351: The One With The Commuication

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I look at Toni as she tries a shirt on. "Do you like the shirt?" I ask her. "No." She says quietly. "Why not?" I ask quietly. "Itchy!" She says taking it off and handing it to me. "What part?" I ask her. "The material." She tells me. I feel it. "Oh! Yeah. Sorry I picked this out, I just saw it and thought it would look good on you." She smiles. "It's fine!" She says quietly. "I really am." She looks at me. "Cheryl. I'm not mad." She tells me. "It's fine! Honestly." She says quietly. "Really?" She nods. "Yeah!" I nod. "Ok."


I look over at Cheryl as she slowly takes off her makeup. "You know, I will never get mad at you for no reason right?" I ask her as I go into the closet and take my shirt off to change into a knew one to sleep in. "What's a reason you would?" She ask quietly. I grab a different shirt and walk out. "You cheat on me, or murder someone on purpose. Like go out of your way to do so." I tell her. She looks at me. "I might get a little annoyed by something you might accidentally do, but, not enough that I wouldn't just tell you, and have an adult conversation with you." I explain. "What do you mean?" She ask quietly. "I don't know, you forget to flush the toilet sometimes when you're in a rush and it annoys me but I can easily just flush it." I tell her giving her an example. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "Don't be! It's fine! Again I'll just flush it. But don't do it just to annoy me!" I joke about the last part. "I won't." She says smiling. "I'm never going to raise my voice at you. I'm not going to hit you. I'm not gonna make you do anything you don't want to. I don't want to do that to you, I don't think it's fair." I tell her honestly. "Really?" I nod. "Well, yeah! I love you. Why would I hurt someone I love?" I ask her.

I lie down next to Cheryl. "What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?" I ask her. "Whatever you want." She says quietly. I sigh. "That's the problem. I don't know! I was hoping you would know." She laughs quietly. "I really like the way you make the french toast!" She says sitting up a little. "I can do that." I say pulling her into a kiss. "You sure?" She ask quietly. "Yeah! I don't mind. But can you help?" I ask her. "I'm always afraid I'm gonna mess the eggs up." She nods. "Yeah I can." She says smiling.

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