243: The One Where Cheryl's Parents Are Decent

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Cheryl hands me my shirt. "I'm just gonna warn you, my parents are kinda racist." I look at her. "It's not on purpose! They're trying to be better and will happily listen to whatever anyone has to say about it so they can do better!" She tells me. "They are trying." She says quietly. "They've just stop accidentally making homophobic comments." I nod. "They're trying." I throw on my shirts. "They know I'm coming to dinner right?" She nods. "Yes! It was their idea! Well, my moms, my dad kinda just smiled and nodded." She says quietly. "But he cares! Trust me!" She kisses me. "I can still taste me on you." I say pulling her closer. "Yeah?" I nod. "This is why I should top more." She says quietly. I kiss her. "Round 4?" I ask quietly. "Yeah but we should make it quick." I say pulling her into my lap. "And I'm on top!" She says quietly. I shake my head. "No! I am." I say.

Penelope shakes my hand. "It's so nice to meet you." I whisper. "Well, it's nice to meet you too dear!" She says quietly. "You're a lot shorter than I thought you were." She tells me. I look at Cheryl. "Y-yeah. Doesn't help that you and Cheryl are both wearing heels and make me look shorter than I am. Even though I'm still not that tall. It's fine!" I smile. "Where's dad?" Cheryl ask quietly. I look at her. "He had work some work and he'll be a little late. But he'll be here and said to start without him." I nod. "Cool." I smile. "Lets go sit down." We sit down and start eating. "So Toni! What do your parents do?" She ask quietly. I almost choke on my food. "Um.. I don't really know." I say quietly. "My dad died from cancer right before I was born and my mom couldn't raise me on her own without him so she left me with my grandparents." I explain. Her eyes widen. "I'm sorry!" I shake my head. "No! It's ok! My grandparents are awesome and I've talked to my mom a few times and I've forgiven her." She nods. "Then what do your grandparents do?" She ask quietly. "They're both retired but my grandfather used to be a writer for the Register and my grandmother worked at the hospital as a nurse." I say quietly. "I'm guessing they are both retired." I nod. "Yeah."

I take off my shirt. "I like your parents." I say quietly. Cheryl looks at me. "Yeah?" I nod. "Yeah! Your dad is so cool and a huge nerd!" I smile. "You didn't think they said anything offensive?" She ask. "No!" I say going to the closet and finding a sweatshirt. "Well, your dad did say 'your people' but quickly corrected himself." She sighs. "I'm sorry-." I stop her. "Stop apologizing for your parents." I say quietly. "Your parents are cool! I have nothing against them and you should be lucky to have them." I tell her. She kisses me and lies her head on my shoulder. She says something but I couldn't hear it well. "What?" I ask quietly. She looks at me. "I can't hear in my left ear Cheryl! It's been 3 years." She nods. "Forgot." I smile. "Remember how you used to get so mad at me because you thought I was ignoring you because you thought I could clearly hear you since I only used one earbud and you would try to talk to me and I couldn't hear you." She smiles. "I really thought you hated me for the longest time." She says quietly. I pull her close. "I definitely didn't hate you but I thought you were about to kill me a few times. Sometimes I still feel like that but then I look back and I see why." She nods. "I love you." She says quietly. "Mhm... I love you too baby." I say quietly. I look at her. "Were you always deaf in you left ear?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Yeah." I say quietly. "I think." I add. "As long as I can remember." I tell her. She cups my cheeks. "Is it weird?" She ask quietly. "I don't know any different Cher." She nods. "Right. Of course." I smile and pull her into a kiss. "You know we've been together for a while and you never ask me about it." I say quietly. "I didn't think you wanted to. Also I just didn't really care enough to ask." I nod. "It's really funny when I'm sleeping or just lying on my side and don't hear you coming because you have a very quiet walk." I tell her. "Unlike you who stomps everywhere!" She says quietly. "Well, yeah I can barely hear myself walk!" She smiles.


I walk into the bedroom. I look at Toni who's sleeping. I sigh. She didn't sleep at all last night, so it's nice to see her asleep. I slowly walk downstairs. "Hey Cheryl. How was your night? I know, you're used to your own bed now." Mom ask quietly. "Good!" I say quietly. "Slept fine." I add. "Well, when I was actually was asleep." I say. "Oh?" I shake my head. "Toni is used to our bed and has a hard time sleeping, it took her almost a year to sleep through the night at home." I tell her. "She finally went to sleep around 7." I whisper. "When will she be up?" Mom ask quietly. "In a bit. I don't know when exactly." I say quietly. "Well, she has to be she has an interview later at the high school." I add. "For what?" She ask. "The special education teacher! She finally got her degree." I whisper. "What about you?" I look at mom. "I- I still don't really know what I want to do. Also my job at Pops pays well and-." She stops me. "Don't freak out! You're allowed to do whatever you want! You're an adult and you're supporting yourself! I just want to make sure your happy." She says quietly. I sigh. "Are you?" She ask quietly. "In my job? Not really, but I don't hate it! It's just the people who go to Pop's are idiots and ask for stuff we don't have and I have to explain to them that we don't have that and I will not out of my way to make it!" I explain. She smiles a little. "But it's fun! And Toni comes by at my break and gets lunch with me." I smile. "You really love each other." I nod. "Yeah." I say quietly. "I should go and wake Toni up." She nods and I go upstairs. I walk in. "Toni!" I go over to her, she doesn't respond. Not like she's dead she's clearly breathing. I take a deep breath realizing she probably can't hear me. I go over and shake her gently. She rolls over onto her back and smiles. "Hey baby." She whispers. "Mom made breakfast." I say quietly. She sits up. "I'm not really hungry but I could go for some coffee." I look at her confused. "I think I had too much meat last night." She says quietly. "I'm fine! But I think I'll need to take something to help pass everything after my interview." She explains. "You sure?" She nods. "Maybe you should try not eating meat for a while." I suggest. She shakes her head. "No! I would miss cheeseburgers too much!" She says. I sigh. "Ok! How about we just cut back a little? It wouldn't hurt." She nods. "Ok! But I still want my burgers." I nod. "Ok." I smile. "Also can we sleep in our bed tonight?" I nod.

I look at Toni who's reading in my lap. "Toni?" She sits up and nods. "When- when do you think you're family can meet mine? My mom was wondering." I ask quietly. "I don't know." She shrugs. "My grandma is kinda losing it and my grandpa... I don't know he kinda just exist." She says quietly. "Also, speaking of my grandparents. They were thinking about taking a trip to Rhode Island next weekend and were wondering if we wanted to go." She tells me. "Maybe. I have to look at my schedule and see if I have work." She nods. "And maybe we can talk to them about meeting your parents." I smile. "Yeah. Or you could just call them." She shakes her head. "Neither of them understand how to use a smartphone. They never figured out flip phones! Anytime my grandpa tries calling me he ends up FaceTiming me and doesn't know how to hang up." I sigh. "I love them but if I had the chance I'd slap them both." She says before going back to her book. I smile and kiss her forehead. "I love you." She smiles. "I love you too Cher." She whispers. "Oh! Your dad was wondering when we were getting married." I look at her. "What did you say?" I ask. She shrugs. "I said neither of us were ready and that we both decided to wait a bit until we know we're ready." She says quietly. "Are we?" I ask quietly. She looks up. "Are you?" She ask quietly. "Are you?" I ask her. She shrugs. "I think so." She says quietly. I nod. "I think so too." I say quietly. "Does this mean we're engaged?" She ask quietly. "Maybe." I nod. "Do you want to be?" She nods. "We don't have a ring though." She says quietly. She smiles and pulls out a ring pop. "Why do you have these on stand by?" She shrugs. "Because I like them. You literally have a bag of smarties on your side!" I nod. "True." I pull her into a kiss. "Do you want to go out tomorrow and get a ring?" She ask. "Yeah."

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