238: The One With the All Nighter

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Just saying right now, neither of them are in the right and in this story their entire relationship was toxic and abusive on both sides. Just Toni plays the victim card


I walk into the living room. It's already 4:30 in the morning and we've been fighting for the past 7 hours straight since I told Cheryl that I slept with Veronica before we even thought about dating. We had gotten to a stand still until now. "Why did you do it?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Do what?" I ask knowing exactly what she's gonna call me on because this is the only thing we seem to talk about all week. "You slept with Veronica." She says quietly. "Before we were together!" I insist. "You still slept with her!" She yells. "I'm sorry! I didn't know I was supposed to not sleep with someone I didn't know you knew before we started dating, let me go and rewrite history!" I say sarcastically. She stands up. "I'm not saying that I'm saying you should have told me you slept with my best friend!" She says. "So I should tell you who I've slept with?" I ask. "Most of them you're friends with." I add. "There's Veronica obvious, Betty the entire time saying that she wasn't gay, there was Jughead, there was Josie and there was Jason." I tell her. "You slept with Jason?" I nod. "Oh! And just all the Pussycats!" I add. She looks at me. "You slept with Jason?!" She yells. I nod. "Yeah! You can thank me for Polly and Jason's fighting." I smile. "You can go fuck yourself." I nod. "Happily." I whisper turning away from her. "You know, you're so selfish! All you do is worry about what I've done and how it will piss you off." I tell her. "You're abusive and manipulative! You make everything, about you no matter what!" She says. "Oh! I'm abusive?! You threw a bottle of wine at me in a manic rage!" I yell. She looks at me. "You're such a bitch sometimes! You think you're all that and you're not!" I tell her. "Yeah? At least I know when to stop." I look at her. "Fuck you." I whisper. "This isn't about Veronica is it? I ask. "This is about your insecurities about our relationship!" I whisper. "Is she better?" She ask. "Am I still with her?" I ask pissed. "No." She says quietly. "So what do you think? It was a one night stand! It meant nothing to either of us! We were bored and had a few to many and decided to have sex. Do you want me to tell you it was good? Because it was! It wasn't you but I didn't know that yet! If someone were to sit me down and ask me if I recommend fucking Veronica, I wouldn't say no! But she's not you! You're not Betty, or Josie, or Jughead, or your brother! You are my girlfriend and nothing can change how we fuck!" I explain. She slaps me. "This is what I'm talking about when I say you're abusive!" I scream in her face. "At least I told you who I slept with!" She yells back. "This isn't what we're talking about right now! It's you not realizing that I have put my whole god damn life on hold so you can just treat me like shit!" I yell. "You're so ungrateful and I can't believe I've stuck with you this whole time!" I say in disbelief. "I hope you know that when you go to bed tonight I won't be kissing you Goodnight, I won't be there when you roll over  to kiss me good morning when you wake up, I won't be there ever again. Not until you realize how badly you fucked up and than I still won't be there because I'm done! You're abusive, manipulative, selfish and cold hearted! And I hope one day you will finally realize that and change your life around!" I tell her. "And I hope that I am not there to see it! You don't need me! You think you do! But you don't! You never have and you never will!" I say quietly. "No wonder when I found you you were so alone! I honestly don't blame any of them for leaving! Every time they do you threaten to slit your wrist and no one believes you because you have a track record of do that and never following through with your promises!" I tell her. "Have fun in your self pity. Wake up Cheryl! We aren't in fucking high school anymore!" I say starting to walk into the kitchen. "Slut!" She yells. I turn around. "Cunt!" I yell back. "You're fucking crazy Cheryl!" I say pissed. "I hope you know that!" I add. "Who was there for you?" She ask. I look away. "Who brought you to rehab? Who got you out of your uncle's house? Who helped you graduate? Huh?" She ask pissed. "Certainly wasn't Veronica!" She yells. "Who broke you out of conversion therapy after your own mother put you there against you own will even though you were 18 and could make that decision for yourself?" I ask back. "Me! I did! I was the only one who noticed you were gone! You know I couldn't sleep, or eat, or focus on anything until I knew you were ok!" I yell. "You were the only thing I worried about for 3 fucking days! And then you went and took the biggest shit imaginable on that." I tell her. We sit there in silence for a minute. "That's what I fucking thought you psychotic bitch." I whisper before going upstairs and start packing my bags. She follows me upstairs. "I'm so happy I didn't get married to you." She says. "Yeah? Well, I'm happy for you!" I say grabbing clothes and packing them. "You're still that sad little girl." I say quietly. "Afraid of what your dad is gonna say, what your mom is gonna do to you. Jason was your parents favorite and you desperately tried to change that and failed miserably!" I whisper. "You will never be you parents favorite and you know that. Even in death Jason is doing better in golden child area." I say. "Why are you saying this to me?" She ask almost in tears. "Oh I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings?" I ask sarcastically. "Now you know how I feel every time you open your stupid mouth to criticize me." I tell her. "Wake up and smell the roses Cheryl!" I yell. "You need a fucking reality check and you know it!" I whisper. "I hope you die!" She yells. "You too! See you in hell!" I yell back. "Where are you gonna go?" She ask. "Anywhere is better than here!" I say back. "You're probably gonna go to Veronica's and sleep with her just to piss me off." She says. "Now that you mention it, I might!" I say smiling. "I hate you so much!" She says tears streaming down her face. I nod. "Good for you." I say quietly. "You think you're like the main character and everything has to revolve around you!" She tells me. I nod. "Do you know how much I worry about you relapsing? Do you know how I stuck my neck out for you when my family didn't approve of us dating? Do you know what I've been through with you?" She ask. I don't even say anything and walk out with my bag of stuff. "You can give it but you can't take it!" She says from the top of the stairs. I drop my bag and go up there. I force her against the wall. "I've been taking it from you for the past 8 years of my life. Don't you dare tell me I can't take it!" I say calmer than I should have. She starts laughing. "Now who's the abusive one? You have me up against a wall with no where to go." She whispers. I punch her in the face. "Fuck you! That was abuse!" I tell her. She drops to the ground. I spit in front of her. "Have a nice life Cheryl." I say before going downstairs. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out cunt!" She screams. I walk out of the house and the sun is coming up. I get in my car and drive off. Not knowing where to I go to Pop's. I walk in, sit down at the counter and process the last few hours of my life. "Can I get a coffee?" I ask quietly. Pop Tate nods and gets me a coffee. "Why you here so early?" He ask confused. I grab the cream and put it in my coffee. "Cheryl and I got in a fight. We said some stuff we will both definitely regret in the future and now we're broken up because I told her the second I walked out that door I wasn't coming back and I am sticking to my promise unlike her." I explain. "I'm sorry." He say quietly. "Don't be. It was bound to be over soon. We weren't gonna last much longer." I say before drinking my coffee.

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