338: The One With The Wedding

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"He fucking did it again!" Toni yells. "I'm gonna kill him!" I grab her as she starts to storm off. "Fangs?" He grabs her arm and handcuffs her to the refrigerator door. "Stay!" He says annoyed. "I'm not a dog!" She yells back. "We can do it at Pop's down in the speakeasy!" Veronica says quietly. "No! It is over!" Toni yells. "It's over! My father wins! Again! Like the bustard he was and always will be." She yells beyond frustrated. "He hasn't been like this forever!" Fangs says quietly. "Remember when we were kids, we'd go trick or treating, as soon as we got home, who took all the candy?" Toni ask Fangs. "Your dad." He says quietly. "Before my mom, left us when she still could afford to buy us Christmas presents who opened everything up took what he wanted and sold the rest to fuel his heroin addiction?" She annoyed. "Your dad." Fangs says again. "Who handed us over to CPS for 2 years so he could expand his drug business?" She ask him. "Your dad." Fangs says one last time. "Look Cheryl! I love you! I love you more than life itself! But this asshole isn't gonna let me be happy he needs to die! Today!" She tells me. "God! I feel like a fucking character out of Shameless!" She yells. She opens the fridge and grabs a beer. She gets frustrated with it and goes to throw it but I stop her. "No!" I take it out of her hand. "There's cans in there! Drink one of those!" I tell her. I can see her holding back tears. "I want him dead." She whispers. "He's not going anywhere anytime soon." I whisper. "We're getting married at Pop's where we had our first date and where you were the first person I ever came out to. Because that place is special to us and no one can change that." I explain cupping her cheeks. "What if he tries to burn Pop's down?" She ask quietly. "It wouldn't be the first time someone has done that." Veronica says. I look at her. "Really?" I ask annoyed. "We'll have serpents surrounding the place so nothing will happen." Fangs says quietly. I look at Toni. "What about my dad?" She ask quietly. "Sweet Pea and I will-." She stops him. "No! You are in the wedding! You're not going after him." She says annoyed. "Can you let me finish the goddamn sentence?" Fangs asks annoyed. "Sweet Pea and I will send some of the guys out to follow him and his goons and make sure they don't leave the southside!" He explains. "Can you uncuff me? This isn't sexy." Toni ask quietly. "Are you going to run off and try to kill your dad?" I ask her. "N-no!" She says, I can tell she's lying. "Toni!" I say pissed. "You can't talk me off this ledge babe!" She yells. "I want him dead!" She says. "Can we get married first?" I ask her. She nods. "Thank you. Not to be a bitch or anything but this wedding is also mine!" I remind her. She looks down. "We can wait for him to go back to jail." Fangs suggest. "No! We're getting married today." I tell him.

I look at Toni as we have our first dance. "You clean up well." I tell her. She smiles. "Thanks." She whispers. "You look amazing as always Cher." She tells me. "This is the weirdest wedding ever." I whisper. "I mean, it's us. When have we ever does anything normally?" I ask quietly. "Still want to kill your dad?" I ask her. "A little." She nods. "Ok, we can do that later." I tell her. "Really?" She says perking up. "No!" I say annoyed. "Worth a shot." She says quietly. I cup her cheeks and pull her into a kiss. "Something needs to happen to him though." She whispers. "Plant drugs and call the police on him." I tell her. "I could just call the police on his safe house." She says quietly. "True." I whisper. "Do you see Fangs?" She ask quietly. "No." I whisper. "Or Kev?" She ask. "No. They're probably in the bathroom, what do you expect from them?"


I look out the window. "Toni, he doesn't know we're here." Cheryl says wrapping her arms around me. "Come on." She whispers kissing the back of my neck. "It's getting late and we're going skying tomorrow." She tells me. I look at her. "He's not gonna find us here, he can't even afford to get here." She tells me. I take a deep breath. "Can we take a bath?" I ask her. "Tomorrow. I'm tired."

I massage Cheryl's foot as we sit in the bathtub. "Why did we decide to do this as the honeymoon?" She ask quietly. "Because we're going to the St. Martin for your birthday." I tell her. "Right." She whispers. "Today was nice though!" I say quietly. "Yes, because my dream honeymoon was spending our afternoon in the hospital getting stitches in my head while someone else puts my shoulder back in place!" She says sarcastically. "You didn't know? That's the only way to spend your honeymoon." I say jokingly. She smile. "It was nice until you went face first into the tree. And you're lucky it wasn't worse." I tell her. "My shoulder hurts like hell." I nod. "I know. There's not much I can do to help." I whisper. "You could stop massaging my feet and do my right shoulder." I nod. "Turn around." I whisper. She does so and I massage her shoulder. "You still worried?" She ask quietly. "I don't know." I say quietly. "You locked all the doors as we came in here. Either you're about to kill me or you're being paranoid." She explains. "Do you blame me?" I ask quietly. "What killing me?" She ask. I stop. "Really?" I ask annoyed. "Sorry." She says quietly. "I don't. You saw how I was years after I left my mom's house until she died." I nod. "At least you didn't have to worry about her burning down-." I stop. "I have to call Fangs." I say about to get up when Cheryl stops me. "He's staying at the house until we get back to make sure your dad doesn't touch our house." She tells me. "Him and Sweet Pea are taking shifts." She adds. I sit back down and continue rubbing her shoulder. "At least you didn't have to worry about your mom burning down the place you were about to get married in." I say finishing my sentence from earlier. "You're right, but she had to worry about me burning down her house." She says quietly. "How did you still have a bunch of Jason's things after that?" I ask her. "I knew I was going to do it so I got what I wanted and burned the rest." She tells me. "Sweet." I say not really knowing what to say. "How's your left shoulder?" I ask quietly. "The warm water is nice. Makes the pain go away a bit."

I roll over and look at Cheryl. "How are you feeling?" I ask quietly. "My head hurts." She says quietly. "Do you think we need to go back to the hospital?" I ask concerned. "I don't know." She says quietly. "Do you feel nauseous?" I ask her. "A little, but we had a bunch of ice cream, I always do after I eat too much dairy like that." She explains. "Are your ears ringing?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She whispers. "I think we should go back to the hospital just to make sure you're ok." I tell her. She nods. "Ok."


"Toni, calm down." I say as Toni paces back and forth. "If something is wrong it's my fault." She says quietly. "Toni. It's not!" She looks at me. "Yeah it is! It was my idea to come on this trip!" She tells me. "Yeah, and it was my idea to go skiing!" I say quietly. "I feel bad!" She says quietly. "Cool! Doesn't make it your fault." She sighs and sits next to me. She takes my hand. "I don't want anything to happen to you." She whispers. I smile. "Nothing is gonna happen." I tell her. She nods. "This is our honeymoon, I don't that to be ruined either." She tells me. "It won't be, honestly if we just lie in bed and take baths together, I'm happy." I tell her. "But we had all these fun things planned-." I stop her. "Toni, I'm with you, away from everyone else! I'm satisfied." I explain. She nods. I cup her cheek with my good arm and rub it gently. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you too Cher." She says quietly. There's a knock on the door and the doctor comes in. "Cheryl Blossom?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah." I say quietly. "Well, like last time. It's not a concussion! Honestly you just need to rest for the next day or two, you hit your head pretty hard. But you'll be fine, just keep an eye on everything. If you start to feel worse please don't hesitate and come back. Do you have any questions?" She ask quietly. "Are my shoulders gonna be ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! How bad is the pain?" She ask concerned. "I mean, I did dislocate my left shoulder." I say quietly. "My right just hurts."

I look at out at the snow as it falls. "Feeling better?" I hear. I turn around and see Toni. "Yeah actually." She smiles. "That's a good sign." She says quietly. "My head still hurts but in not nauseous or lightheaded." I tell her. She wipes the snow off of the chair. "That's good." She says sitting down. "You sure sitting in the cold is the best idea?" She ask quietly. "It's kinda nice, the back of the chair is icing my shoulders." She chuckles. "What are you thinking about sweetheart?" I ask reaching over and rubbing her arm. "My mom." She says looking at me. "I just wish I knew where she was." She says quietly. "You hadn't brought her at all until you were ranting about all this shit your dad had done." She nods. "She walked out on us when I was 5." She says quietly. "Can we go back inside? My tits are cold." She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah." I say quietly. She immediately jumps up and runs inside. I follow her in and sit down couch. "Do you need ice?" She ask quietly. "No, I'm ok." She nods. "This is a very interesting way to start our lives together." She says quietly. "Yeah!" I say quietly. "What do you want to do today?" She ask quietly. "We can go walk around see what this place has to offer, we are at one of the biggest ski resorts." I suggest. "Maybe if we're lucky we won't spend the afternoon in the hospital." I say quietly.

I look at Toni as she eats her bagel. "What's up?" She ask quietly. "I can't eat this with one hand." I say sadly. "Do you want me to cut it in half?" I nod. "Ok." She whispers. She grabs a knife and cuts my bagel in half. "Easier?" I nod. "You know, people on their honeymoon usually have sex and we haven't." She says quietly. "Well, we got to the hotel late at night, then I dislocated my shoulder. So we've been a little preoccupied." I tell her. "Also now, we can't because don't want to add pain to my head." I say quietly. "That was not worded well." She says quietly. "You know what I mean!" I say quietly.

4 weeks later

"How was the trip?" Veronica ask quietly. "Great! Cheryl almost died... twice." Toni says quietly. Veronica's eyes widen. "I went face first into a tree, dislocated my shoulder, almost got a concussion and then slipped on ice and actually got a concussion so we had to stay for extra time so I could travel safely." I explain. "I notice the sling." She says quietly. "I'm sorry. How did you end up face first into a tree?" She ask quietly. "Skiing. Never need to do that again." Toni shakes her head. "Nope." She whispers.

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