344: The One With The Storm

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I look at Jason. "Where's mom?" He ask quietly. "She's with Nana Rose." I tell him. "Why?" He ask quietly. "To make sure she's safe during the storm bud." I say quietly. "What about us?" I take a deep breath. "Well, I'm here. We'll be fine." I whisper. He looks at me. "What if we lose power?" I smile. "We have flashlights and candles." I say quietly. "Ok." He nods. I take a deep breath. "We'll be ok!" I tell him. He nods nervously. There's some thunder and Jason sits closer to me. I wrap my arm around him. "Where are we most safe?" He ask quietly. "Right in my arms buddy." He nods.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer. I hear a boom and the power goes out. I take a deep breath as I hear Jason scream. I hear him run downstairs. I put my beer on the counter and walk out of the kitchen. "Mommy!" He runs over to me and hugs me. I pick him up. "Hey. It's ok." I whisper. "The power is out, but we're still safe." I tell him. "Can I sleep in your bed?" He ask quietly. I nod. "Of course." I smile. "Come on." I whisper. I walk upstairs and we go into the bedroom. I lie him down and tuck him in. "I'll be back in a minute. I have to go get changed." He nods.

I lie down in bed and Jason lies into me. "I'm scared." He whispers. "I know. It's just a storm. We'll be ok, it'll past through." I whisper. "So why isn't mommy here?" He ask quietly. "I told you. She's with Nana Rose to help her get through this." I say quietly. He nods. I take a deep breath. "Go to sleep bud." I whisper. "How long is the storm?" He ask quietly. "It'll be gone by tomorrow morning." I tell him. "What kind of storm is it?" I take a deep breath. "It's a tropical storm." I say quietly. "What's that?" He asks me. "It's pretty much a hurricane, but not as bad." I say quietly. He nods. "It's still pretty bad. I'll be honest. But we're safe and it could be a lot worse." I tell him. "Is mommy ok?" He asks very concerned. I nod. "Yes, she texted me telling me everything was ok. They still have power so tomorrow when it's safe to leave we're gonna head over there until we get power back." He nods. "I wish mommy was here with us." I nod. "Me too bud." I whisper. Honestly, I do want Cheryl here. But I'm not to worried about her so it's not bad. And I get to spend some time with Jason and right now I'm more worried about him and the basement. "I'm worried about her and Nana Rose." He says quietly. "I know. They'll be ok. Mommy is a strong woman and so it Nana Rose. They'll be ok." I tell him. "Are you worried?" He ask quietly. "Yeah! But I'm more worried about you right now. I want you to feel safe." He looks at me. "You're being a bad wife." I laugh quietly. "Jason, your my kid. I have to be more worried about you. I am worried about mommy but I want you to feel safe." I whisper. He nods. We hear a small crash and Jason hugs me tighter. "Hey! It's ok! It was probably just a branch hitting the house! We're ok." I whisper. "I'm scared." He whispers. "I know. You'll be ok." I whisper. I rub his back.

I look at Cheryl. "How was he?" She ask quietly. "He was ok. Little nervous but ok. Then the power went out and I think he almost shat himself." I whisper. She smiles. "He would." I nod. "What about you?" She ask quietly. "Oh! I was fine honestly." She smiles and rubs my cheek. "Flooding?" She ask quietly. "A little but everything is fine." She nods. "Any trees down?" I shake my head. "What about here?" I ask her. "Nana Rose slept through the whole thing." She says sadly. "She's not doing well." She whispers. "If you want to stay here and take care of her. You can." I tell her. "I have someone coming in but it's only durning the day." I nod. "Well our house isn't gonna have power for a while so we can just stay here until then and if something happens between now and then, then it does and we won't have to figure anything out. If something doesn't happen then we'll figure something out or just stay here until it does. I truly don't mind." She nods. "Also I think Jason is afraid of our house right now." She smiles. "We were talking about moving here anyways. Might as well do it now." I say quietly. "What about where we are?" She ask quietly. "You don't want to sell it do you?" She shakes her head. I nod. "We can rent it out." I say quietly. She looks at me. "What? We'll get some extra cash! We can still have the place! We can turn it into an Airbnb. So we'll still have it when we want!" She nods. "I like that idea." I nod. "Ok." I smile. "Let's do that." I whisper.

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