278: The One Where Toni Always Show's Up

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I walk over my sister and niece. "Auntie TT!" Sarah my neice yells running over to me. I pick her up. "Hey kiddo!" I smile. "You came!" I nod. "Yeah!" I say smiling at how adorable she is. "I got you these." I say handing her a small box of chocolate. "It's for how amazing you were tonight!" She smiles. "Thank you!" She says hugging me. I look at my sister, she smiles a little. I wink and nod. "Hey! Do you want to meet Auntie Cheryl at Pop's and we can have milkshakes?" I ask smiling. She nods. "Ok!" I say happily. "Can I goodbye to my friends first?" She ask quietly. "Of course." I say putting her down. She runs over to her friends. I look at my sister. "You came." She says quietly. "Jess, I knew her dad wasn't going to come even though she keeps inviting him. I wanted her to feel like someone besides you cares. And honestly that was the cutest thing I've ever seen so I'm not even mad that everyone was off key." She smiles. "Thank you." She says quietly. "Of course. I'm sorry Cheryl couldn't be here, she had therapy and was kinda wiped from it, but! she texted me a few minutes ago asking if we wanted meet at Pop's for dinner." I tell her. "Everything ok?" She ask quietly. "Oh yeah! Her next text was her telling me not to worry if it was bad she would have just forced me to go." I explain. She nods. Sarah runs back over. I pick her up. "Come on!" I smile.

We all walk into Pops. I look around. "She's downstairs waiting for you guys!" Veronica says knowing I'm looking for Cheryl. I nod. "Cool!" I smile. We go downstairs and see Cheryl at the bar. "Cheryl!" I put Sarah down and she runs over to Cheryl. She picks Sarah up and comes over. I look at Cheryl she shakes her head. "Just a Cherry Cola." She says quietly. I nod. "Can I stay at Auntie TT and Cheryl's house tonight?" Sarah ask excitedly. I look at Jess. "Please?" Sarah and I beg. "Yeah! Just we have church in the morning!" Jess says smiling. "Yay!" Cheryl and Sarah go sit down at a table. I look at Jess. "Church?" I ask knowing she almost never goes. She nods. "Yeah! Our cousin Drew's kid is getting baptized." She says like I should know this. "He is?" I ask confused. "Yeah!" She says quietly. "That's this weekend?!" She nods. "Yes!" I groan. "Damn!" I say quietly. We go to the table and eat dinner.

"So her dad didn't show up?" Cheryl ask lying down. "No! He was probably to high to come." I whisper. "You know, you're probably the best Aunt ever. You show up to everything that girl does!" I smile. "I love her so much. She reminds me so much of me when I was her age." I tell her. She kisses me. "Well, if she's anything like you, she will grow up to be an amazing person." She says quietly. I look at her. "You think?" She nods. "Yeah." She smiles. "She looks up to you and trust me, I've heard her say how much she wants to be like you when she gets older! Did a project last year on who her hero was and she put you, not me, not your sister or her teacher or fucking superman! You! She loves you and you are her idol!" She explains. "What if she's realizes I can't be?" I ask quietly. "She won't. She's seen you fail and she saw you get right back up again!" I take a deep breath. "Damn!" She nods. "You'll be a great mother one day." She says quietly. "M-mother?" I ask quietly. "Yeah! Like soon." She says smiling. "Wait are you?" I ask sitting up. She nods. I look at her. "When did you find out?" I ask quietly. "About a week ago. I didn't want to tell you until I knew for sure because our doctor said that the test might say that I'm pregnant and it can come up as false, I went to the doctor and we are having our first kid in 9 months." She explains. "I don't care that you waited to tell me! I'm just happy that the treatment worked!" I say smiling. I pull her into a kiss. She smiles.

"I really hope daddy comes to my next school concert." Sarah says as she draws in her coloring book. My heart drops. "Why doesn't he come?" She ask looking up. "I do-don't know kid." I whisper. "When was the last time you saw him?" I ask quietly. "A few weeks ago. He was acting weird and him and mom got into an argument." She says shrugging it off. "Why?" She ask. "You're my niece. This isn't a conversation I can have with you." I whisper. "Can you tell me one thing?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Does he care about me?" She ask me. "I don't know, but I do. Because you're the coolest kid in the world!" I say smiling. "And if your dad doesn't see that it's not your fault, he's just an asshole." I tell her. "What's an asshole?" She ask. "Don't say that!" I say quietly. "Why?" She ask me. "Because it's a bad word and you're 7." I tell her. "I'm 8." She says quietly. "That's what I said." I say joke. "No! You said I was 7!" I shake my head. "No, I didn't." I lie. She stands up and comes over to me. I pick her up and stand up. "I'm just messing with you kiddo. I know you're 28!" She smiles. "No! I'm 8!" I nod. "You're funny." She says laughing. "Yeah!" I smile. "Come on! It's time to pretend like we're religious!" I tell her. Cheryl walks downstairs. "Toni! Can we stop by Sephora after we go?" She ask yelling right in my ear. "Look around before you start yelling." I say quietly. "Sorry." She kisses my cheek. "Why do we have to go?" I ask her. "I need new lipstick." I nod.

"You ok?" I ask Jess. She nods. "Thanks for being here for Sarah. Why do you care so much about her? You don't have to do this." She ask quietly. "Because remember how bad dad was?" I ask her. "I don't want her to feel like she doesn't matter in this world! I always felt so stupid and useless because mom never cared about us, dad never even thought that he should maybe consider acknowledging our existences! You care about Sarah, so do I and so does Cheryl! I just want her to feel special." I explain. She nods. "I love you." She whispers. I nod. "I love you too." She hugs me. Sarah runs over to us. I pick her. "Where's Cheryl?" She ask quietly. "Bathroom?" I say not really knowing where she is. "I don't know, she's her own person." She nods. "True."

Idk what else to do with this one

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