219: The One Where Toni Loses Her Memory

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Ok so everyone is like almost 30 in this story. None of this is really accurate and I don't intend on making fun of anyone with this problem. Idk.


There's a knock on the door. "Toni, go get the door." Veronica says quietly. I get up and get it. "Is this the house of Cheryl Blossom and Antoinette Topaz?" A woman ask. I nod. "Who are you?" I ask quietly. "I'm Rebecca Johnson, you and your wife's immigration officer." I nod. "Cool, who are you?" I ask forgetting. "Ok!" Veronica says pulling me away. "Hi I'm Veronica, I'm Toni's aid. Toni go sit down and watch some tv." She whispers. I nod. "Ok. But who's that?" I ask motioning to the woman. "Toni, I'll tell you in a minute go sit down and watch some tv." Veronica says. I go to the living room and sit down. "What was I supposed to do?" I ask myself quietly.


Toni goes and sits down. "I'm sorry about her. Toni was in a car accident a few months ago and her short term memory is shot and she still thinks it's 2004 with some stuff from stuff from today, her memory is all jumbled." I explain the immigration officer. "Where's Cheryl?" She ask quietly. "Work." I say quietly. Toni walks into the room. "Who's this?" She ask smiling. "Toni, go sit down." She nods. "Ok, when is Cheryl getting home again?" She ask quietly. "4:30." She nods. "Who's this?" I sigh. "Toni, she's the immigration officer." Her eyes widen. "Am I here illegally?" I take a deep breath. "No, you're married to Cheryl. She's just here to make sure your marriage is legit." She nods. "Is it?" I nod. "You guys have been married for 2 years." She nods. "Ok." She smiles. "Go into the living room and watch some tv." I whisper. "Do you think there's a new episode of the Friends is on yet? I don't want to miss it!" I ask smiling. "I don't know Toni. Why don't you use your phone and look it up." I say motioning to the living room. She nods and sits down. I look at the officer. "I'll come back around 5." I nod and she leaves. I look at Toni. "When's Cheryl gonna be home?" She ask. "4:30." She nods. "Who was at the door?" She ask quietly. "An immigration officer. You remember someone was at the door?" She nods. "My memory is getting a bit better, I still don't remember what day it is and I think I'm  stuck in 2004 when we're clearly not. I know I've been with Cheryl since College, I just don't remember anything between my 13th birthday and 5 minutes ago, with some stuff sprinkled in." She explains. I nod. "What time is Cheryl getting home?" She ask. "4:30. We should make a board for you." She nods. "Wouldn't hurt." She smiles. I look at her. "I'll make one tonight and bring it tomorrow." I say. "Bring what tomorrow?" She ask. "Nothing you need to worry about." I say quietly. She nods.

Cheryl looks at me. "How was she today?" She ask concerned. "Better, immigration came by, she said she'll be back around 5. Toni actually remembered that there was someone in the house but couldn't remember why or who." She smiles a bit. "That's actually some really good improvement." She whispers. "Yeah. She keeps asking when you're getting home. I'm gonna make her a board with important times and just basic things she forgets." She nods. "That would be great." She smiles. "I'm gonna head home. I'll be here first thing in the morning." I say quietly. "I wrote down everything we did today, try to remind her." She nods.


I walk into the living. "Hey Toni." She looks at me. She smiles. "How was your day?" I ask. She  shrugs. "I don't know." I look at the paper Veronica left me. "You guys went to Pops, You watched tv and took a 3 hour nap." She shrugs. "I guess. Did you know I can drink alcohol?" I nod. "Your 28 Toni, you've been able to drink since you were 19." She looks at me. "But the legal drinking limits is 21." I nod. "You're Canadian! Toni! You've been living in Canada until 5 years ago!" She nods. The door bell rings. "I'll get it." I whisper. I get up and get the door. "Hey!" I smile. "Come in." I say to Rebecca and let her in.

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