245: The One With The Nightmares

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Cheryl walks into the bedroom. I look at her. "Better?" She nods. She lies on the bed and goes under the covers. I look over and she just lies there. "Toni?" She looks at me. I nod. "I know this is a lot to ask for but-." I stop here. "I'll be with you forever." I say knowing what she's about to ask. She smiles. It's true, I will love her forever. She's lost to many people in her life. Jason, Nana Rose, even though she hates him she lost her father! I love her too much to leave. She rolls over so her back is to me. She has to fall asleep facing out, so do I. If someone came in here at night and saw us sleeping in the same bed they'd think we got into a fight but in reality even if we're both exhausted we still aren't able to fall asleep without facing out with our backs to each other. We tried switching sides so we would face each other but it didn't work. Now it's just running joke between us. I rub her back gently. "Night babe." She whispers. She turns to look at me and I kiss her. "Night." I smile. "Remember to turn the light off when you're done." I nod. She lies her head back on the pillow and tries to fall asleep, hopefully for the rest of the night. She's already been up 3 times since she's tried to go to bed. She keeps getting nightmares. "Hey, you have work tomorrow right?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I say quietly. "What time?" She ask. "I start at 10 and come home around 5. I'll bring home dinner don't worry." She nods. "Do you want to work on the house this weekend?" She ask rolling over and looking at me. "Yeah." I smile. "I think it'll be a good detraction for a bit." I say quietly. "I'll call Sweet Pea and Fangs to help. It's nice that we can pay them in Pizza and Beer instead of actual money." I say smiling. She smiles a little. "I love you baby." I whisper. "No matter what. Now and forever." I remind her. "I love you too baby."

I walk behind the counter and look at Veronica who's going over the bills and stuff. "She's not ok V. I don't know what to do." I say quietly. She looks at me. "Is she seeing a therapist?" She ask quietly. "No, she can't find one she likes." I whisper. "She's picky about it!" I say slightly frustrated. We hear the bell ring. I look up and see a guy. "How can we help you today?" I ask smiling. He looks at me and pulls out a gun. I take a deep breath. "Give me your money!" He says. "There's none in the register." I say quietly. He puts the gun closer to me. "Where is it?" He ask pissed. "In back." I say quietly. "Go!" I nod and we slowly go back into the office. I take a deep breath and fight him. Next thing I know there's a loud gun shot and I feel a pain in the stomach. I The guy realizes what he did and runs out. I lie on the floor and look at the wound. Veronica comes in. "I need your shirt." I say quietly. "I need to stop the bleeding." I whisper. She nods and helps me. "Call an ambulance!" I say barely able to speak. She nods and does so. I groan as I feel the pressure of the shirt on my stomach. "Do you want me to call Cheryl?" I shake my head. "No, she doesn't need to worry about this right now. If once I get into the hospital then you call her." I whisper. "Holy shit I forgot how much these hurt!" I say.


I walk into the hospital. Veronica stands up and looks at me. "Why didn't you call me sooner?" I ask. "She wouldn't let me call you." She says quietly. "Is she ok?" I ask quietly. She shrugs. "They won't let me know since I'm not family." She says quietly. "What-what actually happened?" I ask quietly. "We were talking, I was going over books, some guy comes into Pops and pulls out a gun, they go in back to get the money and she got cocky and tried to fight him and got shot." She explains. I sit down on a  chair. "Of course she did." A doctor walks out and comes over to us. "Are you Toni's doctor?" I ask. She nods. "Yes, what's yours relationship?" She ask quietly. "She's my wife." I whisper. "Is she ok?" I ask quietly. "No, we couldn't save her." She tells me. "I'm sorry."

I look down at Toni's grave. "I've lost everything." I whisper. Veronica looks at me. "We were gonna start a family together, once I got my life together. With my medication and an actual therapist I could deal with." I explain. I pull out a paper. "This is the house that we were about to move into this house." I say quietly. "Are you going to?" She ask quietly. I look at her. "Haven't decided yet." I whisper. She smiles. "Do it." She says quietly. "Or sell your apartment, move to California or somewhere warm and have that place for when you come home." She suggests. "I want to honor Toni." I whisper. She nods. "So what do you want to do?" She ask quietly. "I want to do go to the house and think." I say quietly. She nods. "Just don't create your own world and cause more harm then good." She says quietly. I look at her. "That was oddly specific." She nods. "I've been watching to much tv." She says quietly. I nod. "Fair enough." I whisper. "I'm gonna go." I say quietly. "Ok, I'll drop off Toni's stuff at work tomorrow afternoon." I nod. "Thanks." I whisper. "If there's anything you want to keep for memory or something you can. Just as long as it's something small." I tell her before walking away. I get in my car and go to the house. It's a fixer upper, but Toni was working on it, we both were on the weekends. I look at the house Toni bought for the two of us. I pull the key out of my pocket and open the door. I look around and I can imagine what our life would have been. Two kids running around like we always talked about, one boy and one girl, with my family history we'd probably have twins. A dog, not a big one, a small one. Toni would be a stay at home mom while I worked for my families company and try to rewrite our family image. I would come home everyday and Toni would be watching tv with the kids, she would get them sucked into Malcom in The Middle or Friends or whatever sitcom she's watching that week. Dinner would be almost ready, not because Toni has to stay at home and be in the kitchen all day! But if it wasn't for her I wouldn't know how to cook. One of the downsides of being a spoiled rich kid. We always had someone always makes you food. If it wasn't for Toni I'd starve to death. Also she's a really good cook and she knows it. Her mom owned a restaurant and she would help out, she also worked at Pops as the head chef and a waitress when she it wasn't that busy but Veronica needs an extra waitress bit to get food out. She loved cooking but she was always willing to drop everything for when we have kids. I don't know why, but she would have at least until the kids we old enough to go to school. Toni was so exited to move into this place! This is gonna be our happy place. We were about to move into this place! We just had to sell our apartment. I walk around the house and start crying. I walk into the kitchen where she started repainting the walls. She wrote a little note that she was gonna paint over.

"Antoinette Topaz and Cheryl Blossom. No matter what, now and forever."

I smile knowing how much she hated her full name, she definitely meant it if she put her full name. She was the love of my life. As needy and fucked up as I am she still loved me through it all.

"Are you ever gonna cover that?" Veronica ask motioning to the wall. "No." I whisper. "It was our thing." I say looking at it. "This place is nice. Toni would have loved it." She says quietly. "Yeah. A pain in the ass to finish fixing. Not because of the amount of grief! Even before that! Toni almost killed herself like 7 times because she would hit a wire and shock herself. I would laugh at her until I was working on the house by myself and did the same thing about 30 times and had to call the boys to help." I explain. "Do you think she knew she was gonna die?" I ask quietly. "What do you mean?" She ask concerned. "Like, when she went to go fight the guy. Did she know what she was doing?" I ask her. "In a away yes. But I think if she didn't do that it, it would have been worse. The guy realized what he'd done and ran out. I think if she didn't try to fight him, he would have done something! I don't know what but it wouldn't have ended well. Like maybe we'd both be dead." She explains. "But if he realized what he'd done with Toni, wouldn't he still have?" I ask quietly. "Maybe, but he might have done something more once he got the money or she knew there was no one she was getting out of there alive. We'll never know. She could have gotten cocky like I said at the hospital." I look at her.

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