230: The One With The Walls

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I sit down in the booth at the Wyrm, I look at Fangs. "What happened?" I ask handing him a beer. "She never told you?" I shake my head. "Our dad was killed in a car accident when we were 12." He says quietly. "A few years later when we were 16. Our mom, she couldn't ah! Couldn't take it anymore and killed herself. She was Bipolar and it was too much for her especially after our dad died." He explains. "Don't tell Toni I told you any of this. She still hates herself for it." He says quietly. I look at him confused. "They had gotten into a really bad fight. Toni thinks it's her fault that she killed herself, like it was the final straw or something but, I think it was just really bad timing." He says sadly. "Toni's last words to our mom were about how much she hates her. She's never forgiven yourself." He tells me. "Why did you want me to relive this trauma Blossom?" He ask quietly. "She's putting up walls and I couldn't figure out why, until I found this." I pull out a picture and hand it to him. He smiles. "She kept this in her wallet." He looks at me. "Why did you take it out?" I shake my head. "I didn't. She took it out. I don't know why." He sighs. He looks at me. "I tried asking her about it and she got mad." I say quietly. I take a deep breath.

I walk into the house. "Toni! I'm home!" I yell. I walk into the kitchen and see Toni at the counter sulking. I rub her back. "Where were you?" She ask quietly. "I was talking to Fangs." She sighs. "I just don't feel ready to talk about my parents." I nod moving some hair behind her ear. "You don't have to talk to me about it." I say quietly. "Why did you go talk to Fangs about it than?" She ask. "You took this out of your wallet." I say handing Toni the picture. "No, it must have fallen out." She says taking it. "Than why did you yell at me when I brought it up the first?" I ask getting pissed off. "Because I thought you went out of your way to find it. But you're sticking to your story and you would have put it back by now if you actually had my wallet." She says quietly. "I'm sorry for getting pissed off last time." She whispers. I cup her cheeks. "You need to learn how to stop jumping to conclusions!" I whisper. She nods. "I'm gonna go to bed." She says. "I was waiting for you too get home because I didn't want you coming home to a dark house." I smile. "Do you want to take a shower first?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She smiles. I pull her into a kiss. She quickly pulls away. "You've had a bit to drink." She says quietly. "Do you want me to brush my teeth or something?" I ask knowing she hates the taste of alcohol. "No, it's ok." She says quietly. "You sure?" I ask. "I don't mind, I just wasn't expecting it." She takes a deep breath. "I'm ok." She says quietly.

I walk into the bedroom and see Toni sound asleep in bed. I lie down next to her and without any hesitation she rolls over and lies into me. It's like she knows. I rub her back and slowly fall asleep.


I walk out of the bedroom and close the door hoping Cheryl won't notice. I quietly walk downstairs and walk out of the house. I go to my truck and drive off. Once I get to Veronica's apartment building I go and to the elevator. Once I get there I walk to the door. She opens the door immediately. I look at her. "We don't have to do this." She whispers. "Cheryl can't know." I whisper. She nods. "I already have everything ready." We quickly do inside and sit down on the couch. She hands me some popcorn. "Ready?" I nod. She grabs the remote and we start watching Twilight. "These movies suck." I say quietly. "That's why we are watching them." She smiles. "Cheryl can not know about this." She nods.

I walk into the bedroom. "Where were you?" Cheryl ask quietly. "I needed some air." I lie. "For 2 hours?" She ask. "I got lost." I say which isn't wrong it took me 20 minutes longer than I expected to get home. "I'm gonna believe you this one time but if you do it again I'm cutting your hands off." She says pissed. "You're so violent!" I whisper. I pull her close. "How about I make it up to you?" I ask kissing her neck. "You can't just pretend everything is ok with sex." She says. "But you give really head." She whispers pulling me into a kiss. I pick her  up and put her on the bed. "Just be careful." I nod. I help her take off her clothes. I kiss her neck and make sure there's a few hickeys, I kiss down her body. "I would never cheat on you and you know that." I whisper. "Than where you?" She ask between moans as I go down to her thighs kissing closer and closer to her core. "With Veronica." I whisper. "Doing what?" She ask as I take off her underwear. "Talking." I say quietly. "About what?" She ask as I start to go down on her. "You." I say between licks. She grabs my hair. "What about me? Oh god!" She moans. "How much I love you." I say. I bring my fingers up and start fingering her. "Really?" I nod. "And how I can't wait to get married." I let slip. She looks at me. We both stop and sit back away from each other. "You what?!" She ask shocked. "I was gonna wait but I guess it's to late." I say quietly. "You know how we have that thing planned tomorrow?" She nods. "At the end when we got to Pops, I was gonna propose at the counter." I say quietly. "Where we had our first unofficial date after Love, Simon." She kisses me. "I know our relationship has been kinda rocky the past few months but I still love you." I whisper. "I snuck out because it was the only time Veronica had free this week and we also wanted to watch Twilight and mock it." I explain. She laughs quietly. "It's our thing, we watch so bad it's good movies while we talk about our partners." I say quietly. "We do it once a week, you're just at work when we do." I explain. "We're on Twilight now next I think is Grease 2, than um... one of the Spider-man trilogies, than maybe The Princess Bride!" I tell her. "I think we're gonna move onto shows after that." She smiles. "I wish I could join but that seems like a you and V thing." I nod. "I don't know why you thought you were sleeping with her. She's straight." She says. I laugh a little. "What?" I shake my head. "What?" She ask. "It's not my story, but ahh... Veronica isn't as straight as you think she is." I say quietly. "You can't tell anyone and you can't tell her that I told you. She hasn't even told Archie." She nods. "Are you the only one who knows?" I nod. "When do you do that?" She ask quietly. "On my day off during her lunch break." I say quietly. She smiles. "So every Tuesday?" I nod. "Oh! I forgot to say that I would marry you." She whispers. I smile. "My jacket is downstairs and the ring is in there. Can we still do the date thing?" She nods.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now