341: The One Where Cheryl Can't Hear

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"Hey! Veronica! How's- How's Jason?" Cheryl ask Cheryl. "Mommy! It's me." I hear our son Jason on the phone. "Now's not the bed time to talk, can I-." I tap Cheryl on the shoulder. "It's Jason!" I tell her. She looks at me confused. I take a deep breath. "Jason!" I sign to her. Her eyes widen. "Can you?" She ask quietly. I nod. I grab the phone. "Hey! Buddy! It's me! What are you doing calling from Veronica's phone?" I ask him. "Everyone is asleep and I got bored." I smile. "Is Veronica there?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. Why did mommy think I was Veronica?" He ask quietly. "Because mommy doesn't have her hearing aid in." I tell him. "When are you guys gonna be home?" He ask quietly. "We'll be home before thanksgiving! I promise." Cheryl looks at me. I motion to my ear and shrug my shoulders. "Dead!" She accidentally yells. I wave my hand up and down. "You promise?" Jason ask quietly. "Of course! We'll be able watch the parade together and eat cinnamon rolls until we can't eat anymore!" I tell him. "Ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah!" He says quietly. "I'll see you later buddy." I say quietly. "I love you! We both do with all our hearts." I remind him. "I love you too mommy." I smile. "I'll see you soon bud." I say before hanging up. I look at Cheryl. "Batteries?" I ask signing. "None!" She signs back. I nod. "Dead!" She adds, signing and yelling. "You are yelling!" I sign. "Do you want me to go out and get you new batteries?" I ask her. She nods. "Ok!" I smile. "You're being loud." I say quietly. "What?" She ask. I look at her. "Loud?" I nod.

I put the new batteries in Cheryl's hearing aid and hand them to her. She puts it in. "Better?" I ask quietly. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." She says quietly. "Just don't pick up the phone when you can't hear who you are talking too!" I tell her. She nods. "Also, tell me-." She stops me. "I was about to tell you before I got the call!" I take a deep breath. "Oh." I smile. "Never mind." I say quietly. "How well is your hearing with those?" I ask her. "Better! Not great. Better than before." She says quietly. "Not as good as before I got my eardrums blown out." I nod. "That was pretty bad." I whisper. "What?" She ask confused. "That was pretty bad." I say a bit louder. "Oh! Yeah." She says sitting back. "How did you blow out your eardrums? I know it was before we met." I ask quietly. "You don't really talk about it." I add. "I was at a show! The speakers messed up my ears, I'm deaf if my left ear, and 84% in my right. Because I took out my in ear monitors for 2 seconds." She whispers.

I turn on the light and walk over to Jason. "It's time to wake up." I whisper rubbing his back. He slowly wakes up. I open the curtain. I look at Jason as he sits up in bed. "What's up bud?" I ask quietly. "Why did mommy not hear me?" He ask quietly. "Mommy is hard of hearing but, we've told you this." I whisper. "Why?" He ask quietly. "Why?" I ask confused. "Why is she? There must have been a reason." I take a deep breath. "She use to perform live, and because of that she started losing her hearing. Then one night, something bad happened to the sound system and it really damaged her ears." I tell him. "Can that happened to me?" He ask concerned. I nod. "Yeah, but it's rare. And you have to going to concerts and things that are really loud for that to happen." He nods. "Come on! Let's get up! We can watch the parade together." I tell him. He smiles and jumps out of bed. "Do I have to get dressed?" I shake my head. "Not yet, mommy is making breakfast." I tell him.

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