284: The One Where They Try To Have a Baby

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I slowly step into the shower. Toni turns around and looks at me. "I need you." She whispers. I pull her into a kiss. We make out for a few minutes until she picks me up. "Toni!" I moan quietly. "We don't have to." I whisper. "I want to." She nods and kisses my neck. "Condom?" She ask quietly. "No, I'm ovulating." I whisper. She nods and slides herself into me. "Oh!" I moan quietly. She thrust slowly.

Toni walks out of the bathroom. "Do you think it worked?" She ask going over to the closet. "No." I says quietly. "We can try something el-." I stop her. "No! I want to have a kid and I want to be the one who does it." She nods. "Ok! It's just that might not be an option Cheryl!" She says walking over to the bed and sitting down. "I'm not giving up hope, but I think we need to be realistic." She whispers. "I want a kid with you. I don't care if they aren't biologically related to us or not. I'll love them no matter what!" I take a deep breath. "We can keep trying for a bit but I think if you're not pregnant by July I think we need to do something about this." She explains. "Ok?" I nod. She kisses me. "I just don't want this to be our entire relationship."


I rub Cheryl's cheek as she sleeps. We've been trying to have a kid for a while. It's been hard on both of us. Cheryl never wanted to have kids while her mother was alive, after she died we had the idea of throwing out of Birth Control and to try to have a kid! If she wasn't pregnant by the end of the year we would adopt. That was 3 years ago. We've been trying on and off since then. "Cher." I whisper. Her eyes slowly open. "What's up?" She ask quietly. "I got a call from Fangs and he needs me to meet him at a meeting." She looks at me. "Ok." She says quietly. "Just be safe." She whispers. I nod. She pulls me into a quick kiss. I smile. "I'll be back in an hour." I tell her.

"How's Cheryl?" Fangs ask quietly. "She's ok! She still hasn't wrapped her head around the fact that she might not be able to have a baby. I don't know if it's me or her that's causing the problem! But still, I'm really worried about it." He nods. "Totally get it." He says quietly. "You ok?" I ask him. "I told Cheryl I'd be home in like 10 minutes." I tell him. "I'm ok, I just needed some support. I'm feeling a lot better." I smile. "Ok! Call me in the morning." I say quietly. "Ok." He nods. I go to my car and drive home. I walk into the house. I go upstairs, walk into the bedroom and see Cheryl wide awake. "You ok?" I ask her. She takes a deep breath. "I don't think I can get pregnant." She says wiping her tears. "Well, we can get tested to see if there's a problem for either of us." I tell her. "It might not be you..." I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I don't really know how to handle this." I say awkwardly. "It's ok." She says quietly. "How's Fangs?" She ask changing the subject. "He's ok. He got in a really bad fight with his dad and it was either going to meeting or drinking so he called me since besides you, I am the only person who knows he has a problem." I tell her. She nods. "Damn." She says quietly. I nod. "Yeah." I whisper. I kiss the top of her head. "Let's go to sleep." I whisper. She wraps her arms around me. I pick her up. I lie down on the bed and just hold Cheryl. I smile a little. "I don't care if we have a kid and they aren't biologically ours, it's probably best, not to be an asshole but we are both pretty fucked up." I tell her. She sits up. "I just want to raise a kid with you." I say quietly. I look at her. "We'll keep trying, but we really need to look into our options." I whisper. "I don't want to put a kid through that trauma of being adopted." She whispers. I take a deep breath. "Cheryl, you know I was adopted right?" I ask confused. "Yeah! You've talked about how kinda fucked it you up." I nod. "Yeah, but I rather have a bit of trauma wondering if my birth mother ever loved me, then either being with her or be put in and out of foster care!" I explain. "The kid might feel differently but I know what it's like so I can help them!" I explain. I kiss her forehead and wipe her tears. "I'll make an appointment to see a fertility clinic." I tell her.

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