273: The One With The New Memories

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"Toni everything has to be perfect!" Cheryl yells clearly freaking out. I look at her. She realizes she just yelled at me and sits down. She sighs. "I'm sorry." She says quietly. "It's just, I use to come here and watch shooting stars with Jason and I thought I could recreate the memories and feelings." She explains. I look at her. "It's ok." I whisper. "I know that there was stuff me and my grandma use to do all the time and I tired to remake those memories by myself and it's not the same, but it's ok. We can create new ones." I tell her. I wipe her tears. "We can come here anytime as long as it's night time and we can see the stars." She smiles. "Or we can come during the d-." She stops me by kissing me. "You're making yourself look like an idiot." We both laugh. I rap my arms around her. "I'm not saying that you have to but, you don't really talk about Jason..." Cheryl sits up. She looks at me. "Again, you don't have to talk about it. Like you can but, if you're still not ready we can just watch the stars and talk about it later." I explain. "I feel like you want to talk about it but later." She says quietly. "A little, honestly but if you want to talk now I'll listen." I tell her. "I want to enjoy this, so I don't disagree with you about not wanting to talk about it." She says quietly. I nod. We both lie down on the blanket, Cheryl lies her head on my chest. "You can't do this with Jason." She hits my stomach jokingly. "Can I ask you something?" I ask quietly. She sits up. "Do your parents know that you're gay?" I ask her. She looks down. "You know they won't care right?" She nods. "I know, trust me! I'm just not ready for them to know." I nod. "Ok. When you're ready." She nods. "Just maybe speed it up because I want to see you be happy and open with everyone." I tell her.

I take a deep breath. "Hey Dad?" I ask walking into the kitchen. He looks at me. "What's up?" He ask smiling. "Um... I was talking to mom yesterday. She's said she's supposed to get out in a month or two." I tell him. He stops. "Yeah?" I nod. "Good behavior?" I nod again. "She shouldn't be there in the first place dad!" He nods. "I know! I just sometimes wonder how things are going to be once she's out." He whispers.

I sit on the couch and pull out my pack of cigarettes. I take one out and light it. I pull the rest out and make a little tower. "Those are gonna kill you!" Cheryl says quietly. "Yeah! It'll give me something to do then." I whisper. "You need a job." She whispers. "Yeah! I'm working on that." I tell her. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "You're making a tower out of your cigarettes and you only do that when you're anxious." She adds. "My mom's getting out of jail." I whisper. "That's good!" I nod. "Yeah, but I just wonder if everything is going to be different. I haven't even seen her in person in a while, like what if she has like, a neck tattoo? Dad will kill her!" She smiles. "Toni, things will be different! But different doesn't always mean bad." I nod. "You'll make new memories with her! That seems to be a running theme in our relationship." I look at her. "Yeah!" I smile. "We'll make new memories! It's ok if things are different." I say quietly. She smiles. "Cool! Now that we have that figured out, can you not smoke in front of me? I don't like it." She ask me. I sit up and put out the cigarette. "Yeah! Sorry!" I say quietly. "You really should quit!" I nod. "Thanks for the reminder!" I whisper. I smile. "Have you ever thought about lighting one and seeing what happens?" She ask quietly. "Yeah, I set a table and couch on fire." I tell her. She nods. I look at her. "You ok?" I ask her realizing something is off. "I talked to my family... about being gay. My dad hasn't talked me since, he's still processing but I don't think he hates me because he just hasn't spoken to anyone! My mom laughed and said she knew, and Nana Rose kinda sat there, she's old so what do you expect?" She explains. "My dad is genuinely in shock!" She says quietly. I nod. "I would be too, you are the only kid he has left, probably dreamt about your wedding day... to a man." I tell her. "Give him time, he's a decent human, he'll come around!" She nods. We hear the front door open and my dad runs in. "What?" I ask confused. "You know where my meds went?" He ask. "Bathroom?" He shakes his head. "Kitchen?" I ask confused. "No, no, already checked both." I take a deep breath. "Did you run out and forgot to get a refill?" I ask. He sighs. "Fuck!" He says quietly. "I'll call your doctor." I tell him. He nods. "Go lie down or something." He nods again and goes to him room. "Can I ask what his problem is?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Oh! OCD. He's heavily medicated so it doesn't get bad, and if he doesn't take his meds it gets bad, the problem is he probably also has ADHD and is very forgetful!" I tell her. "There's a reason I still live here, usually mom helps take care of him." I whisper. "But you know, someone planted drugs in her car and she got sent to jail for 6 years!" I say pissed. I stand up. "I don't want to talk about it!" She nods. "Ok, just come to me if you are." I nod. "Same for you." I whisper. "Speaking of medication, have you been taking yours?" She ask quietly. "No! I'm off it! I was starting to have some really bad side effects, so my doctor took me off it!" I tell her. "Can they do that?" She ask quietly. "I'm not dying and it's not an emergency! I can go off it for a while." She nods. "I'll be fine, just my knee will be in pain for a few weeks!" I explain. "I'll be ok." I add.

I look up and see mom walking out of the prison. She smiles. She comes over to me and hugs me. "Sweetheart!" She smiles. "Who's that?" She ask looking into the car. "Cheryl! My girlfriend!" She nods. Cheryl waves awkwardly. "Hi!" She says quietly. "Is she gonna get out?" Mom ask me. "She's shy." I say quietly. "I like her." She whispers. I nod. "Me too." I whisper.

Choni One Shots pt: 2Where stories live. Discover now