me. I nod. "Is there a shower in there?" I ask her. She nods. "Yup! It's also a bathtub if you want to relax and take a bath." I shake my head. "I don't like sitting in my own filth." I tell her. She smiles. "Whatever floats your boat." She says quietly. I try not to cringe at that. "Cool!" I say awkwardly. "This is your room." She says as we walk into the room. I take a deep breath. "It's kinda small!" I say quietly. She looks at me. "I like it." I say smiling. "You know, I usually have kids tell me it's too small and they feel claustrophobic." She tells me. "Oh, I just don't need a lot of space, not like in a depressing way, I just don't like or need a lot of space it's just to much for me." I explain. She nods. "Ok! Whatever you need." She says quietly. "Do you have any questions?" She ask quietly. "Where am I going to school?" I ask her. "Because I would like to graduate high school." I add. She nods. "You are going to go to Riverdale High School." She tells me. I nod. "Ok." I say quietly. "What do you want for dinner?" She ask me. "I don't know." She nods. "Ok! Well, there's a diner down the street! If you want to go there." She says quietly. "Do they have anything gluten free?" I ask her. "Probably." She says quietly. "Do you have a gluten problem?" She ask quietly. "Not really it's just if I have a lot it messes with me, so I try to avoid it." I tell her. "Ok! We should go shopping afterwards." She says quietly. "Because everything in my kitchen has gluten." She says smiling.

"What's your name again?" I ask quietly. "Olivia." She tells me. I nod. "Do you have a nickname that you prefer? Because I saw you cringe a little when I called you Antoinette." She says quietly. "Toni. I don't really mind people calling me Antoinette but I'm used to people calling me Toni, I don't really register it when people use my full name." I say quietly. "Ok, Toni." She says smiling.

"I'm Betty. You must be Antoinette." Betty says smiling. I nod. "People call me Toni." I say shaking her hand. "Well, Toni, I'm your tour guide." I look at her. "Ok." I say quietly. "So this is the administration's office." She says quietly. "Cool." I nod. We walk around the school. "You like writing?" She ask me. I look at her. "N-no." She nods. "More into cheer?" She ask quietly. "Also no." I say quietly. "What do you like?" She ask me. "Music?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I tell her. "I haven't had time to figure it out." I say quietly. "Where are you from?" She ask me. "Originally?" I ask her. She nods. I think for a second. "I think Ohio." I say quietly. She looks at me. "Move around a lot?" I nod. "I don't want to talk about it." I whisper. She nods. "Ok, I'll just show you the place."

"Who are you?" I look up and see a girl with long red hair. "Why are you sitting in my seat?" She ask pissed. "I-." I get interrupted by Betty. "Cheryl, this is Toni, she's new." She says quietly. I wave awkwardly. "Whatever." She says sitting down next to me. I look at her. "I'm Toni." I say quietly. "I don't care." She snaps back. "You know, there isn't much you can do to try and beat me down." I tell her. She looks at me. "You not caring who I am isn't my problem." I explain. "Well, it seems like it is because you keep talking to me!" She says pissed. I nod. "You're right." I say before looking at the bored.


I look at Toni. The fuck was that? I hear Betty snickering. "Ponytails, shut up!" I look back at Toni. "This isn't over." She nods while not looking at me. "Who's the one obsessing now?" She ask quietly. I stand up and she stands up facing me. "I'm not afraid of a white bitch who thinks she owns this school when in reality the only reason she has this power is because her parents never said no to her and now she has scared people into doing the same." She explains. "You're a spoiled brat Cheryl, I could tell the second you walked into this room with your Prada and Louis Vuitton." She whispers. "I'm surprised you know any of this seeing you look like you just walked out of a dumpster." I say smiling. "Well, I don't make money my personality, so that really says something." She says smiling. "You look homeless." I whisper. "Well I was for the past 6 months so it's not to far off." She says quietly. I look at her for a second. "Whatever." I say sit down.

I sit next to Toni, who's smoking a cigarette. "What do you want?" She ask quietly. "Those are gonna kill you." She nods. "Awesome." She whispers. "Betty gave me some backstory." She looks at me. "Just that you've been moved around a lot and don't have the best home life." I whisper. "That's all?" I nod. "I'm sorry for being a psycho bitch to you." I whisper. She looks at me. "I've been in and out of foster homes for the past 8 years." I look at her. "My mother died and no one can get ahold of my father and no one else in my family can take me." She explains. I take a deep breath. She looks at me. "You don't know what other people are going through, that's ok I get it. But being a bitch to people can be the final straw and they could go and kill them selves or decide that maybe it's a good idea to come to school with a gun and kill their worse nightmare, which is most likely you." She tells me as she puts out her cigarette. "But you know, you're to rich to care and literally anyone else!" She says smiling. I look at her. She smiles. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Don't be." She whispers. "You busy?" She ask quietly. "What?" I ask confused. "Well, I would like to know the psychology behind you." She says quietly. "Not in a weird creepy way." She adds. "I meant that as-." I stop her. "I know what you meant." I say quietly. She nods. "Also before you ask, I am." I tell her. "No one knows. The only reason I'm telling you is because you clearly see something in me to tell me your secrets." She nods. "Totally get it." She whispers. "Pop's?" I ask quietly. "That's the only place I know here." I smile. "Yeah, it's the only place people go to eat here anyways! It's Pop's or the drive in but I don't think that actually counts." I tell her. She looks at me. "You guys have a drive in?" She ask sitting up. "Have you never been to one?" I ask her. "I never had a childhood." She says quietly. "Oh god, we have to go then." I say smiling. "Let's go!"

"That had to be the worst one!" I say quietly. Toni and I have been talking, completely ignoring the movie in front of us. "No, the worst one was when I was 12 and I was put in one of those homes for troubled teens! The woman who ran it was super racist. She couldn't rap her head around the fact that I'm black and that maybe, just fucking maybe I need different hair products and all that shit." Toni explains. "Wait, I really don't mean this to be insensitive, you need different hair products." She nods. "Yeah! This woman had us all using whatever she got and it was usually this cheep stuff from the dollar store. It smelled nice though so I'll give her that. But, I don't think my hair has recovered from it." She says quietly. "So your mom died and your dad is no where to be found?" I ask her quietly. She nods. "My dad joined the army and he got kicked out when I was like 7 and no one has heard from him since." She explains. "Do you mind if I ask what happened to your mom?" I ask her. "Oh! We were in a car accident, she forgot her seatbelt and went through the windshield." She says quietly. "It's weird not knowing where my dad is." She whispers. "But it's also kinda nice because he's an asshole." She tells me. I nod. "I don't really know how to respond to that." I say quietly. She smiles. "It's cool." She says smiling. "So you like your foster place now?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah actually! Olivia's really nice." I smile. "Oh! You're stuck with her aren't you?" She looks at me confused. "She always takes in kids that are about to age out to give them a bit of stability before they turn 18! You'll probably still see some kids come by while you're here." I tell her. "Is she a decent person?" She ask quietly. "From what I've heard, yeah. She's really good and helps kids get a bit of stability for however long they're with her." She nods. "That's good." She smiles.


I walk out of my room and hand Olivia a lightbulb. "The light in my room was out so I went to see if it was lose but it wasn't and I don't know where you want me to put this and I don't know where you have the spares." I tell her. She smiles. "I would have done this for you." She says quietly. I shrug. "It's ok." She says smiling. I nod. "The new ones for your room are in the closet between your room and your bathroom, top shelf, on the left." I nod and go over to the closet. I grab the lightbulbs, go into my room and change the light. I hear a knock on the front door and the door opening a minute later. I walk out of my room and see Cheryl. She smiles. "Hey, sorry I kinda showed up unannounced, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to Pop's since we never actually ended up there the other day." She tells me. I smile a little. "That- that would be nice." I say quietly. She smiles. "Great, let's go." She says quietly. I walk out and we go to the car. "I have to stop by an Auto store down the street because one of my lights is out and I just need to get it so my dad can do it." She says as we get in. "I can do it." I say quietly. "My mom used to own a shop and I would help out." I tell her. "Honestly as long as I don't have to have my dad try to explain it to me again I'm good." I smile.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now