223: The One Where Veronica Finds Out

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The waitress comes over to take our orders. "I'll have a beer." I say quietly. "What kind?" She ask. "Which ever one is cheapest." I say quietly. She nods and writes that down. She looks at Cheryl. "I'll just have some water." Cheryl says awkwardly. We turn our attention to Veronica and she looks at us in shocked. "What do you want mam?" The waistless ask pulling her attention back to the conversation. "I'll just have some wine. Your finest." The complete opposite of what I want. The waitress walks away. Veronica looks at us. "You're pregnant?!" She ask smiling. "Yeah." Cheryl says quietly. "You don't seem happy about it." Veronica says. "We don't want anyone to know, this isn't the first time one of us has been pregnant. The last few times it didn't really end well." I say quietly. "Wait, how many times have you done this?" She ask quietly. "This will be our 4th time." I say quietly. "Just don't tell anyone." She nods. "How far along?" She ask excitedly. "2 months."


I look at Toni who's lying between my legs spaced out. I can always tell because she just stops whatever she's doing on her phone and doesn't move for until she snaps out of her thoughts. "What's wrong?" I ask noticing her getting a little uncomfortable with something on her mind. "I just realized you have to push that thing out of you." She says sitting up. I sigh. "Toni..." I smile a little. "That's scary." I nod. "Yeah, but it'll be ok." I say quietly.

"When are we leaving for the doctors appointment?" Toni ask walking into the kitchen. "Well, we have to run some errands first. So I don't know yet." She nods. "Ok." She walks out and I go back to my work. A few minutes later Toni walks back into the room. "So what time are we actually leaving?" She ask quietly. "Around 2." She nods. "Where else do we need to go?" She ask confused. I sigh. "We need to stop at CVS." She nods. "For what?" She ask quietly. "Your meds babe." She nods. "Cool." She smiles. I look at her. "You ok? Your forgetting things more often." I ask quietly. She nods. "Yeah! Just a little nervous." She says quietly. I pull her close. "Toni, everything is going to be ok. Even if it doesn't feel like it will be." I whisper. She looks at me. "What if the baby-." I stop her. "Toni! We have the money to keep trying and honestly if it doesn't work this time and neither of us want to go through this again we can always adopt. We can give a kid the chance we never had without putting another person into this world." I explain cupping her cheeks. "Ok?" She nods. "Take a deep breath." I whisper. She takes a deep breath. "This is why we're going to go and pick up your medication." She smiles a little. "When are we leaving again?" She ask quietly. "Around 2." She nods. I pull her into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper. She smiles. "I love you too." She kisses me.

Toni and I walk into the house. She takes off her jacket. "That could have been a lot worse." She says quietly. "Yeah! At least we're still having a baby." She smiles. "We just have to be really really careful." She whispers going closer to me and putting her hands on my belly. "Do you want to lie in bed and read, while I scroll through my phone for longer than either of us would like to admit?" She ask quietly. "You just want to lie between my legs!" I look at her. She nods. "Yeah!" She smiles. I nod. "Lets go upstairs. You're lucky I need to finish my book." I whisper. We go upstairs and lie down on the bed. I open my book and Toni starts scrolling through her phone when my phone rings. I sigh. "It's Veronica." I say quietly. "Hey V!" I say answering the phone. "Hey, are you guys busy right now?" She ask. "N-." Toni shakes her head. "Yeah! We are actually." I lie. "Why?" I ask "Oh! I just need help with Archie's party." She says quietly. "Well, we'll be free before dinner. The party is at Pop's right?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." I look at Toni and she shrugs. "We can stop by and have dinner there while we're there." I say. Toni lies into me and I stroke her hair. "That works! The party isn't until tomorrow night anyways, I'm just trying to get it over and done with but if you're in the middle of something I'll just get Betty until then." She explains. I take a deep breath.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now