357: The One With the Trip to Rhode Island

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I look at Cheryl as she puts the last beach chair in the back of the car. "Ready?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." She nods. I smile. "Betty and Veronica are gonna meet us at Pops. So we can figure out where we are going." She tells me. "Ok." She smiles. "Do you want to drive?" I ask her. She sticks her nose up. "I'll drive." I say quietly. She smiles. "Thanks babe." I smile. "Of course." I tell her. We get in the car and drive to Pops. I pull up. "I don't feel like going in." She says quietly. "What do you want?" I ask her. "Tea. With cream and 2 sugars." She tells me. I nod. "Anything to eat?" I ask her. "Ah! If they have any plain bagels left I'd like one with butter and lightly toasted." She says quietly. "If not?" I ask her. "Just tea." I nod. "Of course babe." I smile before getting out and going inside. "Hey Toni! You ready?" Veronica ask smiling. "Yeah! I was sent in for Tea and a bagel." I tell her. "We don't have any bagels left." I sigh. "Then just the tea." I say quietly. "What about you?" She ask quietly. "Oh! I'm good." I say quietly. She nods and makes the tea. "Where's Betty?" I ask her. "Bathroom." I nod. She hands me the tea. We sit in a very awkward silence. "So, how's life?" She ask awkwardly. "Good." We both nod. "How about you?" I ask her. "Pretty good! We found a venue Archie and I could agree on for the wedding." I smile. "That's good, I didn't really have a choice, Cheryl planned the whole thing I just had to show up." I tell her. "Yeah! Kinda the same thing but I'm Cheryl and Archie is you." I smile. "Most women have their weddings planned out, you didn't?" She ask quietly. "I never thought I'd get married." I say quietly. "Why not?" She ask quietly. "I didn't think I was gonna make it to 15! Now I'm 27 so plans change I guess." I tell her. "What did you think was gonna happen at 15?" She ask concerned. "I'm Bipolar and was unmedicated until I was 15." I tell her. "Oh! I'm sorry." I shrug. Betty walks out of the bathroom. "Oh thank god." We both whisper. "You ready?" Veronica ask quietly. "Yes. Cheryl's gonna text you guys when we get to the beach so you'll know where to go." I tell them. "Ok." I nod. "Ok, see you guys in an hour or two this could have easily been done over text but Cheryl." I say smiling. I walk out, I get in the car and hand Cheryl her tea. "We aren't telling them right?" I ask quietly. "No, luckily in a bikini I haven't started showing." I nod. "How are you explaining the no alcohol?" I ask quietly. "Will you not drink with me?" She ask quietly. "Sure!" I smile. "This is a weird favor but so I don't ruin the child's life, do you think you could not drink for the next 7 months?" She ask quietly. "I mean I don't drink much anyways so yeah. I should probably stop drinking anyways, I'm a lightweight and my meds make that worse." I nod. "But how are we explaining the fact that we aren't drinking?" I ask her. "Like tonight." I suggest. "Well, just say you're a lightweight and thought it would be a good idea to stop since we have to drive home tonight." She suggests. "Ok you?" I ask her. "It messes with my sleep!" She says quietly. "It does so it's not to far off." I say quietly. "I have nothing in common with Veronica!" I say pissed. "Why not?" She ask quietly. "It got really personal really quickly because I can't do small talk!" I say pissed.

I look at Cheryl as she walks into the water. "You good?" I ask her quietly. She nods. She panics a bit when the wave hits her. I reach my hands out and she takes them. "Have you never been in the ocean before?" I ask her. "No, when my family would go on trips the Bahamas, I would be tanning or at the spa!" I smile. She yelps. "I think I just got hit by a fish!" She says panicking. "Cheryl there's to many people here for there to be fish." I tell her. I pull out some seaweed. "It's just seaweed." I tell her. "You ok?" I ask her. "I don't know." I nod. "Do you want to get out?" I ask quietly. "Can we go back to shore?" I smile and nod. "Of course babe." I whisper. We go back to shore. "Can I ask you something before we go back over there?" Cheryl ask quietly. I nod. "Do you think they know?" She ask quietly. "I don't think so." I say quietly. "Do you think this bikini makes me look pregnant?" She asks me. "No. Not yet! Cher, you're only 2 months pregnant! You aren't showing yet, surprisingly. You're very tiny." I tell her honestly. We go back to the set up where Betty and Veronica are. I lie down on the blanket with Cheryl. "We're gonna go get lunch. What do you guys want?" Veronica ask smiling. "Ah! Burger." I say quietly. "I feel like being a five year old and want chicken fingers." Cheryl says quietly. "Anything to drink?" V ask quietly. "Lemonade." Cheryl and I both say. Veronica nods and her and Betty go to the concession stand. I look over at a family. "That's gonna be us one day." I say smiling.
"No, we aren't having 4 kids." She says quietly. "Well, I mean with the baby." I say quietly. She rubs her belly. "We're gonna be moms." She smiles. "Maybe we should tell them at dinner." She says quietly. I sit up. "You sure?" I ask her. "I really don't want to be a dick or anything but we should wait." I tell her. "Yeah." She whispers. "We should wait like until the doctors appointment next week and see how things are going." I suggest. She nods. "Yeah. I don't hate that idea. I'm just really excited." She smiles. "Me too babe." I smile.

"Want to go back in?" I ask Cheryl as she looks at the water. "Yeah. I promise I won't panic." I smile. "It's fine." I say getting up and reaching my hand out. Cheryl grabs it and I help her up. We walk to the water. "You ok?" I ask her. "Yeah." She nods. "Why are you so afraid of the water? You don't have a problem at home." I ask her. She looks at the water. "We don't go in and we stay far from it." She tells me. I look at her. "Jason?" She nods. I nod. "I know he didn't drown! Just it's hard to think about because if we didn't fake his death he might still be here." She tells me. I nod. "I know. But this isn't Sweet Water, it's the Atlantic Ocean. There's a bunch of lifeguards watching the water to make sure nothing happens. I am also here to hold your hand the whole time." I tell her. I reach my hand out. "You're safe with me." I remind her.

I hand Cheryl her ice cream. "Thanks babe." She smiles. I look at her. "Holy shit!" We look over at Betty. "What?" Cheryl and I ask. "This time next week you'll be married for 3 years." I look at Cheryl. "Well, no. Our actual wedding anniversary isn't actually for another 3 weeks. We had the ceremony but didn't sign any paperwork. But the anniversary of our Ceremony is in a week, which we will be celebrating, because why not." I say quietly. I look at Cheryl. "You know, I don't have anything in common with Veronica, we were waiting for you to get out of the bathroom and I've never wanted to die more." I tell Betty. "You really have nothing in common with her?" She ask quietly. "No!" I say annoyed. "Not at all."


I look at Toni as she drives quietly. The radio playing quietly as we drive home. "I think got sunburned." I say breaking the silence. "Yeah?" She ask quietly. "Yeah. My cheeks hurt when I talk. And my shoulders and back feel tight." I tell her. "When we get home I'll help you put some Aloe on your shoulders and back." She tells me. "We might have to stop at CVS for some though, I think we threw it out when we moved." She says quietly. "Also wouldn't hurt to get more. It doesn't really go bad." She tells me. I nod. "Do you mind if I turn down the air conditioner?" I ask her. "No! Go ahead." She says quietly. I turn down the air conditioner. "You could just put a sweatshirt on though." She smiles. "Then I'll be to hot." She nods. "Fair enough. I was about to turn it down anyways." She says chuckling a bit. I look at her. "We should do this again. But maybe just us. I don't hate Betty and Veronica but it would be a nice trip of the 2 of us." She tells me. I nod. "I wouldn't hate that." She nods. "Let me get over this sunburn first." We both laugh quietly. "I'm not saying we have to do it right now!" She says quietly. "We could get a hotel room and stay for a weekend or something." She suggests. "I think that'll be nice but make sure check is during the day so we don't get to the hotel late at night and have a million problems." I tell her. "Of course." She smiles. "Last time we did that it was traumatic."

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